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Thread: Video Games

  1. #376

    Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Here's a new awesome, action packed video game: Rock Simulator!!!!!!

    Rock Simulator 2014 is real, on Steam Greenlight | PC Gamer

    This is a joke isn't it?

    Meanwhile I bought a game on the steam sale called "brothers a tale of 2 sons" for 5 bucks and can honestly say its the best pc title ive played in a while.
    Save 60% on Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons on Steam

    The game is basically in a nutshell 2 brothers on a quest to find a cure for their dying family member. You will however need a controller to play this as each joystick on the controller will control one brother. It is a puzzle/platformer as well as an adventure.
    Pick this up while its still on the sale and you will thank me later.

  2. #377

    Default Re: Video Games

    I think it's a serious game. They even hinted at multi-player. Perhaps the people that are making it are creating it with a spoof in mind, buy you'll actually be able to buy it.

  3. #378

    Default Re: Video Games

    Here is some footage of the new Civilization. I know someone in here said they were pumped about it!

  4. #379

    Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Here is some footage of the new Civilization. I know someone in here said they were pumped about it!

    Bought Civ 5 upon release and ended up returning it for a refund. It was that disappointing compared to previous titles. I have heard however after several patches and expansions it is now worthy of being called a very good game.

  5. #380

    Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Bought Civ 5 upon release and ended up returning it for a refund. It was that disappointing compared to previous titles. I have heard however after several patches and expansions it is now worthy of being called a very good game.
    Yeah, I bought it for MAC with a free $100 iTunes card I received for buying my MAC for school... bought Civ 5 and didn't really like it much.

  6. #381

    Default Re: Video Games

    oh man... bought civ 5 as part of steam's summer sale... hope it's not too bad. so far, most of the games i've bought have been a miss, but on the bright side i didn't pay too much for them. -M

  7. #382

    Default Re: Video Games

    Tastes differ. I bought and enjoyed Civ 5 at launch, though it's possible my history with the franchise made me view it through rose-colored glasses.

    If what you bought includes the two expansions, it has definitely matured a bit in terms of bringing in historical gameplay elements that got dropped for the initial release.

  8. #383

    Default Re: Video Games

    That new Civ game looks awesome!

  9. #384

    Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    oh man... bought civ 5 as part of steam's summer sale... hope it's not too bad. so far, most of the games i've bought have been a miss, but on the bright side i didn't pay too much for them. -M
    The last 2 expansions Gods and Kings and Brave New world have really made it into a great title. That and it has steam workshop which enables you to dl mods at the click of your mouse.

  10. #385

  11. Default Re: Video Games

    just some updates on some games i have played the last 6 months or so

    Destiny - i expected more from the creators of CoD and Halo, esp when it comes to story, which there was virtually none. Gameplay was fun, but got really repeatative, esp when doing repeat challenges and such. It seemed like they just made a shell of a game to showcase what they can do. very disappointing. I put about 30+ hours into it before i sold it on amazon.

    shadow of mordor - not a game i would usually find myself playing but after destiny i was looking for a change of pace. I really enjoyed it. it was like a mix of batman games and assassins creed. had a pretty decent story that kept my attention. put around 30 hours into it as well

    I am currently playing evil within. I find myself only playing it a little bit at a time due to it being stressful and nerve racking. graphics and gameplay are all top notch. the story is nice although i have no idea what the hell is really going on because I dont know whats real or not. but worth a play if you like scary games. makes me look forward to the new silent hill

  12. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    just some updates on some games i have played the last 6 months or so
    shadow of mordor - not a game i would usually find myself playing but after destiny i was looking for a change of pace. I really enjoyed it. it was like a mix of batman games and assassins creed. had a pretty decent story that kept my attention. put around 30 hours into it as well
    I've been loving this game. Great gameplay and not on easy mode. It is too fun

  13. Default Re: Video Games

    I'm playing a lot of WoW right now, sucks when that is the only game friends are playing. I've been thinking about picking up Bayonetta 2 since the reviews are that game are astounding.

  14. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by elitespy View Post
    I'm playing a lot of WoW right now, sucks when that is the only game friends are playing. I've been thinking about picking up Bayonetta 2 since the reviews are that game are astounding.
    I thought all the MMO players hopped over to ArchAge? Twitch was exploding with people playing

  15. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    I thought all the MMO players hopped over to ArchAge? Twitch was exploding with people playing
    Warlords coming out in 2 weeks has a lot of people back in WOW right now. I resubbed a couple months back...granted I was only gone for maybe 4 or 5 months - been playing since BC came out many years back. Wasn't happy with the Pandaria expansion, but the changes in Warlords at least to be positive and I'm actually somewhat excited again. It'll be hard for me to the leave the game completely though since I've been playing in the universe since the original Orcs vs. Humans (Warcraft I) game 18 years ago or so.

  16. Default Re: Video Games

    Just Cause 3 is coming out next year, should be pretty awesome.

    Just Cause 3's Steam listing reveals additional details - PC Gamer

  17. #392

    Default Re: Video Games

    Hopefully, other than the free roam, JC2 sucked.

  18. #393

    Default Re: Video Games

    i need more skyrim and/or fallout. -M

  19. Default Re: Video Games

    I really enjoyed JC2, especially the multiplayer mod they had. Get some friends together and just dick around with the crazy mechanics that game has.

  20. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    i need more skyrim and/or fallout. -M
    there are rumors floating around about a fallout: boston. looking forward to that. yesterday was 3 year anniverserary of Skyrim releasing. Im ashamed to admit i dropped 180 hours on that game.

  21. Default Re: Video Games

    Also for any WoW fans, Warlords of Dreanor hits tonight at midnight so that should be pretty fun as well.

  22. #397

    Default Re: Video Games

    I'll be playing that, but it was a bit of a toss up between hitting it or Dragon Age Inquisition first. WoW won because of some limited time events that'll only be available during the 10th anniversary celebration. I imagine I'll get to DAI over the Christmas break if not before then.

    I'm really hoping for/looking forward to Fallout Boston. Unfortunately it'll probably be a ways past even that before we get another Elder Scrolls game.

  23. Default Re: Video Games

    Quote Originally Posted by elitespy View Post
    Also for any WoW fans, Warlords of Dreanor hits tonight at midnight so that should be pretty fun as well.
    2AM our time to be specific. I'll be in the Blasted Lands ready to go through the portal again with the thousands of others tonight. LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    I'll be playing that, but it was a bit of a toss up between hitting it or Dragon Age Inquisition first. WoW won because of some limited time events that'll only be available during the 10th anniversary celebration. I imagine I'll get to DAI over the Christmas break if not before then.

    I'm really hoping for/looking forward to Fallout Boston. Unfortunately it'll probably be a ways past even that before we get another Elder Scrolls game.
    I'm in the same boat. So many friends are back for WoD, that WOW won out over DAI for now. Also the 10th Anniversary events including Level 100 MC is going to be interesting. I'll pick it up probably once the price drops which won't take long.

  24. Default Re: Video Games

    How are the numbers on WoW these days? I remember when they had that consistent 10 million a month.

    I just wonder how long these expansions keep people interested. I know they scrapped Project Titan so I wonder what they will do next when it comes to WoW.

  25. #400

    Default Re: Video Games

    It's like 7 million-ish these days. Down from the glory days but still fairly impressive.

    Did you see the Overwatch announcement from this year's Blizzcon? The cinematic trailer for it was a lot of fun:

    The gameplay stuff I saw makes it look like a TF2 competitor with a super hero slant.

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