Someone asked for it, but here is a link to today's JR article about how Warren officially said he will add 6 screens to bring it to 20.
The Journal Record - Article
Someone asked for it, but here is a link to today's JR article about how Warren officially said he will add 6 screens to bring it to 20.
The Journal Record - Article
That's all based on how much money they pulled in, not necessarily attendance. With those balcony tickets costing double the price of a normal movie ticket,m it can appear like they did much more business than they really did. I want to see attendance figures.
Also, according to my source, Warren was the 56th highest grossing theatre opening weekend, and 23rd just this past weekend.
What is your source?
The article linked above my post agrees with me; they say 55 and 22. The "3rd in the nation" coms only from the premieres of Leatherheads and Nim's Island, in which Warren was 3rd in the nation for each. Again, thoug, remember that those were in the balcony theatres, so their grosses are inflated in regards to attendance.
Thanks for the info.
I'm still curious to know where they are going to put those additional 6 screens? I know nothing about construction and I'm sure the 6 screens have always been on the backburner as possible additions, but I just don't see where they are going to put them....unless they build "up".
This is pretty much how he handled both of his standalone Theaters in Wichita.... he will add a "wing" to one end. It will probably have it's own lobby area with a concession stand..... that's how he did it in Wichita.
Google Maps
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" ear=&jsv=107&sll=37.698898,-97.458858&sspn=0.091953,0.137672&safe=on&a mp;ie=UTF8&ll=37.698898,-97.458858&spn=0.091953,0.137672&t=k&ou tput=embed&s=AARTsJrM0pzyCQXW2OgMHrORF9vIpW4GN w"></iframe><br /><small><a href=" ear=&jsv=107&sll=37.698898,-97.458858&sspn=0.091953,0.137672&safe=on&a mp;ie=UTF8&ll=37.698898,-97.458858&spn=0.091953,0.137672&t=k&so urce=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
the above pic shows the west Wichita Warren..... the Northernmost part of the building that runs North/South is the add-on..... and the parking lot that is colored differently on the East is the added parking he created with the add-on.
lol It looks like all I needed to do was wait a day to get confirmation on most everything that I said and got blasted on as impossible. Pearl and Metro thanks for the links confirming I am not some crazy internet poster who knows nothing.
I drove by Warren today off I-35 and I still can't see how they would add 4 or 6 or whatever # of screens that they might consider. Land wise, it doesn't make sense to me and then how they would add-on to their new-existing building doesn't jive either. I don't think they can go South or West ... so it would have to be North and if that is the case then they would be taking out the "new drive/road" called Bill Warren Dr or Warren Dr or whatever it is called. I guess they might expand to the West/back of the building but I'm with you - Intrepid - seems hard to envision it!!
From an engineering/construction standpoint, I'm sure it can be done and I never doubted that the additional 6 screens was in the works.
I just don't see where. Someone in a previous post mentioned that a wing was added at another Warren theater, and while that might've worked at that location, I just don't see how a wing can be added to this current building.
Not trying to be a naysayer, just trying to understand where it's gonna happen.
maybe go below ... Warren Cinema Caves .. coming soon below a parking lot near you. Maybe add a little tunnel over to the Furr's.
Sorry, I get this way when I'm out of Diet Coke
What time does the theater open? Maybe I will go there when it opens but there hasn't been any interesting movies except for SpiderWick
You can go to Warren Theatre for showtimes.
Both of their large Wichita theatres expanded by adding a wing on the side, as opposed to the back. I agree that there doesn't seem to be room to do that in this case. I didn't care for the way it made the building assymetrical either.
Did anyone see the premiere of the next Indiana Jones has been set for OKC area in May? New 'Indiana Jones' movie to debut in Oklahoma City |
They have not picked out a movie theatre yet, but where do you think it might show at? I believe Mr. Lucas is a huge THX fan too!
Yeah, Lucasfilm developed THX.
And as much as I've enjoyed Warren Theatre, I'd rather the opening be downtown at Harkin's. It's not as nice of a theater, but it's not slouch and it's got Bricktown around it. Warren has Lowes and Furrs. No contest there.
Any update on the Moore Warren expansion? Last I heard, they were going to add a new lobby to the south with two more balcony theatres with another restaurant and concession stand and a new smaller lobby to the north with four regular stadium seating auditoriums and another concession stand. This would bring the building to a total of 20 auditoriums (4 balcony theatres and 16 stadium seating auditoriums), 5 concession stands, 3 restaurants, and 4 ticket offices. Anyone else heard anything?
I know several of the managers there and they are the ones who told me about the specifics of the addition. They said they were having to off set the addition (two south and four north) because of space. There is not enough room on either side for the entire addition. Also, I was told the final building would look like a "W" when viewed from the air (kinda vain...) to reference 'W'arren.
What gets me is that they told me they would start as soon as the summer season was over. That was three months ago. If they do not hurry, they will not be able to get the new addition open before next summer.
Considering the current, very serious credit crunch that is currently gripping much of the economy, I'm not surprised that many different business expansions are being put on hold -some of them an indefinite hold.
I was up at Warren this past week and was told that the expansion has been cancelled. They also stated that the new theatre planned in North OKC and Tulsa are on hold (probably permanently unless the market picks up). Has anyone else heard this?
I hadn't heard that, but if it's true...FOO! I was really looking forward to the new one near Quail Springs.
I am very happy with the warren theater. I took my wifes sister to the movies a few days ago and we loved every minute of it. I sure hope they open one or two more in the city. The one in Moore is always so busy!
dont get me started on this...please Lord dont..oops..too i go ranting:
..please, tell me why...the Quail Springs Mall area gets EVERYTHING!??!??
*PF Changs, Bravo, Super Target, Books a Million, Fox & Hound, Mimis Cafe, Jasons Deli (no signs of any mall delapitiation at QSM compared to other malls in the city, namely CRM and HP)..
its all right there..all that commerical development,.all those chains, all those big box stores..all nestled together..all that horrendous congested and right south of the borderline in that city where all those lawyers, doctors, and television news personalities reside.
wait a minute..did i just answer my own question? DOH!
would you build your new store in areas where the people who have money live....or would you rather build your new store at 23rd and spencer rd?
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