Originally Posted by
Dob Hooligan
I urge anyone complaining to check maps and drive the area with your own 2 eyes. I did that Friday, on the way to the baseball game. Broadway north of 11th isn't urban dense, and isn't going to be anytime soon. 13th and Broadway has an old Used Car Sales office that has been converted to some financial business, with about 100 parking spaces for a 4,000 ft building. 16th and Broadway isn't realistically part of the urban core, and has no reason to be. I-235 and the railroad tracks wall off the east side and the Heritage Hills East neighborhood blocks the west. Heritage Hills East does not allow entrance from Broadway, and only allows exit to the south at Broadway. I don't think the streetcar will ever be closer than 3 blocks away, and there is almost zero need for walkability. And I'm not aware of any plans to make Alley North so dense that it creates a true walkable area that is economically sustaining.