I stand corrected on the total IAD passenger traffic, you are right, it's not 40+ million/yr, I read it incorrectly on the Metro Wahsington D.C. airports page site for IAD traffic as outbound only, when they were giving it as the total. Although United had 9.4 + million last year at IAD:
Well, United is expanding nonetheless at IAD; Kuwait City, Bahrain (via direct service through Kuwait City), Moscow, Geneva are all destinations United has recently added. Plus Ghana, Accra was launched yesterday from IAD. Does that mean nothing also? We'll see.
As far as DCA and BWI being able to handle Dulles' passengers, that may be done through significant enhancements to terminal facilities at both airports, but the types of aircraft that Dulles handles daily, without significant airfield enhancements, nope. I'm talking about the plethora of international widebodies that descend to IAD daily. Plus, DCA has no room for expansion of its airfield. It's done as far as runway lengthening goes.