Significant progress has been made on this front at OU but this is what was said this last summer.
“Jim Gallogly, who becomes OU president July 1, said he spent months sorting out the financials of the university "and frankly I'm not pleased with what I have found.” Gallogly said expenses are outpacing income by $36 million each year and the Norman campus is nearly $1 billion in debt.”
Boren claims “The amount of debt is similar in scope to Oklahoma State University and similarly rated public universities” …..But what Boren doesn’t discuss is how under his watch OU debt rating was at one time downgraded costing OU more money to service its debt…I believe the rating has been restored? But who else has has had their debt downgraded ?
While I strongly agree the state needs to better fund OU I also strongly agree with what Gallogly says here ”OU needs to put our house in order” before asking the Legislature for more money.”
Since no responsible person likes waste I believe in the not too distant future OU will start receiving increased state appropriations along with more significant donations.