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Thread: OKC Light Rail System?

  1. #276

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    The name calling is cute. You're true colors are really starting to show through.

    Japan != Oklahoma City metro area. You know that already.

    The link you posted earlier I've already looked at. However, how is the CJR site going to call them what the OKC ridership projects are going to be. Also, what is the operating cost for it to be ran in the US? You keep dodging and fail to answer the question. Are you admitting you simply don't know? It is okay to say you don't know something and we can discuss this like adults and research together. However, the tactic you are taking now is proving to be very telling. It is like flashes of Thunder are coming back when it comes to being a distraction to this forum.
    Dentures, I think you meant flashes of lightning. Light flashes & Thunder is more of a rumbling.

  2. Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    This is an (Example) of real numbers for you. Not a study that has been paid for to produce a particular outcome Venture. In the business world, we try to use real data. So, go back and read to Operations ( they even put it in an excel ss for you ). Have fun!
    Hmm, you might need to check your link. No section call "Operations" there and just PDFs for everything. Feel free to post a direct link to the data and I'll look at it.

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    Dentures, I think you meant flashes of lightning. Light flashes & Thunder is more of a rumbling.
    Thunder was a poster that became a distraction here and was perma-banned.

  3. #278

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    Hmm, you might need to check your link. No section call "Operations" there and just PDFs for everything. Feel free to post a direct link to the data and I'll look at it.

    Thunder was a poster that became a distraction here and was perma-banned.
    You mean someone else had a different opinion than you? .....say it isn't so.

  4. Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    You mean someone else had a different opinion than you? .....say it isn't so.
    Actually I got along with Thunder most of the time, but he got too out of line. Regardless...I'm still waiting for that direct link to the excel file or the Operations section so I can review that data.

  5. #280

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    hey pants, you are getting it. ...and some of the events in OKC, you could even walk to.
    Hey man, I'm totally buying into your enthusiasm.
    I'm not going to be content until I have Garth Brooks flying by my house on top of a bullet train totally Teen Wolf style, complete with a flaming guitar to light the torch at the inevitable OKC Olympic ceremony.

  6. #281

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    In all seriousness...I generally dont post in these sections because the discussions are generally wout of my realm of expertise. I've just had to chime in as the thread has seemed to jump the shark.

    There are some well reasoned arguements being thrown out here for a long term transportation plan for OKC. It also seems that some are just letting their enthusiasm get in the way.Vision, have to appreciate your passion you just might want to learn a little tact.

  7. #282
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    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Apparently you don't know that the Heartland Flyer route is one of the more successful route for Amtrak...
    Uh....no it isn't. Sorry.

  8. #283

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    Heck, since we're sparing no expense at high speed travel, why stop at HSR, give me a freakin transporter. Stop thinking small people we can do this!
    Man I was thinning about some kind of device that breaks down your DNA and atoms, transports them to another location in the fraction of second via wormhole, then rebuilds them in the same order and then BAM, you are where you need to be, you might not be the same person, but your were you wanted to be(at one point or another ).

    What is that thing called again?

  9. #284

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    You act like we don't think this stuff exists or that we wouldn't want to have it. We know it exists. I would be the first one in line if we got it. But I realize the impracticality of thinking our city of 1.2M metro could support a system used by a city/region of 12M+. Another example, the maglev in Shanghai, cost $1.2B to build and it is less than 20 miles long, but it supports a 24M metro population. Let's prove that we can wisely implement and manage our few mile $130M streetcar first, eh? Then lets make sure we can pull off commuter rail. Then, we'll see... baby steps...
    In region of a hundred million+ people, that is important too lol....

  10. #285

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    About the Shinkansen | Central Japan Railway Company

    Hey Dentures, here are your numbers you were looking for. I gave them to you last time, but you must have missed them. Let me know how "CJR" is not successful. But, you said you wont be using this MagLev commuter line from Norman. ????
    Huh, comparing the largest city in the world to the 30th largest city in the US, interesting.

    Also, did you really just call Venture a set of false teeth? What a dumb insult.

  11. Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Huh, comparing the largest city in the world to the 30th largest city in the US, interesting.
    Also, did you really just call Venture a set of false teeth? What a dumb insult.
    Creativity is not strong with this one. Lol

  12. #287

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    Creativity is not strong with this one. Lol
    Yet . . . Having said all that . . . Wouldn't it be nice for The Portland Trailblazers and Their Fans to emerge from the arena of conflict on New Year's Eve and board a streetcar that reminds them of home?

  13. #288
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    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Don't look now, but with the help of the Japanese, we may get maglev in the US! For the low-low price of $8 BILLION from Baltimore to DC (37 miles). That's ONLY $162M per mile! Sweet!

    Can't wait to try it (seriously).

    Japan offers to lend US half the cost of 'Super Maglev' train between Washington and Baltimore - Telegraph

  14. #289

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    Don't look now, but with the help of the Japanese, we may get maglev in the US! For the low-low price of $8 BILLION from Baltimore to DC (37 miles). That's ONLY $162M per mile! Sweet!

    Can't wait to try it (seriously).

    Japan offers to lend US half the cost of 'Super Maglev' train between Washington and Baltimore - Telegraph
    ... It's getting closer.

  15. Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKVision4U View Post
    ... It's getting closer.
    As long as some other country is subsidizing it because we can't afford it ourselves.

  16. #291
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    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    $4B is still A LOT of money for that small stretch of track, but it's bleeding edge tech, so that's good...

  17. #292

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    $4B is still A LOT of money for that small stretch of track, but it's bleeding edge tech, so that's good...
    It is exactly where we are heading. The MagLev Technology is simply the best. The Japanese know what they are doing.

  18. Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    I don't think anyone doubts the technology...just the price tag. I'm all for next generation and the latest and greatest, but I can't let that ambition get ahead of what this country is will to spend money on. I'm a firm believer we should already have a base on the moon by now and trips to Mars, but there is no ambition in spending the money on the space program anymore.

  19. #294

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by venture View Post
    I don't think anyone doubts the technology...just the price tag. I'm all for next generation and the latest and greatest, but I can't let that ambition get ahead of what this country is will to spend money on. I'm a firm believer we should already have a base on the moon by now and trips to Mars, but there is no ambition in spending the money on the space program anymore.
    Just think how much more advanced we would be if all the money going to military budgets were devoted to earth infrastructure and space exploration.

  20. #295

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Why does everything have to be so darn complicated? According to the story the 37 mile journey currently takes one hour. At a cost of over $8 billion they can cut that down to 15 minutes using mag-lev. How fast could they do it with a conventional train if they elevated the track the entire way like they would with mag-lev? It isn't like this mag-lev will be setting any speed record. 37 miles in 15 minutes is only 147 mph. Seems like a BIG waste of money to me plus when they are done, the mag-lev can't easily be expanded. I prefer to stay away from any transit technology that isn't easily scalable.

  21. #296

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Just think how much more advanced we would be if all the money going to military budgets were devoted to earth infrastructure and space exploration.
    Do you know how much gasoline would cost if we did that? Of course, that is a rhetorical question because if we diverted the military budget to mass transit we wouldn't care what gasoline cost. Kind of makes you think doesn't it.

  22. Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Do you know how much gasoline would cost if we did that? Of course, that is a rhetorical question because if we diverted the military budget to mass transit we wouldn't care what gasoline cost. Kind of makes you think doesn't it.
    The military budget probably would have made Walt Disney's people mover transportation system a reality which would make oil worthless.

  23. #298

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    As long as we've jumped the shark, is there a reason people need to be able to go from DC to Baltimore in under 20 minutes?

  24. #299

    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    As long as we've jumped the shark, is there a reason people need to be able to go from DC to Baltimore in under 20 minutes?
    There will always be interested in saving some time, though reductions under 20 minutes you are starting to get diminishing returns. Baltimore would probably be the bigger winner there since a sub 10 minute trip (The TVG could do it around 6 minutes) plus probably five minutes on both sides for getting to/from the station makes it much more palatable commute time.

  25. #300
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    Default Re: OKC Light Rail System?

    And then there's this...

    China Is Spending $100 Billion On 4,100 Miles Of New Railway Lines This Year
    China New Railway Lines - Business Insider

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