Wow did anyone hear on Channel 5 news about John Q Porter supporters saying that they will not support the Ford Center improvements if he is fired?!?!
They had a few interviews and one of them was by Rev. Teron Gaddis, and he said this
"What we are understanding about this NBA and the big league that it is not going to help our education at all. While it may do great things for Bricktown, its not going to do great things for minority children. Its not going to do great things for the drop out rate. Its not going to do great things for the educational system that we have."
I cannot believe he said "it may do great things for Bricktown".. Uhh I would say, if we do improvements and get an NBA team, it would do great things for Oklahoma City and Oklahoma as a whole. Wow what a close minded statement.
Also I was unaware that the Ford Center was in Bricktown. I was pretty sure that Bricktown starts east of Broadway.