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Thread: Von Maur

  1. #251

    Default Re: Von Maur

    The store in Birmjngham is a new location. You can't judge product off of 1 single location more less one that doesn't even have LY numbers. I'm a area manager for a retailer and have been with my company for 16 yrs. in our company (like most) the inventory levels will be based on sell throughs and overall volume. You can have 2 stores in similar markets but if one is doing 30-40% more business it's simple logistics that that store will have deeper depth in product and selection. Btw

  2. #252

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Staffing up in advance of their opening in just a few months:

    Von Maur prepares for October opening in Oklahoma City | News OK

  3. Default Re: Von Maur

    I really hope this starts a revitalization of Quail Springs. I used to go to that mall all the time as a kid and worked there in high school at a few shops.

  4. #254

    Default Re: Von Maur

    The "M" is now up on the southside.

  5. #255

    Default Re: Von Maur

    I went to Dillard's at Penn Square Mall today (What a mistake! Didn't realize it was tax free weekend) and discovered they have dropped some of their better lines. They are picking up Ralph Lauren Blue, which is not Black but hopefully will be good. I will definitely be checking out Von Maur's merchandise despite the ghastly drive.

  6. #256

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Betts, I did the same thing yesterday, forgetting about the sales tax holiday weekend. We went to the school uniform store to pick up a couple of (not urgently needed) things for my daughter. When we walked in the door, we were given a piece of paper to fill out. The guy then said someone would help us when an associate got freed up. There were probably 25 people sitting there waiting and maybe six sales associates. After about ten seconds I looked at my daughter and told her we weren't going to stay. We then went home, ordered the things at the store's online site, got free shipping and got the sales tax discount as well. The only things we couldn't get online were hair accessories. No biggie. Hell, I'd even pay EXTRA sales tax to not fight those crowds. Not my cup of tea.

  7. #257

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Visual documentation of aforementioned M

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20140802_150921.jpg 
Views:	150 
Size:	1.19 MB 
ID:	8863

  8. Default Re: Von Maur

    There will be cupolas above each entrance (much like below), which I didn't see in the intial renderings...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	pg2-VonMaur.jpg 
Views:	125 
Size:	705.5 KB 
ID:	8864

  9. #259

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    The "M" is now up on the southside.
    as long as it spends a pair of pants through the money. Something we all can agree on

  10. #260

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    as long as it spends a pair of pants through the money. Something we all can agree on
    HUH? You're being very cryptic again tonight, plupan.

  11. #261

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    as long as it spends a pair of pants through the money. Something we all can agree on
    Man! I wish I would have read this when it was posted! I would have locked up my monkeys!

  12. #262

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
    Man! I wish I would have read this when it was posted! I would have locked up my monkeys!

  13. #263

    Default Re: Von Maur


  14. #264

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Thats going to be a beautiful store.

  15. Default Re: Von Maur

    To say it looks better than Sears is an understatement. Can't wait to see it!

  16. #266

    Default Re: Von Maur

    It looks awesome. Should set a new bar for OKC retail. I wonder how/if Dillard's and Macy's QSM locations will respond?

  17. Default Re: Von Maur

    The architecture would indicate this store is geared towards the folks living down the street at Epworth Villa.

  18. #268
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    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    The architecture would indicate this store is geared towards the folks living down the street at Epworth Villa.
    Care to elaborate? Ever been to or shopped at a Von Maur?

  19. Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Care to elaborate?
    I think Cuatro is referencing the cupolas.

  20. #270

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Just received "invitation" from Von Maur in the mail, Grand Opening October 18th. And of course an invitation to apply for their credit card, interest free guys.

  21. #271

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by Chitty View Post
    Just received "invitation" from Von Maur in the mail, Grand Opening October 18th. And of course an invitation to apply for their credit card, interest free guys.
    I'm sure it was a mass mailing. I received the same offer and deposited it in the proper receptacle.

  22. #272

    Default Re: Von Maur


  23. #273

    Default Re: Von Maur

    But try and walk to it. Look at all that parking. I'm ready for walkable retail and will shop at Von Maur when they build a store I can walk to.

  24. Default Re: Von Maur

    Well don't go on a busy day and you'll be right by the front door

    don't mean to act like im coming after you but a) its a mall in suburbs b) there is a chance you'll have to walk a bit but you want a store you can walk to? c) its a big department store and very unlikely there will be one here in an urban environment.

  25. #275

    Default Re: Von Maur

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    Well don't go on a busy day and you'll be right by the front door

    don't mean to act like im coming after you but a) its a mall in suburbs b) there is a chance you'll have to walk a bit but you want a store you can walk to? c) its a big department store and very unlikely there will be one here in an urban environment.
    I agree. Quail Springs Mall is a suburban shopping mall. I don't see why that is a surprise to anybody. OKC is still a long way, likely decades, from being able to support retail on that scale downtown. Even larger cities that are much farther along in developing their core have their upscale department stores in the suburbs.

    Von Maur will be great for QSM and I am looking forward to what it will do for the mall long-term.

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