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Those are symptoms of their broader problems. The problem is their audience is and has changed drastically, just like the rest of the print industry in the last decade. Arguably, the Oklahoman has responded to it as well or better than other, larger, more entrenched papers, but even still their basic print-based model is all-but disappearing. Part of the reason is social media, of which OKCTalk is a prime example. That is why the Oklahoman's reps responded as they did. Sources like this (and it's not limited to OKCTalk) are the burr under print media's saddle. And they know which social media sources are credible, and which aren't; you don't see their sports reporters bucking with indignance over some random, anonymous post on an OU football message board. But a site like this is credible, hence their reaction is to discredit it.
What's also important to understand is that Lackmeyer and others from the Oklahoma lurk here; Lackmeyer was, at one time, a fairly regular contributor until he opted to bail for reasons I honestly don't remember. But they do still lurk. And that fact, unpublished and generally unknown, is the greatest demonstration of just how fearful they are not merely of OKCTalk, but of the social media information distribution system in general.
And they should be. The more insular, defensive, and petulant they become, the more they reveal they have no answer for it. A spirit of cooperation with *all* forms of media would serve everyone far better, in the spirit of serving the community with the information all are working so hard to cultivate. Right now, it's a bunch of teenagers with unchecked Twitter accounts. That's embarrassing.