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Thread: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

  1. #251

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    You just have to tip your hat to Andrew Wiggins. The kid is turning into the young Lebron James most experts thought he could become. I know he didn’t call “bank” on that last shot, but it was an amazing play nonetheless.

  2. #252
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    Thunder Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Though loss.

    Give these guys time to jell. We have new additions to the team; they will need to adjust to one another.

  3. Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by chuck5815 View Post
    You just have to tip your hat to Andrew Wiggins. The kid is turning into the young Lebron James most experts thought he could become. I know he didn’t call “bank” on that last shot, but it was an amazing play nonetheless.
    Well I look at it as some karma for Melo.... in 2003 one and done Melo almost single handedly beat the Jayhawks for a National Championship and last night a former one and done Jayhawk stole his Thunder.

  4. #254

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    Well I look at it as some karma for Melo.... in 2003 one and done Melo almost single handedly beat the Jayhawks for a National Championship and last night a former one and done Jayhawk stole his Thunder.
    True. Although I would also argue that our own Nick Collison played a big role in the Jayhawks' defeat that night. He shot 3/10 from the free throw line.

  5. #255

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Vu View Post
    It probably doesn't go like that often cause his defender is already surrounding the paint. They get to help their team by surrounding Adams for PnR, and going unpunished for leaving him open at the 3.
    Which is why you put Robes in a pick and poll as a screener. If he screens for a playmaker and his man is in the paint then they would get destroyed with either wide open jump shots or free runs to the basket. Both of those actions require Andre's defender to come up on him.

  6. #256

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Roberson has to be used as a screener/cutter and needs to move on offense or else his minutes will be seriously limited and he'll be relegated to 'specialty defender' status. The arrival of Paul George makes Roberson less of a dire need in the starting lineup and Roberson with the bench absolutely annihilates spacing.

    I'm aware of his defensive prowess as much as anyone, but him standing with his hands on his knees in the corner is inexcusable. His freethrows are obvious, but what's more frustrating is that he's been used like that for the past few years. Why?? He needs to move when he's on the floor or else he's borderline unplayable against teams that don't have dominate wing scorers.

    Some of the blame rightfully falls on Roberson for his flaws, but if Billy doesn't utilize him properly when he's on the floor then he's as much to blame.

  7. #257

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Even with Goerge, OKC doesn't have the luxury of just benching Roberson. Abrines was absolutely torched down the stretch. But, yeah, Roberson should probably play less against teams without dominant wings. If he can get his pyche right, I'd like to see his minutes swing between 15-20 (facing bad offensive wings) to 30-35 (facing great offensive wings).

  8. Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by chuck5815 View Post
    True. Although I would also argue that our own Nick Collison played a big role in the Jayhawks' defeat that night. He shot 3/10 from the free throw line.
    HAHA.... Umm... There's no reason to remember that!

  9. #259

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Small sample size obviously, but I thought Josh Huestis played decent defense last night and rebounded the ball well. Ferguson sprained his ankle which is why Huestis played in the first place, but I'd like to see him get some more minutes to see what he's like.

    Dude's been in the G-League for like 13 years, see if he's useful or get rid of him.

  10. #260

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18


  11. #261

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    I'm completely on the Huestis train. Team played much better defense when he was in for Abrines. (I think Abrines is going to be good btw, but he's obviously not a defender)

  12. #262

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake View Post
    Roberson has to be used as a screener/cutter and needs to move on offense or else his minutes will be seriously limited and he'll be relegated to 'specialty defender' status. The arrival of Paul George makes Roberson less of a dire need in the starting lineup and Roberson with the bench absolutely annihilates spacing.

    I'm aware of his defensive prowess as much as anyone, but him standing with his hands on his knees in the corner is inexcusable. His freethrows are obvious, but what's more frustrating is that he's been used like that for the past few years. Why?? He needs to move when he's on the floor or else he's borderline unplayable against teams that don't have dominate wing scorers.

    Some of the blame rightfully falls on Roberson for his flaws, but if Billy doesn't utilize him properly when he's on the floor then he's as much to blame.
    I get that people like his defense....I do too. But man its hard trying to convince yourself (myself) we need his defense when other teams completely disregard him in OUr half-court sets. Then we doubled down on him and sign him to another contract when Avery Bradley is out there who defends better than him and scores too. I like him and understand his defensive contributions but after so long we become insane to presume we can do the same things and get different results.

    Then again, im sure I sound like such a hypocrite when expressing elation that we got carmelo Anthony yet expecting him to buckle down and play defense when it was never his strong-suit. I was skeptical at first but after the trade I have been all-in. Maybe we just need to give OUr thunder more time to gel? I do like and trust Coach Donovan so I bet he gets this all figured out

  13. #263

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Avery Bradly does not defend better than Roberson.

  14. #264

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake View Post
    Avery Bradly does not defend better than Roberson.
    Roberson has his issues, but the number one problem with the anti-Roberson group is they refuse to admit that Roberson is an elite defender who changes the game on that end of the floor. He is head and shoulders above Avery Bradley not just because of his skill, but his defensive versatility (not saying I wouldn't consider a Bradley for Roberson trade). Part of this is that a lot of people see defense just being about effort, not as a skillset. Roberson has elite defensive skills that other players cannot replicate with effort.

    I'm not tryhing to be a Roberson homer. His offesive problems, especially right now, are a real issue. But we can't ignore Roberson's track record of contributing to team success.

  15. #265

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Per Fred Katz of the Norman Transcript, there are rumblings that Roberson had an injection in his knee before the season and Donovan hinted in interviews that he's "working his way back." Roberson isn't playing that well right now, but 2/3rds of the roster aren't really either.

    It's been literally 3 games. Just give him and the team time. I have faith Roberson will be fine, as will the rest of the players.

  16. #266

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    I'm all for 'playoff Roberson'. But so far these first few games, it has been embarrassing. I felt horrible for him last night with those freethrows. His confidence has got to be at an all-time-low.

  17. #267

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    I feel terrible for the fans who have to watch his feeble attempts and the owners for paying him as a world class talent throwing up that garbage. I think the time has passed and he needs to start practicing the underhand technique of Rick Barry.

  18. #268

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18


    I like Robertson I do. The guy is.....lets just call it ' challenged' on the offensive side of the ball, to say the least or be nice however you want to look at it. And its just my opinion but Avery Bradley is hands down better at guarding the 2 position. But that's why Andre is so valuable, the guy played as a big man at Colorado I believe. So he can grab boards and defend multiple positions.

    But it doesn't matter what he does defensively when he handicaps the half court offensive sets. Its not hard to see it. Its clear as day. Guys just do not respect him and simply clog the lanes.

    Look, I like Andre but.....Andrew wiggins? 10-20 for 27 points last night.

    Like I said before. I trust coach Donovan to iron this out. Doubt there is a bigger THUNDER fan than me but I am also not blind.....he is a problem for us in OUr halfcourt offense....PERIOD! He sucks at free throws, he awkwardly shoots the ball before he jumps and the ball rolls off the side of his hand on the way there, he hairballs free throws....like, lmbo, the heck are we talking about here Lol.....he bet on his self and hit the free market then came right back to OKC.

    Its like, why can't we acknowledge the guy is a decent defender that sucks offensively (stating the obvious) without being a hater? Its the truth.....just wish we could have AT LEAST given Avery Bradley a shot.....A better 2 guard defender and WAAAAYYYY better offensively!

  19. #269

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    If he was an ELITE defender surely somebody else would've out bid us. Lets stop kidding ourselves.

  20. #270

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    I think OKC_on_mines hit it on the head. The "problem" with the "haters" is that we've poorly argued that there'd be a better trade off with an average 2 way player. Call me out if I misinterpreted your point OKC_on_mines.

    I thought I demonstrated that by pointing out the Kanter hypocrisy.

  21. #271

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Spot on for half the point. I just have trouble with the notion that pointing out Andre being a handicap for OUr half court sets makes me anti-Robertson. I actually like the guy. I have always hoped he could mature into half of what Jimmy butler does (or cj mccollum, klay Thompson, kawhi Leonard, Avery Bradley, the old wesley mathews, etc).

  22. #272

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    I would argue the legitimacy of kanter till I was red in the face.....but he never developed defensively. All that footwork offensively and yet it never translate to defenisvley moving his feet into good position....he played in cement on defense.

  23. #273

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    I'm glad you like him. Seeing him made me wish we kept Thabo with his pump fake two step brick. Heck I'd have settled for Tony Allen, and I laughed when he was on the court.

  24. #274

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Poor thabo Lol....he shot the 3 better when he want in OKC oddly enough.

  25. #275

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2017-18

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC_on_mines View Post
    Poor thabo Lol....he shot the 3 better when he want in OKC oddly enough.
    I think its cause ball movement was a bigger deal on the Hawks than in OKC.

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