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Thread: Cannabis

  1. #2626

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by OkieNate View Post
    It can be your opinion and also be myopic and hypothetical, which all appear to be true and based on your opinion on marijuana. You not recognizing this country seems like a major positive. Currently the common values of the American public is, lets give recreational marijuana a shot and release millions of people from prison for a plant, and boast our economy with jobs and a larger work force. And just a thought maybe YOU think its changed so much and so fast because you refuse to get with the times and think openly and progressively. And that is just my opinion.
    I've been a Bernie supporter -- because of the economics. I've been a democratic socialist since 1976. That I might have different opinions on SOME cultural issues doesn't always mean I am not progressive or "refuse to get with the times." That shows a mindset that IS completely different from my generation. Many of us don't believe that "If you don't agree with ME - you are just wrong." We can disagree without you basically, saying, "OK Boomer." Why is it SO hard for your generation (I'm guessing much younger than me) to allow for opinions different from your own? It's a pack mentality that says *everything* is US versus THEM. BTW, to say," Currently the common values of the American public IS..." reeks of this very description above. The public square is not just your corner of it my friend.

  2. #2627

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blue Sky View Post
    Don’t hold this against me folks. Be easy.I don’t see how putting drivers onto the road, high on pot, is going to be a good thing? We already deal with wayyy too many drivers drunk on the road. Killing innocents all the time. So, how does driving high make the roads safer?I see the benefits in pain relief for people and medicinal purposes, but I see this as like legalizing Xanax OTC for all. I see this “recreational use” as like “recreational benzos.” I guess I’m not “woke” enough to want to see drivers on the road high. Too many die. So others can enjoy themselves? Some views on this may seem old-fashioned. But not every old-fashioned view is wrong.That’s how I feel about it anyway.
    Your point made wasn't supported. To support your point, I wonder if the cops in towns that have had dozens of med pot dispensaries open up have seen an unusual increase in car accidents? Hopefully, people can sense when they're too high to safely drive and won't.

    I think the booming medical marijuana industry is going to help local economies far more than cause any harm. New jobs are being created. Old vacant store fronts are being reopened. Experienced people in the industry from legal states are moving in to help out. It's been quite an amazing story that led up to this point.

  3. #2628

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blue Sky View Post
    I've been a Bernie supporter -- because of the economics. I've been a democratic socialist since 1976. That I might have different opinions on SOME cultural issues doesn't always mean I am not progressive or "refuse to get with the times." That shows a mindset that IS completely different from my generation. Many of us don't believe that "If you don't agree with ME - you are just wrong." We can disagree without you basically, saying, "OK Boomer." Why is it SO hard for your generation (I'm guessing much younger than me) to allow for opinions different from your own? It's a pack mentality that says *everything* is US versus THEM. BTW, to say," Currently the common values of the American public IS..." reeks of this very description above. The public square is not just your corner of it my friend.
    I know ruby red republicans, dear friends of mine, who fully support medical and rec marijuana so I don't see your point. Actually I don't see what positive about being the same since 1976. And if you hear "OK Boomer" from what I said, fine, you're free to interpret it that way, but its very "victim" of you. You shared an opinion I dont agree with I shared one you don't agree with.

  4. #2629

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by OkieNate View Post
    I know ruby red republicans, dear friends of mine, who fully support medical and rec marijuana so I don't see your point. Actually I don't see what positive about being the same since 1976. And if you hear "OK Boomer" from what I said, fine, you're free to interpret it that way, but its very "victim" of you. You shared an opinion I dont agree with I shared one you don't agree with.
    Yeah, disagree with me while at the same time insulting me with your lack of respect. And I returned in kind to show that this ‘Only me and my generation are what makes up common values,” is crap.I don’t see any positives about writing off my experiences and claiming only yours are valid because I’ve lived longer than you and how dare I have a consistent value since 1976. I hope that SETTLES it. I disagree. You disagree. I’m through with you. You show zero respect for other viewpoints claiming you and others of LIKE MIND are what makes up this country’s common values. Such arrogance, I’m not surprised you didn’t “get my point.” Step away from your video games. Finished.

  5. #2630

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Well either legalize it or keep throwing people in the slammer and destroy their lives and their family's lives. I think the common majority of people (of all ages) would rather see it legal. There will always be some people that over do it just like boozing it up and driving but what you gonna do?

    MJ should have never been illegal in the first place. Assuming this gets passed is like righting a wrong.

  6. #2631

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blue Sky View Post
    I see the benefits in pain relief for people and medicinal purposes, but I see this as like legalizing Xanax OTC for all. I see this “recreational use” as like “recreational benzos.”
    The fact that you compare this to Xanax is the most concerning to me. The equivalent MIGHT be NyQuil (although again, Cannabis will be less lethal). The only close comparison we have to Xanax is Liquor... the other substance that can kill you if you try to stop consuming it.

    An no, legalizing cannabis doesn't mean legalizing people driving high any more than the availability of over the counter cold and allergy meds has led to a major increase of medicated drivers getting in accidents. it will remain illegal - just like it's illegal to drive under the influence of any medication if it affects your ability to drive. And to be honest, I'd rather share the road with someone high on cannabis than medicated with a strong cold medication.

  7. #2632

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    ... And to be honest, I'd rather share the road with someone high on cannabis than medicated with a strong cold medication.
    Or with someone drunk.

  8. #2633

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

  9. #2634

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    An no, legalizing cannabis doesn't mean legalizing people driving high any more than the availability of over the counter cold and allergy meds has led to a major increase of medicated drivers getting in accidents. it will remain illegal - just like it's illegal to drive under the influence of any medication if it affects your ability to drive. And to be honest, I'd rather share the road with someone high on cannabis than medicated with a strong cold medication.
    The biggest reason there's so much resistance to marijuana legalization is the stigma. If it wasn't for the image associated with marijuana; that of a deadbeat stoner who can't hold a job and leeches off society, it would already be legal. Another factor is that it's still widely associated with the counterculture of the 1960s, often blamed for the moral decline of American society. If people just look past the stigma and look at the facts, they will see that there's no reason this plant should be illegal. You don't have to like cannabis or stoner culture to support legalizing it.

  10. #2635

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Yeah, but I don't care much about the high excise tax and allowing municipalities the option to vote out. Those two things won't act to discourage the black market. Too much in the petition copies off what other legal states do.

    I'm not sure there is much rural county vote to be had, if they can opt out from having rec dispensaries. Many conservative rural people would probably vote no, anyway, since the petition refers to municipality, not county.

    It will be interesting to see if the petition has good funding. Because running a marijuana petition for a constitutional amendment with no funding to pay signature takers always fails.

  11. #2636

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    I read the petition and will not sign it, and if it goes on the ballot, will vote against it. It seems like a logistical nightmare for dispensaries and would seemingly ban public smoking.

    The law we have now is great, and more than good enough until a well-written recreational petition is crafted. There are many red flags with the current petition.

  12. #2637

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I read the petition and will not sign it, and if it goes on the ballot, will vote against it. It seems like a logistical nightmare for dispensaries and would seemingly ban public smoking.

    The law we have now is great, and more than good enough until a well-written recreational petition is crafted. There are many red flags with the current petition.
    I agree with you that the current system in Oklahoma is great, but what it is about the recreational petition that's a logistical nightmare? What are the red flags?

  13. Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    The biggest reason there's so much resistance to marijuana legalization is the stigma. If it wasn't for the image associated with marijuana; that of a deadbeat stoner who can't hold a job and leeches off society, it would already be legal. Another factor is that it's still widely associated with the counterculture of the 1960s, often blamed for the moral decline of American society. If people just look past the stigma and look at the facts, they will see that there's no reason this plant should be illegal. You don't have to like cannabis or stoner culture to support legalizing it.
    I support legalizing it and have used it medicinally in then past. That said, I'm not a fan of it's regular use - similar to my opinions of alcohol. For one, when it's smoked, the person smells horrible and often smells up an entire room. I hate when pot smokers come to our office. You smell them in the room long after they are gone - similar to someone who sits in a confined space smoking cigarettes all day. I don't think "hippie" I just think that person has no common sense or hygiene. I wouldn't take anyone serious in a professional way that smelled that way. But that's just me.

    Even when it's not smoked, I can tell when someone I know is using regularly. It does effect them.

    But, the same can be said for alcohol, etc. So, I support its legalization. I just wish people applied common sense to its use.

  14. #2639

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    IÂ’m not in the industry or have a medical card but do follow some of the industry Facebook groups. Lots of pushback coming from them for many reasons, many of which seem valid. I have not read the bill. Number one, itÂ’s a constitutional ballot initiative. Any problems down the road can only be addressed by other constitutional ballot initiatives requiring a vote of the people. Favors big business. Requires middleman wholesalers between growers and retailers with limits on how many of those will be licensed. 15% state tax with cities allowed to tax whatever they want. And more.

  15. #2640

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Things being hard-coded in the state constitution is part of the reason why we had to much trouble with alcohol laws over the years. Let's not repeat that mistake with recreational legalization.

  16. #2641

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I read the petition and will not sign it, and if it goes on the ballot, will vote against it. It seems like a logistical nightmare for dispensaries and would seemingly ban public smoking.

    The law we have now is great, and more than good enough until a well-written recreational petition is crafted. There are many red flags with the current petition.
    I easily agree. It should be seen as DOA and be pulled right away. If it doesn't get pulled, I think we'll know why. The funding source for 806 likes it just fine and won't help the filers, if they pull it. It's funding source is supposedly New Approach PAC. It has helped fund other states with their petitioning and legalization campaigns. At least one or two donors are believed to be involved in the cannabis industry.

  17. #2642

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Just an FYI

  18. #2643

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    I do believe counties and towns should have the right to ban dispensaries for recreational use and medicinal until it becomes FDA approved.

    But recreational sales should be left to towns to decide for themselves.

    I’m torn on the employer rights issue. On one hand marijuana stays in your system longer and if if it is detected in your system that doesn’t mean you “high” or impaired. But employees should have a right to make sure their employees aren’t impaired.

    Overall I can’t bring myself to support this because it alters the state constitution. If there is something in the state constitution that bans marijuana, why can’t we simply remove it?

  19. #2644

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I do believe counties and towns should have the right to ban dispensaries for recreational use and medicinal until it becomes FDA approved.

    But recreational sales should be left to towns to decide for themselves.

    I’m torn on the employer rights issue. On one hand marijuana stays in your system longer and if if it is detected in your system that doesn’t mean you “high” or impaired. But employees should have a right to make sure their employees aren’t impaired.

    Overall I can’t bring myself to support this because it alters the state constitution. If there is something in the state constitution that bans marijuana, why can’t we simply remove it?
    Seems to me this bill is there to help the big guys on the block. Needs to be re-written or nixed all together IMO. I haven't heard a lot of issues with what we have now other than there might be too many dispensaries. I think that will sort itself out over time. I just don't want to see people go to jail over MJ. That is a waste of tax payers dollars.

  20. #2645

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    Seems to me this bill is there to help the big guys on the block. Needs to be re-written or nixed all together IMO. I haven't heard a lot of issues with what we have now other than there might be too many dispensaries. I think that will sort itself out over time. I just don't want to see people go to jail over MJ. That is a waste of tax payers dollars.
    Agreed. We need to expunge petty records resulting from arrests related to marijuana usage.

  21. #2646

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I do believe counties and towns should have the right to ban dispensaries for recreational use and medicinal until it becomes FDA approved.

    But recreational sales should be left to towns to decide for themselves.

    I’m torn on the employer rights issue. On one hand marijuana stays in your system longer and if if it is detected in your system that doesn’t mean you “high” or impaired. But employees should have a right to make sure their employees aren’t impaired.

    Overall I can’t bring myself to support this because it alters the state constitution. If there is something in the state constitution that bans marijuana, why can’t we simply remove it?
    In terms of the employer rights issue I think it'd end up being the same way we currently treat things like sedatives, xanax etc.

    For jobs where driving or heavy equipment is involved employers can just prohibit it and do random testing like they do now, past that for like normal office workers etc, wouldn't be any different than the way alcohol and xanax are treated now, like, I can't really test it all the time, but if my worker is noticeably intoxicated, acting inappropriate or impaired then I can take action, suspend or fire, or require a drug screening. Seems easy enough.

  22. #2647

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    ^^^^ I don’t know that much about drugs. I am not sure how long drugs like Xanax stay in your system. But overall I agree with your post.

  23. #2648

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I do believe counties and towns should have the right to ban dispensaries for recreational use and medicinal until it becomes FDA approved.

    But recreational sales should be left to towns to decide for themselves.

    I’m torn on the employer rights issue. On one hand marijuana stays in your system longer and if if it is detected in your system that doesn’t mean you “high” or impaired. But employees should have a right to make sure their employees aren’t impaired.

    Overall I can’t bring myself to support this because it alters the state constitution. If there is something in the state constitution that bans marijuana, why can’t we simply remove it?
    It's looks dumb to ban sales of rec marijuana and then cities can't also ban sales of cigarettes, if so desired. Joints are safer to smoke than cigarettes, since there are no man made chemicals put in them.

  24. #2649

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    It's looks dumb to ban sales of rec marijuana and then cities can't also ban sales of cigarettes, if so desired. Joints are safer to smoke than cigarettes, since there are no man made chemicals put in them.
    I completely agree with you. However I do think that should be left up for the local community to decide.

  25. #2650

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Reports that SQ806 has been withdrawn after backlash

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