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Thread: Cannabis

  1. #2601

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleChicken View Post
    So all the people who hate products of the tobacco industry and were worried about future health problems and the drag on our health facilities, thus taxing them out of business have no problem with any health repercussions from cannabis? Meanwhile, NY City limits the size of a Big Gulp due to health concerns. Seems like a double standard IMO.
    Can you cite any of these "health repercussions" from cannabis (which is actually useful medicinally, unlike tobacco which has pretty much no accepted medical use at all)?

  2. #2602

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Just wondered if there has been any reports of robbery attempts at any of these dispensaries? With them being a cash only business, seems like they would be prime targets, are there heavy security details at these places?

  3. #2603

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Can you cite any of these "health repercussions" from cannabis (which is actually useful medicinally, unlike tobacco which has pretty much no accepted medical use at all)?
    Is there anything I post which you would agree with?


  4. #2604

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Can you cite any of these "health repercussions" from cannabis (which is actually useful medicinally, unlike tobacco which has pretty much no accepted medical use at all)?

  5. #2605

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleChicken View Post
    "However, it's not possible to establish whether these (air pockets between lung and chest wall and air bubbles in the lungs) occur more frequently among marijuana smokers than the general population."

    "Smoking marijuana can harm more than just the lungs and respiratory system—it can also affect the immune system and the body's ability to fight disease,"

    "There is little known on the potential lung health effects of inhaling marijuana or products made from it through routes other than smoking"

    "While there is no data on the health consequences of breathing secondhand marijuana smoke..."

    Lots of mays, cans, don't knows from them. I will agree that it *can* cause problems to the lungs while smoking it, smoking cigarettes is most likely exponentially incredibly more harmful to the lungs and body. Has anybody ever compared the lungs of a 20-year-cigarette smoker to a 20-year-marijuana smoker? Would be interesting, I'd bet.

  6. #2606

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleChicken View Post
    Is there anything I post which you would agree with?

    Well, since this link comes from drugabuse.gov, it might not be unbiased, but let's go with it...

    Not even going to get into the short-term effects, that's not pertinent to the discussions, IMO, I'm mainly interested in how bad MJ is for your body in the long run vs. cigarettes.

    Yeah, teenagers might have brain development problems, but they probably shouldn't be smoking it at 13 anyway, or cigarettes, for that matter.

    Pregnant women shouldn't smoke it because, well duh, they shouldn't smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol either.

    Really, not much else health-wise to go on in that article that is definitive.

    I'll say it again, MJ is way more useful medicinally and the benefits far outweigh the negative side affects than cigarettes, which have been linked to cancer and can kill you and have no medicinal value at all (at least I don't know of any medical use for cigarettes). Also, I don't believe there have ever been any deaths linked directly to marijuana or its side effects (excepting the stupid things people did while high and been killed, like walking on railroad tracks, etc.).

  7. #2607

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackmoreRulz View Post
    Just wondered if there has been any reports of robbery attempts at any of these dispensaries? With them being a cash only business, seems like they would be prime targets, are there heavy security details at these places?
    I think there were 2 reported in the Gazette a while ago, at different dispensaries, not sure of the details since they happened a few months back. I suspect they have cameras, and maybe other kinds of passive detectors, but don't know if any of them have an actual set of security people.

  8. #2608

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Happy 788 passing day! Go Oklahoma!

  9. #2609

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Pick up the Gazette that was published today.

    Great cover story "1AC"; one year after medical cannabis. Great summary of how far we've come and where things look to be heading.

  10. #2610

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by GoGators View Post
    There are actually people who would rather see empty store fronts than a MM shop? Literally the only thing I have noticed since this law has passed is that stores that have set empty for long periods of time now have tax generating businesses operating in them. How anyone can look at that as a bad thing honestly blows my mind.
    Yeah, in rural Oklahoma where in many cases SQ788 was defeated by 60 to 80% margins.

  11. Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Checking out the recreational shops in Colorado were interesting. They selection was great and the people who came in were from all walks a life. Pretty strange experience but I am thinking in the next 10 years this could be the norm in America.

  12. #2612

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    I haven’t checked how real this is but it would be nice to finally see it:


  13. #2613

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Don’t hold this against me folks. Be easy.I don’t see how putting drivers onto the road, high on pot, is going to be a good thing? We already deal with wayyy too many drivers drunk on the road. Killing innocents all the time. So, how does driving high make the roads safer?I see the benefits in pain relief for people and medicinal purposes, but I see this as like legalizing Xanax OTC for all. I see this “recreational use” as like “recreational benzos.” I guess I’m not “woke” enough to want to see drivers on the road high. Too many die. So others can enjoy themselves? Some views on this may seem old-fashioned. But not every old-fashioned view is wrong.That’s how I feel about it anyway.

  14. #2614

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blue Sky View Post
    Don’t hold this against me folks. Be easy.I don’t see how putting drivers onto the road, high on pot, is going to be a good thing? We already deal with wayyy too many drivers drunk on the road. Killing innocents all the time. So, how does driving high make the roads safer?I see the benefits in pain relief for people and medicinal purposes, but I see this as like legalizing Xanax OTC for all. I see this “recreational use” as like “recreational benzos.” I guess I’m not “woke” enough to want to see drivers on the road high. Too many die. So others can enjoy themselves? Some views on this may seem old-fashioned. But not every old-fashioned view is wrong.That’s how I feel about it anyway.
    News alert: If they would drive when its legal they would drive when its illegal. In other words I don’’t think you would see this big increase.

    And in 10 or 20 years vehicles will be autonomous and able to drive driver home.

  15. #2615

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blue Sky View Post
    Don’t hold this against me folks. Be easy.I don’t see how putting drivers onto the road, high on pot, is going to be a good thing? We already deal with wayyy too many drivers drunk on the road. Killing innocents all the time. So, how does driving high make the roads safer?I see the benefits in pain relief for people and medicinal purposes, but I see this as like legalizing Xanax OTC for all. I see this “recreational use” as like “recreational benzos.” I guess I’m not “woke” enough to want to see drivers on the road high. Too many die. So others can enjoy themselves? Some views on this may seem old-fashioned. But not every old-fashioned view is wrong.That’s how I feel about it anyway.
    Based on reading this I have two questions1. Who said that weed + driving was a good combination to start with?2. Why aren't you calling for a ban on alcohol, or any of the other examples listed?

  16. #2616

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.


    Who said anyone was putting driver's on the road high? I couldn't open the previous article due to firewall.

  17. #2617

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    I understand the comebacks, I do. But A) If drunk drivers are on the road then why add to the problem? B) I DO see the point about driving high without it being legal recreationally or not. But, why make it easier? I think this may be a generational issue. Many people my age agree with me, though not all.Just my opinion to throw in the pot. Oh...errr...pardon the pun!

  18. #2618

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blue Sky View Post
    I understand the comebacks, I do. But A) If drunk drivers are on the road then why add to the problem? B) I DO see the point about driving high without it being legal recreationally or not. But, why make it easier? I think this may be a generational issue. Many people my age agree with me, though not all.Just my opinion to throw in the pot. Oh...errr...pardon the pun!
    I believe the risk of increase of increased impaired driving is low. It is like any freedom. Some freedoms require you to give up some security and vice versa (e.g. TSA).

  19. #2619

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blue Sky View Post
    I understand the comebacks, I do. But A) If drunk drivers are on the road then why add to the problem? B) I DO see the point about driving high without it being legal recreationally or not. But, why make it easier? I think this may be a generational issue. Many people my age agree with me, though not all.Just my opinion to throw in the pot. Oh...errr...pardon the pun!
    That's fine. In the grand scheme I find it myopic to stick with the status quo because a hypothetical.

  20. #2620

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I haven’t checked how real this is but it would be nice to finally see it:

    I doubt this will ever be given the opportunity to be heard let alone pass the Republican senate. Unfortunately I think federal legalization is going to have to wait for Democrats to control both houses of Congress and the White House. The big special interests fighting legalization (the religious right, big pharma, private prisons) are all aligned with the GOP.

  21. #2621

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Vu View Post
    That's fine. In the grand scheme I find it myopic to stick with the status quo because a hypothetical.
    Myopic? That’s quite insulting my friend. It’s my opinion. How dare I have one different than yours. Hypothetical? No, entirely predictable cause and effect. Example of everything being “right” or “wrong.” I don’t understand why we can’t “agree” and “disagree.” That “myopic” comment was uncalled for. Merriam-Webster: “lacking in foresight or discernment : narrow in perspective and without concern for broader implications”Hmm. There has to be civility or we are a third world banana republic with no common values, anything goes. Sometimes I fail to recognize my country. It’s changed SO much and SO fast.

  22. #2622

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I doubt this will ever be given the opportunity to be heard let alone pass the Republican senate. Unfortunately I think federal legalization is going to have to wait for Democrats to control both houses of Congress and the White House. The big special interests fighting legalization (the religious right, big pharma, private prisons) are all aligned with the GOP.
    Hi Chris, Hope you are liking your new start! I just wanted to be clear that my opinion on this has nothing to do with any of those three things — just road safety; and the more permissive we become on these things, before long, we’ll be asking for recreational Xanax, Adderall. Where are you now? How does it compare to OKC for your interests? Good luck!

  23. #2623

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blue Sky View Post
    Hi Chris, Hope you are liking your new start! I just wanted to be clear that my opinion on this has nothing to do with any of those three things — just road safety; and the more permissive we become on these things, before long, we’ll be asking for recreational Xanax, Adderall. Where are you now? How does it compare to OKC for your interests? Good luck!
    I support legalization of nearly all drugs. What people put into their body is their business.

  24. #2624

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blue Sky View Post
    Don’t hold this against me folks. Be easy.I don’t see how putting drivers onto the road, high on pot, is going to be a good thing? We already deal with wayyy too many drivers drunk on the road. Killing innocents all the time. So, how does driving high make the roads safer?I see the benefits in pain relief for people and medicinal purposes, but I see this as like legalizing Xanax OTC for all. I see this “recreational use” as like “recreational benzos.” I guess I’m not “woke” enough to want to see drivers on the road high. Too many die. So others can enjoy themselves? Some views on this may seem old-fashioned. But not every old-fashioned view is wrong.That’s how I feel about it anyway.
    You might check the stats for the states that have legalized MJ recreationally and see if there has been any increase in accidents/deaths/bad things. I haven't done that myself, but I don't believe the sky is falling in those states with high drivers recklessly driving around "[k]illing innocents all the time".

  25. #2625

    Default Re: Time to Legalize Cannabis for recreational and medicinal use.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blue Sky View Post
    Myopic? That’s quite insulting my friend. It’s my opinion. How dare I have one different than yours. Hypothetical? No, entirely predictable cause and effect. Example of everything being “right” or “wrong.” I don’t understand why we can’t “agree” and “disagree.” That “myopic” comment was uncalled for. Merriam-Webster: “lacking in foresight or discernment : narrow in perspective and without concern for broader implications”Hmm. There has to be civility or we are a third world banana republic with no common values, anything goes. Sometimes I fail to recognize my country. It’s changed SO much and SO fast.
    It can be your opinion and also be myopic and hypothetical, which all appear to be true and based on your opinion on marijuana. You not recognizing this country seems like a major positive. Currently the common values of the American public is, lets give recreational marijuana a shot and release millions of people from prison for a plant, and boast our economy with jobs and a larger work force. And just a thought maybe YOU think its changed so much and so fast because you refuse to get with the times and think openly and progressively. And that is just my opinion.

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