But how many major concerts are we missing out on? Is that 1-2 per year?
Major concerts have been cited as the primary concern that’s being used as leverage when pushing for a new arena. The larger concerts are the ones that have the logistics issues.
You’ve stated the biggest issue is not being able to support back 2 back large concerts.
Can you articulate exactly what prevents OKC from getting back 2 back concerts? Initially my understanding was we missed out on nights that larger artist might come to the Paycom due to the loading docks not being able to facilitate that quick of a turn around. Now it’s jumped to we’re missing out in general but the NBA games have little to no impact on that per a previous comment. So somethings not adding up here and it’s starting to sound like a bunch of biased opinions without any factual information backing the claims. As this narrative grows the opinions are starting to incorporate watching out of a window and relatives in the industry. I’m just curious if anyone has anything factual from a city representative?
So how many concerts are we missing out on?
There is nothing based on your explanation that would show otherwise.
If the NBA isn’t really a factor based on ease of load/unload. It would only amount to back 2 back nights for very large acts. So what is that number on an annual basis?
We are missing out on probably 7-9. The huge, mega-shows can't make it work here, because the logistics of getting all the stage pieces in place are too difficult.
But obviously, you aren't wanting to hear anything. I said I had a friend who works in the events department at Paycom Center, and she knows there are certain shows she can't even waste her breath on.
So it’s not just the logistics of bringing in larger acts in back to back nights? It’s more of an overall logistical issue for acts that are above a certain size? There is a lot of information that has been thrown out so just trying to understand what the city is really facing and a legitimate opportunity loss.
It would be helpful if the city would share some factual data showing this to be the case.
Go to setlist.fm, look up BOK Center (which I assume is configured with an up-to-date loading area) or any other big arena, and start counting back-to-back concert dates. setlist.fm doesn't list things like Cirque Du Soleil, or other non-music shows, so you're not really getting the whole picture, but probably close enough.
There is no data for that. Lol. It's not on the city. It's ASM, the arena management Co. They know what arenas they have under management, and which ones can work with which concerts. Again, there are people on here who are asking for things thst just don't exist. Why would ASM keep track of concerts that don't go to one of their arenas, but go to 35 others? They don't.
Traveling shows (Cirque Du Soleil used as an example because I've seen a bunch at Paycom and know how much equipment they have) have most likely the same amount of gear as a concert does, so they should count too. As I said, I don't know if BOK Center logistics are the same as an updated arena would be, so maybe a newer arena would be a better comparison (I don't know any because I'm not a sports guy).
I have to agree with this. If the city wants this to pass easily they should have collected any and all possible data sets that support a new arena. Then package the results that would point the general public, maybe non Thunder fans, towards understanding the advantages of a new arena. Because something isn't normally in the scope of city operations doesn't mean they can't perform that function if it benefits the city and its citizens.
But keeping track of shows going elsewhere because of the arena isn't a thing that exists. They could make up a list and show some, but ASM won't have that list anywhere in their system to show OKC. Why can't you get that? The report you want does not exist, anywhere. No matter how much you whine, moan, and kvetch, it isn't something you will get. It doesn't exist.
The one thing I’m most curious about is how do we host 2 thunder games a day off in between them with Adam Sandler right in the middle in that open day. All from December 7th to 9th. Or from January 31st to February 3rd three thunder games, Toby Mack and tool. How is any of this possible with the loading docks. Or Katt Williams then the winter jam back to back on march 15th and 16th. I’m all for a new arena if the thunder pay up more money, and there is a guarantee the other half of the advertising revenue goes into off setting the cost of the arena. As well as the city gets rid of those thunder tax cuts so they can pay their fair share.
Voting no will not make them leave they’ll try again with a deal on better terms for the city.. There are like 17 arenas older than paycom in the nba. And 5 that you could maybe consider built in the same era along with 7 significantly newer. Soon to be eight when the new clippers arena opens. Would we really say Houston, San Antonio or Mephis better vote for a new arena. I just can’t believe people are letting fear drive them into shelling out a billion dollars. Wait and a better deal will come.
I think the chamber is selling asperastions, not desperation. Thunder is a feel good story that most OKCitians enjoy. The fact we even have them here a win against a bigger, badder city (sorry Seattle) that showed we can compete with anyone (at least that what it felt like). Nobody cares to get embroyled in spreadsheets and duelling authorities when they can envision the glory and attention that would rain down on OKC if we were to win a NBA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. The DREAM and OKCitians' thirst to be relevant and a perceived winner will propell this vote.... not numbers at the bottom of a green and white accounting spreadsheet.
And it's exactly the proof that this city has not taken the next step forward. We're uneducated and willing to sell our souls for sports ball. A bit more education helps you look at that spreadsheet and easily come to the conclusion that a 2 year delay could save the as city AND the owners money...yet here we are reinforcing our reality.
Some bank is going to make a nice profit on this city's inability to see it's inherent worth and we'll have to dig deeper in our pockets and wait longer to take that next step to be a Tier II city.
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