The restaurant industry is suffering from staffing issues citywide, so I wouldn't say it's Ted's-specific right now. Staff are extremely hard to find right now...
The restaurant industry is suffering from staffing issues citywide, so I wouldn't say it's Ted's-specific right now. Staff are extremely hard to find right now...
Wages and benefits will cure staffing issues.
most i knew just left the service industry for another job, and realized that while pay can be more... having a steady paycheck (even is smaller sometimes) and other benefits helps... i would be willing to say that 1/3rd of my friends in the service industry have left it in the past 6-8 months
Ted's Tacos and Cantina in Uptown will finally reopen on May 1st.
Finally, I have been looking forward to being able to eat there in person now that vaccinations are looking good.
How many months did they end up being closed?
It closed after the big snow and deep freeze in February.
Had an email saying 23rd street location is opening May 1st.
Time has come to finally put Big Truck out of business!
Why people are not participating is left to the politics and Covid threads, but the participation rate still has a long way to recoverfrom their pre-covid levels. A lot of people "gave up" after the tech crash of 2000 and the housing crash of 07/08 also before this trend found a bottom in 2015. It will probably be awhile before it gets back to pre-covid levels.
I would argue the cost of daycare has made it more worthwhile for someone to stay at home with the kids(either a parent or their baby boomer grandparents), if I were to speculate the trend we were seeing since 2000.
I want to learn something here. This is from the BLS.GOV:
"Who is counted as unemployed?
People are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work. Actively looking for work may consist of any of the following activities:
An employer directly or having a job interview
A public or private employment agency
Friends or relatives
A school or university employment center
Submitting resumes or filling out applications
Placing or answering job advertisements
Checking union or professional registers
Some other means of active job search"
I read this to say that if you're not pursuing employment you're not statically counted as unemployed? Am I misunderstanding?
The most widely reported unemployment rate is the U 3. It excludes those who have quit looking for work. U6 rate does include:
You CANNOT receive unemployment benefits unless you demonstrate an active job search. In Oklahoma you have to do this weekly and I believe that is the case in most/all other states.
So this silly and widely-held idea that people are receiving benefits and not a part of the group looking for work is 100% false.
Having been on unemployment twice in two different states (WA and IL), you absolutely have to make contacts weekly, *and* list them on a sheet that can be asked for at any time. I never got asked to "show my work", yet if they did and I didn't have a valid list of contacts that I've made, I'm pretty sure my benefits would've stopped (at the very least) and they probably would've taken back benefits they'd already given me.
Benefits are provided weekly and you have to submit your work search info (a min of two contacts) every week before you get paid.
It scares me that not only that so few people understand this program, but how they are also repeating the "people on unemployment don't get counted as unemployed" myth.
It's been posted on this site alone over 10 times by at least 4 different people, all stating something as absolute fact which is 100% false. It also says a lot about someone that keeps insisting this is true because somehow it makes them feel better about themselves, just like the 'Welfare Queen' myth of the Reagan era.
Really not interested in publicly involving myself in the rest of this discussion, but I can tell you for a fact that without question this requirement is gamed ruthlessly, and was even pre-pandemic. Run an ad on a job board and see how many applicants you get vs how many are willing to show up for an interview, or simply pick up a phone or return a call or e-mail when you contact them on their application. See how many simply no-show interviews. As I said, this part has been going on since well before the pandemic, though previously it was probably people just checking boxes to stay on unemployment until a job they REALLY wanted came along. It's definitely a thing.
And before someone says that they'd easily be caught, understand that technology now enables people to submit applications to many, MANY employers instantly, and then to only list on their weekly report to OESC the ones who DIDN'T call them for an interview. Before job boards existed you used to have to call an employer, mail a resume or apply in person for them to be listed as part of your job search. Today's world is very different.
Yes, they are not just lazy but dishonest.
The central point is that people keep claiming that those receiving benefits are somehow not counted in the unemployment numbers, which is completely untrue.
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