Only simple when you want to view things in an over simplistic fashion to fit into some crazy broad political stance that doesn't require educating yourself or critical thought.
One of the biggest things is to have some impact on young people starting to smoke, starting a lifetime of addiction, then becoming a drag on our insurance and government supported healthcare programs, which we all pay for. Disproportionally, people who smoke are poorer than average and thus less likely to pay for their own health care. How does that fit into your political views?
There are still hundreds of places where people can smoke indoors in OKC and thousands throughout the state. You can name one that switched voluntarily and the only reason you know their business has gone up is because I reported it after running into the owner at a bar. So, to claim this is common knowledge in the bar industry is silly.
We can think of one that switched voluntarily; new places are generally opening as non-smoking because they know the law is going to change. They are all part of the Oklahoma Restaurant Association and that's how I knew about the forth-coming changes myself, and was the whole reason I started this thread.
Even WSKY -- with cigars as a core part of their business -- was built out a couple of years ago with the idea of converting to non-smoking because they know the laws will change, as they already have just about everywhere else.
This matter has already been researched to death and dozens of states and countries have already gone down the path we will too, just typically very late while the entire health of our state suffers.