Again, it is not about .8 miles being a hike for spoiled OKC residents. In fact it has NOTHING to do with that. The problem is that .8 miles takes over 15 minutes to walk by the accepted 3.1 MPH average human walking pace. 15 minutes takes that property out of consideration when pitching the 10 minute walk radius valued/expected by meeting planners. Remove all of our CBD's full service hotels from the sales pitch, and OKC becomes a much more difficult destination to sell to meeting planners.
The full service hotel next door will be utilized by perhaps 500 people associated with a conference. If it is a citywide (attendance in the thousands), proximate full service hotels other than the HQ hotel become very important to the sales effort. You have walked further at other conferences because it really isn't that hard to sell conventions in established convention cities like Chicago, Orlando, Vegas, NOLA, or wherever. In that case, the destination name is the calling card. People WANT to be in those places already. A little inconvenience isn't going to be a disqualifier. In OKC we have to leverage ALL of our strengths, and our biggest strength currently is the relative walkable density of our hotels, dining and entertainment. If you doubt this, check out this recent industry article that lists OKC at the top of value meeting destinations:
Top Value Destinations |
Move away from this model and we become less compelling, and thereby less successful as a conference/convention destination.
People in the CC thread keep scratching their heads and wondering why the City and its consultants seem so locked on the Reno site(s). They are trying to blame it on some nefarious plot to benefit...who? Larry Nichols? Bricktown? All of this speculation is baseless. The reason the consultants, the Chamber, the City, and whoever else is so strongly favoring that location, pure and simple, is because it is the only site still in the discussion that is a 10 minute or shorter walk (by accepted standards) to the CBD's full-service hotels. PERIOD.