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Thread: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

  1. #226

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    According to Data Plan and Usage, Gigablast service has a 2TB/mo data cap. In general, I greatly dislike data caps, but 2TB/mo seems at least roughly within the realm of reason (if at the low end of that realm)... That said, I would rather have Google Fiber so there is no cap.

  2. Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Quote Originally Posted by baralheia View Post
    According to Data Plan and Usage, Gigablast service has a 2TB/mo data cap. In general, I greatly dislike data caps, but 2TB/mo seems at least roughly within the realm of reason (if at the low end of that realm)... That said, I would rather have Google Fiber so there is no cap.
    Truth. Google is cheaper at the same speed with no cap. I want to support the better option with my wallet.

    The cap used to be 300gb a month on Cox. It is now 700gb. I easily hit my 300gb a month every month.

    Sorry Cox your service has been fine but you were also my only choice.

  3. #228

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    I wonder how the wifi speed will be and if a special wifi router will be needed, to handle the speeds/

  4. Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    I wonder how the wifi speed will be and if a special wifi router will be needed, to handle the speeds/
    If you want high speeds you could use an AC router. They have been out for quite some time.

  5. #230

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    In all honesty, even with an 802.11n router, you'll most likely notice a significant bump in speed using Google Fiber vs all but Cox's top tier (below Gigablast). But yes, an 802.11ac router (along with 802.11ac-compatible wireless devices) would allow you to receive the full gigabit connection over wireless.

    If Google lays fiber to my neighborhood, you better believe that I'd drop Cox in a heartbeat. Internet and TV, all in for $130/mo? Done and done. I'm really hoping that the competition causes Cox to re-evaluate their pricing for their current products until that day comes, or I might just drop the TV side and give Sling TV a try.

  6. #231

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Quote Originally Posted by baralheia View Post
    In all honesty, even with an 802.11n router, you'll most likely notice a significant bump in speed using Google Fiber vs all but Cox's top tier (below Gigablast). But yes, an 802.11ac router (along with 802.11ac-compatible wireless devices) would allow you to receive the full gigabit connection over wireless.

    If Google lays fiber to my neighborhood, you better believe that I'd drop Cox in a heartbeat. Internet and TV, all in for $130/mo? Done and done. I'm really hoping that the competition causes Cox to re-evaluate their pricing for their current products until that day comes, or I might just drop the TV side and give Sling TV a try.
    They will not have a choice, to drop their prices no more monopoly for those sorry dogs

  7. #232

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    I've tried Sling and it was okay. When it came to sports I was consistently a minute or so behind. In addition, since I have Uverse and not cox (aka 45 mbps max) bandwidth was a thing to take into consideration.

  8. #233

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Vu View Post
    I've tried Sling and it was okay. When it came to sports I was consistently a minute or so behind. In addition, since I have Uverse and not cox (aka 45 mbps max) bandwidth was a thing to take into consideration.
    How did you know you were a minute behind?

  9. #234

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    How did you know you were a minute behind?
    Group chat with friends were talking about things that were happening. Judging by the timestamps of me reacting to it, a minute had gone by.

  10. #235

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Is the $130 for Internet and tv with Google an introductory price?

  11. #236

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    $130 is currently for the best package (1 gig up and down + 150 HD channels)

  12. #237

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Vu View Post
    $130 is currently for the best package (1 gig up and down + 150 HD channels)
    Correct, but does anyone know if that price will double after the first year or when the promo expires?

  13. Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Quote Originally Posted by loveOKC View Post
    Correct, but does anyone know if that price will double after the first year or when the promo expires?
    They do not have promo prices. It is just that price.

  14. #239

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    I like how the games the dinosaurs have been playing have gotten us to the point where we're so suspicious. "Yeah yeah yeah, $130, right...$220 in six months, right?" Nope. When Google says $130, that's because it costs $130. They have no interest in playing games, so they don't. There's a possibility the price will go up at some point in the future, as it does with everything else, that's called inflation. But the $130 is not a hook to get you into the van and then rape you. It's just simply the cost. "Yeah yeah, $130, but that's Kansas City, right? How much will it be for us?" Kansas City: $130. Provo: $130. Austin: $130. https://support.google.com/fiber/answer/2657118?hl=en

  15. #240

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Quote Originally Posted by stile99 View Post
    I like how the games the dinosaurs have been playing have gotten us to the point where we're so suspicious. "Yeah yeah yeah, $130, right...$220 in six months, right?" Nope. When Google says $130, that's because it costs $130. They have no interest in playing games, so they don't. There's a possibility the price will go up at some point in the future, as it does with everything else, that's called inflation. But the $130 is not a hook to get you into the van and then rape you. It's just simply the cost. "Yeah yeah, $130, but that's Kansas City, right? How much will it be for us?" Kansas City: $130. Provo: $130. Austin: $130. https://support.google.com/fiber/answer/2657118?hl=en
    And I'm inclined to believe that the ol' economies of scale will prevail in this technology realm just as it does in others - that is, the technical cost of providing that service should stay steady or decrease, in all honesty. The CATV folks want us to believe gigabit on their side is a new deal, when in reality it was demonstrated something like two or three years ago - but there was no cost benefit in rolling it out even though it was a technically superior product. It wasn't *entirely* that simple, but the point is that gigabit service isn't some magic thing. They surely want to create the *illusion* it is, so as to make the higher monthly rate seem reasonable, but you always have to keep in mind Cox is shoving bits across a data pipe designed for a technology originally intended to push TV shows downstream, not to send data the other direction. It's all lipstick on the proverbial pig. That's what makes Google Fiber so compelling - it's a fundamentally superior technology with all manner of upside. There's only so far Cox (or any other supplier with CATV in its DNA) can go.

  16. #241

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Vu View Post
    I've tried Sling and it was okay. When it came to sports I was consistently a minute or so behind. In addition, since I have Uverse and not cox (aka 45 mbps max) bandwidth was a thing to take into consideration.
    I've been on Sling since October and have had mixed feelings about it. The good is that it really does carry most of the only cable channels I watch, outside of Fox Sports for Thunder basketball. But generally, once football is done, the Thunder are on national channels at least once or twice a week, so not a huge loss. In general and on paper, it's not a bad viewing experience for $20.

    The bad: I was having issues staying connected, especially when trying to work on my laptop at the same time, so I had to upgrade my internet to the Cox Preferred. So that cut my savings by about $15-20. Once you have adequate bandwidth, the connection is pretty consistent, although I do have to reload channels every once in a while. And yes, ESPN is definitely at least a minute behind. I kind of have to stay off the internet when watching a close game. I also get final score updates from ESPN before the game has finished on Sling.

    Perhaps the most irritating thing to me about Sling is the commercials. Each channel only shows commercials for it's own network, so if you're binge watching anything, you'll straight up see the same two commercials back to back to back all day. Sounds minor, but watching cable sitcom promos 200 times in a few hours will slowly steal your sanity. ESPN is even worse in that it shows some stock logo and elevator music during breaks.

    In my opinion, I think it's a fine upgrade above illegal streaming/downloading sites, but definitely a step down from any cable subscription, especially since it doesn't have any DVR capability.

  17. #242

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_M View Post

    In my opinion, I think it's a fine upgrade above illegal streaming/downloading sites, but definitely a step down from any cable subscription, especially since it doesn't have any DVR capability.
    If anybody is interested, I know some hookups for sports. That's the only thing I used Sling for anyway, nationally broadcasted games.

  18. Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Just an FYI; I setup a MoCA network some time ago. Was having a few minor issues so I decided I'd better install a filter - it also adds security to the network. At one time I called COX and they wanted to charge a service fee to come unlock my cable box and install the filter I already had. I'm cheap, so I decided against it - plus, i hate COX. Called again last week and they agreed to install it at no charge. Guy came out the next day and it was about a 15 minute easy fix.

    Just passing it on to anyone who has or is considering setting up a MoCA network.

  19. Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Just for cost comparison. My 2-year promotion with COX expired the other day. Was paying $84 for 100mb internet and cable TV. They bumped it to $105. I called and got it back closer to what I was paying and locked in a rate of $90/month for the next 24months. How is this comparing with what others have?

    I asked about Gig-A-Blast but was told its not here yet.

  20. Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Just for cost comparison. My 2-year promotion with COX expired the other day. Was paying $84 for 100mb internet and cable TV. They bumped it to $105. I called and got it back closer to what I was paying and locked in a rate of $90/month for the next 24months. How is this comparing with what others have?

    I asked about Gig-A-Blast but was told its not here yet.
    I pay 77 for the top tier (non giga internet) We do not pay for TV.

    I call yearly for a lower rate.

  21. #246

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    I pay 76 for 45. Uverse. Get sad me.

  22. Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    I pay 77 for the top tier (non giga internet) We do not pay for TV.

    I call yearly for a lower rate.
    That's sounds about right. The best COX will do now for any customer is $25 off their plan price.

  23. #248

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    I cut the cord 5 years ago been wanting to get a Channel Master DVR+ the 1TB with wifi card. That way I can watch TV and record from my computer to the DVR+ and vice versa I can stream shows, movies and live sports off my computer via a sling box I set up with a family member and send it to the TV to watch through the DVR+. SO much you can do all you have to do is know people and a little know how only thing that will cost you is the mid tier internet subscription that allows you to stream live video. The expense for a DVR+ 1TB is quite pricey its in the 400 dollar range.

  24. Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    We cut the COX cord once before. Really missed the DVR and couldn't find a suitable replacement for the one's that come with cable - except for for TIVO. However, their over-the-air model is a bit lacklusker. Right now we're only paying about $20/month (or less) for cable TV, when combined with our Internet (which we can't do without). But do use a TIVO for far more features than COX's offerings. If the TV option goes above say $30/month then we'll ditch it for other cheaper options.

  25. #250

    Default Re: Cutting the COX Cable cord.....

    I apologize if this question has already been asked - but if a person were going to cut the cable cord, what special equipment would you need? I have NETFLIX on my blu-ray player. I'm beginning to shop for a new laptop to replace my almost 6 year old one. Would the new laptop need anything over and above what most laptops come with? I saw something about the laptop needing something special to allow it to talk to your TV. Will I need a new TV? I have a 4 year old LG flat screen.

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