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Thread: 7 Eleven

  1. Default Re: 7 Eleven

    I always buy my gas at 7-11, but I also have their card where I save 5 cents a gallon as well, and I think in July it goes to 11 cents a gallon. I hope that doesn't change. It is usually .63 a tank and I fill up every 4-5 days.

  2. #227

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    The main reason I don’t go there is because of the crap gas they sell. 7-11 is notorious for buying cheap and I can tell a difference. OnCue on the other hand is a reseller is Phillips66 which is a Top Tier gas. Very much worth the small savings in my opinion.

  3. #228

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    The main reason I don’t go there is because of the crap gas they sell. 7-11 is notorious for buying cheap and I can tell a difference. OnCue on the other hand is a reseller is Phillips66 which is a Top Tier gas. Very much worth the small savings in my opinion.


    The OnCue we use is usually 2 cents higher than the neighboring 7 Eleven for regular. The Top Tier gas has made a difference in our vehicles for MPG...just my two cents.

  4. #229

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Quote Originally Posted by scottk View Post


    The OnCue we use is usually 2 cents higher than the neighboring 7 Eleven for regular. The Top Tier gas has made a difference in our vehicles for MPG...just my two cents.
    Exactly. Glad I’m not the only one who sees this. Like Pete I go out of my way to go to OnCue and my main reason is Top Tier gas. I’m willing to pay more than 2 cents a gallon difference but when it’s that cheap comparatively it makes zero sense to buy from 7-11. Plus I still support a local company. It’s a win-win. I’m an OnCue customer for life as long as they keep doing what they are doing.

  5. #230

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Quote Originally Posted by d-usa View Post
    Don’t know about the total amount, but at least half the times I’m in one of the stores they are dropping bills in the safe and getting change out.
    I worked for 7/11 for a month, just wasn't for me. It's company policy to keep only $39 in the drawer, all the rest gets dropped into the safe. The reason so much change gets pulled out is because so many people pay with $20 bills, which get dropped into the safe pretty quick.

  6. #231

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    I’d be more likely to go to OnCue if they had E10 premium gas. Also, 7-11 has the best premium unleaded price even when regular unleaded is the same between gas stations.

  7. #232

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    I picked up a can of coke at a 7-11 in Norman yesterday on my way home. I asked the clerk what the scoop was on the future of the company. She indicated that the word among some of the clerks is that the daughter of the founder would be taking over operations from the son.

  8. #233

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    I picked up a can of coke at a 7-11 in Norman yesterday on my way home. I asked the clerk what the scoop was on the future of the company. She indicated that the word among some of the clerks is that the daughter of the founder would be taking over operations from the son.
    This is great news....if you're OnCue.

  9. #234

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Quote Originally Posted by sooner333 View Post
    I’d be more likely to go to OnCue if they had E10 premium gas.
    Are there any that don't? My car doesn't require premium, nor would premium do a thing for it, so I really haven't paid attention to their offerings in that field, but to my knowledge every one offers 100% gas, gas with ethanol, and some offer E85.

  10. #235

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Quote Originally Posted by sooner333 View Post
    I’d be more likely to go to OnCue if they had E10 premium gas. Also, 7-11 has the best premium unleaded price even when regular unleaded is the same between gas stations.
    Why would you want E10? I run 100% gas and the nice thing about Oklahoma, especially compared to other states, is there is enough of a demand for it you can still buy it at most fuel stations. A good friend of mine lives in Orlando, FL and can occasionally find it, but it's not near as available as it is here. I even have a newer truck, and I still choose quality 100% gas from OnCue. After running a couple of tanks of 7-11's cheapo E10 through my truck, I can definitely hear pinging under acceleration. My mom has a Jeep Wrangler and was having this issue, and she always stopped at the 7-11 in Mustang. I told her drive a few miles down the road, run a couple of tanks of OnCue's gas through it and tell me if the pinging goes away and acceleration has improved. After one full tank she was noticing a difference, and has never looked back. Again this is just my personal experience, but you get what you pay for.

  11. #236

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    I used to go to HOMELAND to take advantage of the savings from the shopper card for my gas. Additionally I wanted 100% gas. I did change my habits of seeking out 100% gas and prioritized top tier fuel. I now purchase E 10 but the top tier gas has resulted in a smoother running engine, based on the tach.

  12. #237

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    The OnCues I’ve been to have E10 regular unleaded and then 100% gas in regular, plus, and premium. This is the same at 7-11s that offer both kinds as well. However the 7-11 I most often frequent does not have 100% gas.

    My car requires premium and I have never deviated from that. I have not noticed a performance difference between the E10 and 100% has except for mileage. But the mileage difference doesn’t justify the price difference between the two. This especially true because 7-11 maintains a lower price differential between grades of gas than most other station, so the premium is relatively cheaper. .

  13. #238

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    7-Eleven at NW 63rd and Portland is closed, really strange, it's been there forever. The store is completely empty except for a little bit of shelving.
    All the signage is gone as well.

  14. #239

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blue Sky View Post
    7-Eleven at NW 63rd and Portland is closed, really strange, it's been there forever. The store is completely empty except for a little bit of shelving.
    All the signage is gone as well.
    We talked about this in another thread...

    That site is not owned by 7-11 and there is no way to expand it due to the surrounding neighbors.

    I suspect they just decided not to renew their lease. It was a service station before the 7-11 was built sometime in the late 70's or early 80's.

  15. #240

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Here's the story of what happened to the 7/11 at 63rd/Portland. I stopped by on Friday just to peek inside. I then walked to the liquor store on the other end of the building to see if any of the other tenants knew anything. I talked to the woman who runs the liquor store, what follows is what she told me: OnCue ran them out of business. When OnCue first opened, the 7/11 was doing about $25K per day in business, but that figure began dropping. When they closed, their daily run was only about $3K per day. 7/11 owns the entire building, the radio store and liquor store lease their spots from 7/11. She got this info from 7/11 employees she became friends with. Her lease runs out June 30 and she is out of there. The awning has been painted brown (it was red) so it doesn't even look like a 7/11 store anymore.

    On a side note....this issue is in two different threads on Facebook. Others have commented that the employees were not very friendly, the small size of the property made it difficult to get in/out, and the overall cleanliness of the store and especially the restrooms was not the best. Personally, I never went in there, just wasn't convenient for me.

  16. #241

    Default Re: 7 Eleven


    That 63rd and Portland store was small and pretty crappy. In other words, like the majority of their stores.

    OnCue opened right there at 63rd & NW Expressway and I'm not surprised that almost everyone stopped going to that 7-11 once they had an infinitely better choice.

  17. #242

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Even if the national 7/11 took over, they are just as bad from a store experience standpoint. Dirty, cluttered, and bad employees. I've been to normal 7/11's all across the country and have had the exact same experience in all of them.

    My most memorable was a clerk who wouldn't sell me the last corn dog from the roller track - I'll give him props for his honest: "I can't sell you that one because I'm about to eat it".

  18. #243

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Even if the national 7/11 took over, they are just as bad from a store experience standpoint. Dirty, cluttered, and bad employees. I've been to normal 7/11's all across the country and have had the exact same experience in all of them.

    My most memorable was a clerk who wouldn't sell me the last corn dog from the roller track - I'll give him props for his honest: "I can't sell you that one because I'm about to eat it".
    hahaha!!! That's hilarious. I mean, I don't know how I'd react in that moment, but it's always nice to have stories like that in your back pocket, even if in the moment it's frustrating.

    Yeah, we went into a couple 7-11s when in Miami and they're also pretty bad.

    That being said - I'm a pretty habitual shopper at 7-11 and go to OnCue only on rare occasion. OnCue's are definitely nicer, but it's more expensive. I'm super glad OnCue is doing so well though, and I hope that they can run 7-11 out of business in the state because they're a great "local" brand.

  19. #244

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    I will say that I will seek out a 7/11 if an OnCue is not convenient or if I don't have the time to go an extra mile or two out of my way. The selection inside is comparable, it's the stores and unhappy employees themselves that I don't like. I will entirely avoid the Shells/Conoco's of the world because they are almost all run independently of each other and there's zero consistency between locations.

  20. #245

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Honestly kinna glad the one at 63rd and Portland isn't operating any longer. In typical 7-11 fashion, the entrances and exits to the parking lot are too close to the intersection of 63rd and Portland!! Arrgg drives me crazy!!!!

  21. Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Aw man...where is EMSA going to park?

  22. #247

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    I won't ever set foot in an OKC 7-Eleven ever again, by choice. There isn't a place in the metro that doesn't have an OnCue near enough for me to go to it instead. I won't even go to the newly built or renovated 7-Elevens either. The Browns gave us absolutely crappy and dirty stores until OnCue showed up and started beating their asses. Suddenly I'm supposed to forget the squalor you gave us for decades? I think not.

    I might be more passionate about convenience stores than I should be. Lol

  23. #248

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeLucky View Post
    I might be more passionate about convenience stores than I should be. Lol
    Nah...It's nice that OKC has a loyal following for a local company like OnCue. For years, OKC longed for an experience that mirrored what was up the turnpike and up and down I35 (Dallas and Wichita) with QuikTrip. It's one of the few places you visit usually at least once a week to fill up your vehicle. OnCue has taken advantage of making it more of an experience.

    When people ask about OnCue's experience, I always compare it to the TARGET of C-Stores It's organized well, clean, and offers a better overall experience when compared to the competition...and much like TARGET, it has a loyal following.

  24. #249

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Sometimes I go to OnCue just to poop, rather than risk any other store. I would also rather drive to Target to poop before stopping at Walmart. So your analogy fits pretty well.

  25. #250

    Default Re: 7 Eleven

    Quote Originally Posted by d-usa View Post
    Sometimes I go to OnCue just to poop, rather than risk any other store. I would also rather drive to Target to poop before stopping at Walmart. So your analogy fits pretty well.
    LOL. Well I can't argue with that since I look for the same stores when I gotta "go" and can't make it home in time.

    Another tip is that most hotel lobbies have GREAT bathrooms. Very clean and usually not occupied. Just walk in like you're a registered guest and nobody will even glance in your direction. When I worked downtown, it was a real treat to swing by the Skirvin Hilton to use their restrooms.

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