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Thread: Red Beret

  1. #1

    Default Red Beret

    Saw that a new place called Red Beret is going in where Kim Wah used to be on the NW-ish corner of Britton and May (directly across Britton from the bank drive-in just west of May). Sign said "Moroccan, New American, and Mediterranean", should be interesting.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Red Beret

    I drive by this place all the time near where I work. When did Kim Wah close?

  3. Default Re: Red Beret

    Quote Originally Posted by jbkrems View Post
    I drive by this place all the time near where I work. When did Kim Wah close?
    I was wondering the same thing. I also work in the area and just noticed the change last Thursday.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Red Beret

    No idea when Kim Wah closed, as we don't usually go that way when going to Uptown Grocery, and we didn't ever eat there. Just noticed the new sign up and workmen there on Friday when we went past on our way from Grand Cru to Uptown.

  5. Default Re: Red Beret

    I really liked Kim Wah, but my current activities and habits don't lead me over to that part of town much any more. Kinda sad to hear they closed, but I can't really complain since I haven't eaten there in at least three years. Red Beret sounds like an interesting concept. I'll have to make it a point to get over there and give it a try.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Red Beret

    Chef Nordeen Bennai (Cafe 501, Zorba's Mediterranean Restaurant) will soon open The Red Beret Restaraunt in the space long occupied by Lido Asian Cuisine and Kim Wah at 2925 W Britton Rd. Bennai, who is from Morocco, promises the flavors of his home country and much more. Named for the chef's signature red chapeau, look for it to open in late July or early August.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Red Beret

    Wow. Hard to believe that Cafe 501 and Zorba's were ran by the same guy. I liked 501, not so much Zorba's

  8. #8

    Default Re: Red Beret

    Hmmm, did not like Zorba's either time we went there, and Cafe 501 was OK, but not on our list to go back to, maybe this one will be better than those...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Red Beret

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Hmmm, did not like Zorba's either time we went there, and Cafe 501 was OK, but not on our list to go back to, maybe this one will be better than those...
    You're right. I'd say it's above par for the area. When I worked at Access Midstream it was one of the only places around at the time

  10. Default Re: Red Beret

    Drove by this place today on my way to Lucky Lure and noticed it's either never opened or already closed.... Anyone know the status?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Red Beret

    New signs up that say "Mamaveca Pervuian Mexican", may not be actually open yet, didn't notice if there was an open sign or cars in the lot.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Red Beret

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    New signs up that say "Mamaveca Pervuian Mexican", may not be actually open yet, didn't notice if there was an open sign or cars in the lot.
    I’m assuming same people as the Norman location. If so, food was solid the single time we went.

    I would’ve preferred for it to be a Mediterranean place though.

  13. Default Re: Red Beret

    I could live on the salsa verde they serve. I usually just ask for an IV drip of it when I eat at the one in Norman.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Red Beret

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    I could live on the salsa verde they serve. I usually just ask for an IV drip of it when I eat at the one in Norman.
    How do they compare with the other Peruvian places here? For reference, we haven't been to La Brasa, been to others, but our favorite was Zarate's way back before they changed their menu and went downhill.

  15. Default Re: Red Beret

    Doesn’t compare to La Brasa at all. Mama Veca is Okie Mex with a Peruvian section on the menu.

    I’ve not been to the others for comparison.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Red Beret

    Not a Zorba's man. Original 501 was quite good but most of the food there just seems off to me. I wish them well.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Red Beret

    Quote Originally Posted by OK BBQ Eater Anonymous View Post
    Doesn’t compare to La Brasa at all. Mama Veca is Okie Mex with a Peruvian section on the menu.

    I’ve not been to the others for comparison.
    Hmm, sounds like it may be way down on our list, if it makes it at all, no desire to eat Okie-Mex any more in my life, ever, thanks for the tip.

  18. Default Re: Red Beret

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Hmm, sounds like it may be way down on our list, if it makes it at all, no desire to eat Okie-Mex any more in my life, ever, thanks for the tip.
    Ate there last night and remembered why I've never ordered from the Peruvian part of their menu before.... With the exception of lomo saltado. It's almost entirely fish and if I have a choice of proteins fish is usually at the bottom of the list.

    Considering how bad their restaurant location is in Norman compared to this new location. I think they'll do good business there. If you don't know where they are in Norman chances are you would never know they were there. So the repeat customers for the food has to be what is keeping the doors open.

    I usually get one of their guiso dishes and like I said... The salsa verde is excellent if you like spicy sauces.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Red Beret

    This is a couple blocks from my house. Disappointed the red beret concept didn't come to fruition. can't say whether i would have liked it but at least it would have been something different. i'm sure we'll give this spot a chance, but it's not terribly exciting.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Red Beret

    And the saga continues...

    Kim Wah: Closed
    Red Beret: Non-starter
    Mamaveca: Closed
    Smoking Boar: Pending

  21. #21

    Default Re: Red Beret

    Smoking boar? Maybe they would do better with better branding? I can’t begin to list all the great restaurants or even bad restaurants with good food and the best intentions, with bad branding. El fogoncito comes to mind.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Red Beret

    Quote Originally Posted by Uptowner View Post
    Smoking boar? Maybe they would do better with better branding? I can’t begin to list all the great restaurants or even bad restaurants with good food and the best intentions, with bad branding. El fogoncito comes to mind.
    IMO, El Fogoncito's main problem was service, not branding.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Red Beret

    Quote Originally Posted by Uptowner View Post
    Smoking boar? Maybe they would do better with better branding? I can’t begin to list all the great restaurants or even bad restaurants with good food and the best intentions, with bad branding. El fogoncito comes to mind.
    Smoking Boar had an their Notice of Application for liquor license in paper today

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