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Thread: OKC Roads and Highways

  1. #51

  2. #52

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    But make no doubt about it, whatsoever, most Oklahoma drivers would far, far, rather pay the amount of having to get tires replaced more often, wheels aligned and other problems fixed than being forced to pay two or three more pennies per gallon of tax on gas every single time they fill up.

  3. #53

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    But make no doubt about it, whatsoever, most Oklahoma drivers would far, far, rather pay the amount of having to get tires replaced more often, wheels aligned and other problems fixed than being forced to pay two or three more pennies per gallon of tax on gas every single time they fill up.
    Sad but true. People tend to not dig deep enough to count the true cost of bad roads. Had yet another alignment job due to gaping potholes on OKC streets.

  4. #54

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Plutonic Panda, I didn't know you were in town...


  5. #55

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Yeah, I'm out now. They usually get me in and out really quick since we all know the drill and they have my info all memorized.

  6. #56

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Could we do something with ODOT to create a MAPS like project for the roads?

  7. Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    But make no doubt about it, whatsoever, most Oklahoma drivers would far, far, rather pay the amount of having to get tires replaced more often, wheels aligned and other problems fixed than being forced to pay two or three more pennies per gallon of tax on gas every single time they fill up.
    We've already shown this to be true and it's so sad and frustrating. We love to complain, but dont want to do anything about it. What's dumb is that couple of cents a gallon means less than a buck per fill-up for most folks....hell, really less than 50 cents. But 50 cents multiplied by 6 million is $3 million (assuming we're getting residential and commercial). Let's average that as 2 fill up's per month. That's $6million a month or $72 million a year. It's enough to inject some life into the DoT and get some crap done that otherwise would just sit.

    The next thing would be to get the legislature to not be able to take away existing funding structures because this exists, like they did with education. When they do that, then we end up back at the same place we were with zero progress.

    But we've shown time and time again, that all we want are lower taxes and then to complain when there isn't enough money to do anything. At almost a billion dollar deficit, we're going to be bankrupt in a few years.

  8. #58

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    But we've shown time and time again, that all we want are lower taxes and then to complain when there isn't enough money to do anything. At almost a billion dollar deficit, we're going to be bankrupt in a few years.
    Sadly, it might take us hitting rock bottom for the dumba**es in this state to realize we have to do something. Don't know why *so* many things have to get *so* bad for somebody to realize something needs to be done, and by that time, it's almost too late (much easier to do preventive maintenance on an engine than to replace or rebuild it, much easier to paint a house every few years rather than wait until you have to replace all the siding because it's deteriorated so much it can't be painted, ad nauseum).

  9. #59

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Quote Originally Posted by _Kyle View Post
    Could we do something with ODOT to create a MAPS like project for the roads?
    OKC metro has that, its called ACOG.

  10. #60

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    A KFOR update on the issue of freeway lighting problems.


  11. #61

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    On Thursday I was driving on I-240. Along the curve at the Lawton exit I noticed the lane markers are so faded they seem almost invisible. Heading east they seem no better. How can this be safe? I would think federal regulations would kick in somewhere and require the state to have some level of adequate visibility.
    How does ODOT get away with this?

  12. #62

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    It's the new normal. I think the state isn't buying the special reflective paint anymore, and just gets whatever is on sale at Ace Hardware. If you drive I-40 with any regularity, you soon notice places with the exact same problem, the lane markers are for all intents and purposes faded to nothing. You want some REAL fun, drive on I-40 near Meridian. During the construction they repainted lanes, then when the dust was settled they painted over SOME of the lane markers, and scraped up some of the others. In the right light, you can tell no difference between the painted markers, the painted-over markers, and the divots. Now add in all the areas where there are either no lights at all, or the lights are out, and we're about one step away from Mad Max driving rules.

  13. #63

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    ^^^ This reminds me of the story about a man who went to work for the DOT painting lines on the highway. His 1st day on the job he painted over a mile’s worth of lines. On his 2nd day he only painted 1/2 mile. On his third day he only managed ¼ mile. At the end of that 3rd day the superintendant drove up and said “ on your 1st day you really did well. Over 1 mile. Your 2nd day only ½ mile, and only ¼ mile on your 3rd day. What happened?.”

    The worker said “Sir, I really couldn’t help it. Each day I just kept getting farther and farther away from the paint bucket.”

  14. #64

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Not to mention when it rains, those lines absolutely vanish. Oof.

  15. Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Quote Originally Posted by baralheia View Post
    Not to mention when it rains, those lines absolutely vanish. Oof.
    Yes, completely. It's scary sometimes.

  16. #66

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    The disappearing lane markings are a problem all over the metro. Partially because so many drivers here can't stay between the lines.

  17. Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Missouri DOT uses pavement markings that are made of thermoplastic material that is epoxied to the highway. Obviously they last a lot longer because they don't chip away at the edges like paint does. I've wondered why OkDOT doesn't use them, because it's not like we have to worry about plows scraping them up as much as MoDOT does.

    I've seen them in a limited capacity in Norman, but it looks like just a test. You can tell when you see them because they have a hexagon pattern molded into them to increase traction.

  18. #68

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Is a median being built on Western between NW 18th and 23rd? I drove on it today and saw that the pavement has been cut out in the middle.

  19. #69

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Not sure what they're doing there. They previously did work on each side, then cleaned up and have now moved to the middle. I never figured out what they were doing on the sides either.

  20. Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    They replaced curbs and sidewalks on both sides and made the crosswalks and entire sidewalk system ADA-compliant. Now they are installing medians with pedestrian refuges at crosswalks. The street is being brought down from four lanes to two with slip lanes at turns and with bicycle lanes.

    This is/was the only four lane stretch between 16th and 50th; completely unnecessary and lended itself to unsafe speeds and driver behavior at merges. This is a huge improvement in safety for all modes.

  21. #71

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    There are electronic signs set up on Western stating that Western, just north of Reno, will be closed starting on the 7th (tomorrow). I'm guessing this is the start of the Boulevard construction?

  22. Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Excuse me, not slip lane. Left turn lane (as opposed to center turn lane).

  23. #73

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Okay, I hate to constantly complain about this, but seriously what is up with the streetlights not working/being on around here? Every time I drive home there are entire lengths of I-35, I-40, I-44... even 39th St. Expressway... where the lights aren't on. In other areas it's just a bunch of random lights that are out, but it's the dark stretches that really get me. It makes it nearly impossible to see when it's raining, too.

  24. #74

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Same answer as last time. People steal the copper before the installers are even back at home base, and we're too damn dumb to use anything else apparently.

  25. #75

    Default Re: OKC Roads and Highways

    Quote Originally Posted by LocoAko View Post
    Okay, I hate to constantly complain about this, but seriously what is up with the streetlights not working/being on around here? Every time I drive home there are entire lengths of I-35, I-40, I-44... even 39th St. Expressway... where the lights aren't on. In other areas it's just a bunch of random lights that are out, but it's the dark stretches that really get me. It makes it nearly impossible to see when it's raining, too.
    Report it:


    And keep reporting it. I believe somebody said that there's a dropdown for OG&E as a selection now, not sure how well it works WRT the problem actually getting to OG&E and them fixing it, though. Sucks we have to do this, seems like OG&E should have someone driving around the major highways putting all the broken/out streetlights on a list and fixing them (along with finding a permanent fix). I don't use the highways much at night, so I don't have much of a chance to report it, but if I notice any lights out, I will definitely report it/them.

    Wonder if this is something that can be reported to the Corporation Commission too, although not sure how much good that would do...

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