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Thread: Hopefully this Does not happen

  1. #1

  2. Default Re: Hopefully this Does not happen

    Oh please no. I actually find Cox service pretty good. All my friends with Charter and Comcast complain 24/7

  3. #3

    Default Re: Hopefully this Does not happen

    I don't see the FTC going along with that even if Cox did agree to a merger.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hopefully this Does not happen

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    I don't see the FTC going along with that even if Cox did agree to a merger.
    FTC is bought by corporations through some money at em and they will approve it I guarantee.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hopefully this Does not happen

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby821 View Post
    FTC is bought by corporations through some money at em and they will approve it I guarantee.
    They didn't allow the staples/ office depot to go through and the implications of a cable merger like this seem even more obvious. Its already bad enough that they have regional monopolies at least when it comes to how content and internet service is delivered to the home.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Hopefully this Does not happen

    Altice (a combination of Suddenlink and Cablevision) is making a run to try to buy them also.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Hopefully this Does not happen

    Has the family gotten tired of owning it? Every so often a rumor is thrown out that "X wants to buy/merge with Cox", and every single time the response from Cox has been a very hard "no, we're not even listening to any offers, let alone considering them". That's even right there in the second paragraph of the article linked, and nothing said after that seems to show a change in that attitude.

    So basically I'm now at the point where if the headline is "Charter is trying to buy Cox", I know for a fact it won't happen. When the headline changes to "Cox considering offer from Charter" is when I will defecate bricks.

    tl;dr: #fakenews

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