Just trying to provide context. I don't believe things "are getting bad" and I don't see the point of sweeping, hyper-critical generalizations.
I'm a little concerned about the exodus from the Planning Department but remember, they recommended the SC demo application be denied.
I'm critical when I feel I can be specific and justify it with more than just my opinion. I've said all the way along that OCURA should have been involved at the Stage Center site, and even demonstrated how it could have been handled and how they had ample assets to make it happen. I've been very critical of the whole process, including the ruse perpetrated by Rainey Williams and OG&E. I've tracked the Project 180 budgets and scope in more detail than anyone and was one of the first to challenge the misinformation I believe they have been spreading. I actually agreed with Ed Shadid when he said that OKC was operating as a benevolent plutocracy and documented the massive amount of influence a few people have in what are supposed to be citizen-driven committees and decisions.
I've been critical of the Dowell Parking Garage, the way Nick Preftakes (and Devon) have handled an entire city block, etc., etc.
I've also been extremely positive in pointing out we have a pretty big group of local developers who seem to be taking responsibility for quality design and development, often going well above and beyond the minimum planning standards. I also think we have a pretty impressive and emerging collection of local architects and designers who are doing a great job. The trend is definitely strongly upward.
Perhaps you are just sensing how I am pushing back on criticism that is far too general and poorly supported. And I always try and link to specific information when others make some negative, baseless claim.
There is a fine line between educated, informed, constructive criticism -- which is greatly needed in OKC -- and just moaning about how design standards suck, or all we have is X without enough Y (even though it's easy to find ample evidence that belies such claims), and that we are way behind other communities is some vague way that can't be supported or even properly articulated.
I also believe if you are a long way from a particular goal, you have to plot specific, incremental, reasonable and actionable steps to get to where you want to be.