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Thread: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

  1. #76

    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    Hopefully they add Hefner beach to it if they are going to allow swimming in the lake.

  2. #77

    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Unless there is a considerable investment in transit included, I will be voting against this measure. This effectively trashes the MAPS brand. I will vocally campaign against this.
    By transit do you mean streetcar expansion? Or more bus routes & stops, etc?

  3. #78

    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    Shifting money into permanent salaried positions kills the MAPS brand. MAPS is important. It's investment in infrastructure and public works which is supposed to generate a tax base. We can hire police and fire from that expansion. Perhaps MAPS development can focus on expanding the tax bases which fund public safety? That would be a win-win, I think.

  4. #79
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    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    My understanding of this bond is to repair streets with major emphasis on roads that lead to the neighborhoods. Streets, bridges & roads are in dire need of repair--30 years overdue.

    We've made some steps toward potential transit; let's use any surplus money to do a study on high speed and/or passenger rail link to the I-35 super corridor which leads to the Metroplex and I-44 link between Tulsa & Oklahoma City.

  5. #80
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    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    I'd rather see $88M go to improvements for Amtrak to Newton (and other places, e.g. Tulsa) in the short term. Nationwide HSR is so danged far off...

    Also, I too have been campaigning against this tainting of the MAPS brand.

  6. #81

    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    My understanding of this bond is to repair streets with major emphasis on roads that lead to the neighborhoods. Streets, bridges & roads are in dire need of repair--30 years overdue.

    We've made some steps toward potential transit; let's use any surplus money to do a study on high speed and/or passenger rail link to the I-35 super corridor which leads to the Metroplex and I-44 link between Tulsa & Oklahoma City.

    You do know this is never going to happen right?

  7. #82
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    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    You do know this is never going to happen right?
    At my age it's a good chance it won't happen in my life time. The timeline on the bottom map doesn't favor any of this--more of the placeholder variety.

  8. #83

    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    At my age it's a good chance it won't happen in my life time. The timeline on the bottom map doesn't favor any of this...
    It will never ever get built. It's old technology. Trains<cars<hyperloop

  9. #84
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    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    It will never ever get built. It's old technology. Trains<cars<hyperloop
    You're right! Old technology that doesn't amount to a hill-of-beans--high speed rail.

    Concentrate our efforts on streets, bridges & roads...

  10. #85

    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    You're right! Old technology that doesn't amount to a hill-of-beans--high speed rail.

    Concentrate our efforts on streets, bridges & roads...
    Rail is old technology. HSR will never be adopted in this country. It'll either go hyperloop or flying cars. HSR is a huge waste of time

  11. #86

    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    I think the biggest problem with getting this passed with be educating the public on the purpose of this. From all the comments I see on facebook stories/posts and the nextdoor app, most people want the money to go to schools and while that is commendable, that is a state issue, not a city issue and most people don't understand that. I fear with the slim passing of MAPS3 in 2009, unless there is proper education of the public, people will vote no because there is a lack of funding for schools.

  12. #87

    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    Hyperloop and flying cars aren't proven technologies. High-speed rail is. It also depends on how high or low energy prices get in the future and how good batteries can become. But for the short term, working on regional transit and roadwork would be the best use of the city's time and money.

  13. #88
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    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

  14. #89

    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    I would vote no to an extension until all MAPS 3 projects are completed and the public is delivered everything they were promised. Until then, the wallet should be shut.

  15. #90
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    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

  16. #91

    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    Can someone please explain to me what the Board of Equalization does? I read somewhere that even if OKC was able to shunt money into OKCPS the state would just reduce its spending here and everything would come out a wash. Is this true?

  17. #92

    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorTaco View Post
    Can someone please explain to me what the Board of Equalization does? I read somewhere that even if OKC was able to shunt money into OKCPS the state would just reduce its spending here and everything would come out a wash. Is this true?
    There is a difference between taxes. Property tax spent on OKCPS would count against the schools funding formula but not sales tax or income tax.

  18. #93

    Default Re: MAPS 4 Plan? Shadid proposes shift in focus to fund city services.

    It is also instructive to remember that while some city leaders protest that cities should not be involved in education, they were supportive of David Holt's 2015 legislation which would allow the City Council to bypass the School Boards and sponsor Charter Schools even when opposed by the Superintendent/School Board.


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