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Thread: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

  1. #26

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    I went this weekend and the space was really impressive. I had actually never had anything from their food truck, so I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but we split the Saturday Night pizza and all really liked it. Great flavors and I prefer the crust here to some of the other spots around the city. This place is going to do well.

    We got a quick tour of Baker Street Escapes while we were waiting too, and I think that will be fun to try out.

  2. #27
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    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Agree about too much vs not enough, but there's a common sense middle ground, too, I suspect.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Yes, really like their crust and pizza and agree it stacks up against the other good offerings in the area.

  4. #29
    2Lanez Guest

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Tried to go on Saturday and it was absolutely nuts. Beautiful space. They'll do well.

  5. Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    I didn't have the "overly-attentive" issue at Hall's - it was just right for my tastes - but wanted to chime in that it is something that does bug me when it happens. It's probably more noticeable to someone like me who is ADD, but when I'm on a business lunch or telling a story to friends it can be very difficult to return to topic easily after an interruption.

    It's especially bad when a server can't wait quietly for a moment for a natural pause in conversation, but instead straight-up interrupts their customer mid-sentence. This is incredibly prevalent in service these days. Having been a server I know for a fact you can wait for a moment for someone to at least finish their sentence. I think an excellent point was made about some things not even requiring words be exchanged.

    That said, again, my experience at Hall's was pretty much perfect.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Compared to Pizzeria Gusto, The Wedge, Sauced (our go-to places, especially Sauced), Revolve, Upper Crust, Hideaway (which are decent), and Pizza 23 (which was like Pizza Inn pizza, not a fan of), where would they fall?

  7. #32

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen


    I like Hall's better than all of those, although I've yet to try Sauced.

    I also like it better than Joey's, which is at the top of my list. Gabriella's is also very good but I've only had it once.

    And believe it or not, I've never had Empire which most people put at or near the top of the heap.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    I've had all of those. And I put Halls and Joeys at the top. Something about the dough @ these places that puts it in a best tier.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    I think it's definitely one of the best, if not the best, option out there right now. It's a little hard to compare it to Sauced / Empire which are more NY style thin crust, but we were all really impressed after the first trip.

  10. #35
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    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    We are fortunate to have all these great options. There are several niches filled by these (and others, such as Kuck's and Joey's), so not every place overlaps with the others, IMO.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    I haven't tried Knuck's either and I've heard good things.

  12. Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I haven't tried Knuck's either and I've heard good things.
    I like Knuck's.... It's a solid option when in Bricktown.... I usually get their ghost pepper chicharonnes too.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Cool, thanks for the replies, think it'll be our next pizza place to try (even though I don't like Elise Hall's politics, but that's for another forum). Forgot Joey's in our list, which is among the good, but we don't get there often enough to remember it, left out Empire in our list because we don't like it - too generic-tasting and floppy, you shouldn't have to roll your pizza up like a burrito to eat it (yeah, lots of New Yorkers disagree).

  14. #39

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Cool, thanks for the replies, think it'll be our next pizza place to try (even though I don't like Elise Hall's politics, but that's for another forum). Forgot Joey's in our list, which is among the good, but we don't get there often enough to remember it, left out Empire in our list because we don't like it - too generic-tasting and floppy, you shouldn't have to roll your pizza up like a burrito to eat it (yeah, lots of New Yorkers disagree).
    Might be petty but this is something in the back of my mind too and will likely keep me from frequenting this place very much. Plus its hard to top Empire, gusto and hideaway.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Cool, thanks for the replies, think it'll be our next pizza place to try (even though I don't like Elise Hall's politics, but that's for another forum). Forgot Joey's in our list, which is among the good, but we don't get there often enough to remember it, left out Empire in our list because we don't like it - too generic-tasting and floppy, you shouldn't have to roll your pizza up like a burrito to eat it (yeah, lots of New Yorkers disagree).
    I use a fork at Empire and it works well. And i'm not a New Yorker.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Might be petty but this is something in the back of my mind too and will likely keep me from frequenting this place very much. Plus its hard to top Empire, gusto and hideaway.
    I'm in the same boat and I hate it because their new set up does look pretty cool. Oh well!

  17. #42

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    I use a fork at Empire and it works well. And i'm not a New Yorker.
    You would never be confused with someone from the NY metro if you were spotted using a fork to eat pizza.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Might be petty but this is something in the back of my mind too and will likely keep me from frequenting this place very much. Plus its hard to top Empire, gusto and hideaway.
    Yeah, I figure we'll eat there once to try it, and unless it's the best damn pizza in the city, probably just hit one of our other faves (Sauced and Gusto *and* The Wedge are *so* close) from then on, but gotta give it a shot at least. Maybe fill out a comment card about Elise on our way out...

  19. #44

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    You would never be confused with someone from the NY metro if you were spotted using a fork to eat pizza.
    Ha, so true. Plus, while we're on the subject.... it drives me up a wall how no one here knows what I mean when I order a "plain" slice here. I've literally had to have my tablemate step in and say "Oh, he means a cheese slice". Is cheese not a core ingredient of pizza by definition? If you want peppers and olives on your pizza, do you need to say "peppers, olives, and cheese?". Back in Jersey/NYC it was very much understood that if you ordered plain you didn't want any additional toppings beyond cheese. Gets me every time! And I won't even digress and go into what I think of putting ranch on pizza.... /rant

  20. #45

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    You would never be confused with someone from the NY metro if you were spotted using a fork to eat pizza.
    Yep, i'll admit i only use the fork for the first couple inches then I'm all hands.....

  21. #46

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    This is pretty good pizza. I'll have to retry Empire, but I think they'll both be good for different reasons. I got it to go, and can't say anything about the service. This, Joey,s, and Empire are the hyped up ones?

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  22. #47

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Vu View Post
    This is pretty good pizza. I'll have to retry Empire, but I think they'll both be good for different reasons. I got it to go, and can't say anything about the service. This, Joey,s, and Empire are the hyped up ones?

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    Joey's is not on our radar. We have tried it a few times and thought the price far outweighed the quality of the pizza. Empire is expensive also but the pizza is worth it

  23. #48

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    Joey's is not on our radar. We have tried it a few times and thought the price far outweighed the quality of the pizza. Empire is expensive also but the pizza is worth it
    I thought about that. Halls is a flat $20 for whatever pizza for a 14 inch pizza (or box?) and $4 for a slice.

    Empire ranges from $20-$25 but the pizzas are larger than 14 inches, or so I remember and $3.50 for a slice.

    What are the other pizza places worth mentioning? I like sauced when it was in Norman. Not sure if it's the same place previously mentioned. I prefer Halls over Hideaway.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Vu View Post
    I thought about that. Halls is a flat $20 for whatever pizza for a 14 inch pizza (or box?) and $4 for a slice.

    Empire ranges from $20-$25 but the pizzas are larger than 14 inches, or so I remember and $3.50 for a slice.

    What are the other pizza places worth mentioning? I like sauced when it was in Norman. Not sure if it's the same place previously mentioned. I prefer Halls over Hideaway.
    Sauced on Paseo, Pizzeria Gusto and The Wedge (although we generally tell The Wedge to make sure the crust is crispy) are our current favorites.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Hall's Pizza Kitchen

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Sauced on Paseo, Pizzeria Gusto and The Wedge (although we generally tell The Wedge to make sure the crust is crispy) are our current favorites.
    I"ll have to make note on the crispy crust. I think they have some deal involving the keep it local card on tuesdays? Pizzeria Gusto I oddly enough preferred their wings over the pizza.

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