Just gonna post so this thread doesn't die out yet.
Focus fail but they are really moving on this structure.
There's also a short tour video posted today by the Chamber: https://twitter.com/okcchamber/statu...83623533563908
That'd be a great roof for solar panels.
You can actually see the top of this building from I-40.
Wow, that's not a lot of progress from May to August.
That is an old photo. Looks very different now.
No, I took that last night. There has been hardly any [easy to see] progress.
this thing is going up quick, i saw it the other day and its progress is clearly advanced.
i understand a proposed street car route to capitol hill makes all the sense in the world
to run on walker because of logistics, budget, etc. but frankly the designated axis of choice for access
to downtown should be along robinson with a transfer over stop on chesapeake arena.
what are the odds that this proposal may become reality anyways? i think the chances are pretty darn slim.
First overhead wires are up just north of the maintenance facility.
Every since someone mentioned it looks like an open drawer, that’s all I can see. Lol.
Never noticed or thought about it before, but it seems like it wouldn't take that much toss over some rail connecting to that freight line for airport service connecting directly to the intermodal hub. I mean, I know there would still be tons to do at the other end, but originally I was thinking it would take something heavier and dedicated on the freight line to make airport transit happen, but maybe not? I'm speaking out of a great deal of ignorance and apologies in advance for that.
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