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Thread: OLD! Apartments in Midwest City

  1. #1

    Default OLD! Apartments in Midwest City

    When my husband and I met at Tinker, a verrrrrrrry long time ago, he lived in an apartment house just off 29th Street, on the west end of what was then beautiful downtown Midwest City. He called it the RatHole but we can't remember the real name. To illustrate what a classy place it was - He once locked himself out of his apartment and his neighbor helped him by using a butter knife to open the lock. We remember the name Fleetwood but think it was on the east end. Can anyone help our old brains? Thanks.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OLD! Apartments in Midwest City

    Was the name maybe Creekwood instead? I used to live there, was happy to get out. To list one of the many problems, there was a leak in the shower in the bathroom...in the apartment upstairs from ours. Every time they took a shower, a puddle of water appeared outside OUR bathroom. Of course, it wasn't at first known that there was a leak upstairs, so it was a couple months of calling the office, telling them the mysterious puddle has appeared again, and no there is no possible way it was caused by anything we were doing. They finally were able to track down the problem after a small section of our bathroom wall literally collapsed...it was where a prior tenant had a towel bar, which was apparently taken down at some point and VERY half-heartedly patched. The water had been running down the wall and eventually weakened that patch enough to where it just fell right into the wall. Imagine the mold smell when that hole opened up, I dare you.

    This is only one in a book of horror stories about that place. We left as soon as the lease was up, but the rest of the time there constantly joked to management that we now knew where the creek in Creekwood was. I can't recall the EXACT address, but I know it was on 29th, and am fairly positive it was where an On-Cue is now at 29th and Sooner.

    OK, actually, I just tried Google maps and believe it or not it is still listed (though listed as closed of course), 5236 SE 59th. I believe the tornado that moved through there affected at least a portion of the apartment complex, though most of the damage was a bit more south. Also, just searching for "creekwood midwest city" (technically it was Del City) on Google gives lots of fun results. Like the stabbing death and the multiple drug busts.

  3. #3

    Default Re: OLD! Apartments in Midwest City

    My mom and dad lived there when they were at Tinker just before and after I was born. They call them the "Fleabag" Apartments, but I'll ask them and see if they remember the actual name.

  4. #4

    Default Re: OLD! Apartments in Midwest City

    Never mind, it wasn't the old one at 29th and Sooner.

  5. Default Re: OLD! Apartments in Midwest City

    The ones at 29th and Sooner were Kristi Manor and as Kristi Manor, they were complete crap. They split the complex into two parts and the southern half (which is still there under a different name) was not nearly as nasty. If i remember right, there was a flood from the creek that year that we had so much rain and it finally did the complex in. I recall it causing a fire or something? Anyway, it got fenced off and not long after, i believe OnCue purchased it and the land.

    There were two complexes on 29th in the old downtown MWC. One was built in the 80's and was well maintained. The other was the old Fleetwood that was a complete pile. It was white with green trim. Window AC units/screen doors/etc. I believe it was built in the early 50's as one of the first complexes in MWC....and if memory serves, it was originally barracks for the air force? I thought i remembered someone telling me that, but i'm not old enough to know that first hand. Anyway, you can confirm it from the assessor: http://www.oklahomacounty.org/assess...TNO=R150383200

    Im not sure i trust the historical records, but the original non-sales document shows activity in 1911. I think that predates even Atkinson's purchase of the land out in MWC.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OLD! Apartments in Midwest City

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post

    There were two complexes on 29th in the old downtown MWC. One was built in the 80's and was well maintained. The other was the old Fleetwood that was a complete pile. It was white with green trim. Window AC units/screen doors/etc. I believe it was built in the early 50's as one of the first complexes in MWC....and if memory serves, it was originally barracks for the air force? I thought i remembered someone telling me that, but i'm not old enough to know that first hand. Anyway, you can confirm it from the assessor: http://www.oklahomacounty.org/assess...TNO=R150383200

    Im not sure i trust the historical records, but the original non-sales document shows activity in 1911. I think that predates even Atkinson's purchase of the land out in MWC.
    Yes, you're right. It was the Fleetwood after all. I found an article from The Oklahoman about tearing them down in 1991. (About time...it was 1969 when my husband moved out.) There's a self-storage place on the location of the apartments where we lived in Del City. I looked on the map after reading the assessor site. They were in that area where Santa Fe Steakhouse and Lowe's are. My husband will be thrilled to know that he spends a lot of time in the "old home place" - every time he goes to Lowes.

    Thanks for your help.

  7. #7

    Default Re: OLD! Apartments in Midwest City

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Im not sure i trust the historical records, but the original non-sales document shows activity in 1911. I think that predates even Atkinson's purchase of the land out in MWC.
    1911 is a default when the date of ownership is unknown. My mother bought her home in 1940 and the deed history shows 11/11/1911. One of my former neighbors bought his place in 1969 and it is also listed as 11/11/1911. I think they only show the correct dates from the early 80's forward.
    C. T.

  8. Default Re: OLD! Apartments in Midwest City

    Makes sense crchandler. I can't imagine most records that far back were documented very well in Oklahoma. Not that far away from the Land Run in 1911!

  9. #9

    Default Re: OLD! Apartments in Midwest City

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    The ones at 29th and Sooner were Kristi Manor and as Kristi Manor, they were complete crap. They split the complex into two parts and the southern half (which is still there under a different name) was not nearly as nasty. If i remember right, there was a flood from the creek that year that we had so much rain and it finally did the complex in. I recall it causing a fire or something? Anyway, it got fenced off and not long after, i believe OnCue purchased it and the land.

    There were two complexes on 29th in the old downtown MWC. One was built in the 80's and was well maintained. The other was the old Fleetwood that was a complete pile. It was white with green trim. Window AC units/screen doors/etc. I believe it was built in the early 50's as one of the first complexes in MWC....and if memory serves, it was originally barracks for the air force? I thought i remembered someone telling me that, but i'm not old enough to know that first hand. Anyway, you can confirm it from the assessor: http://www.oklahomacounty.org/assess...TNO=R150383200

    Im not sure i trust the historical records, but the original non-sales document shows activity in 1911. I think that predates even Atkinson's purchase of the land out in MWC.
    THANK YOU! That has been bothering me for a few years now and never thought to ask. She had said the "Fleabag" Apartments were on 29th and Air Depot, but I didn't understand how. It's always been Lowe's since I've moved back.

  10. #10

    Default Re: OLD! Apartments in Midwest City

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    Makes sense crchandler. I can't imagine most records that far back were documented very well in Oklahoma. Not that far away from the Land Run in 1911!
    Actually, the records are there. I have seen the records for my mother's home. I think they elected to go back to around 1980 and scan the documents and that would cover a large majority of the pertinent sales details. It would have cost a ton of money to scan every available document.
    C. T.

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