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Tom Elmore is still around and up to his old ways. From the Oklahoman.com comments on the story:
"This was the Frisco line's direct connection from OKC Union Station - train yard obliterated by rocket-scientists at ODOT - to, yeah, WILL ROGERS WORLD AIRPORT. So - yeah, sure - let's "turn it into some pimped-up pedestrian bridge." Back to cave-man days. Who needs modern transportation? (Ask former congressman Ernest J. Istook, who funded the destruction of the Union Station facility and its connections to make way for ODOT's ugly, poorly-built "New Crosstown," which, as I predicted - is now up around ONE BILLION DOLLARS, far, far above ODOT's estimates. Oh - and guess what? ODOT's BROKE - along with the rest of state government. While the big shots in OKC keep right on running long-standing, taxpaying businesses out-uh-there, in favor of more maintenance-intensive foofaraw down on the muddy ditch.)"