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Thread: Uber coming to OKC

  1. Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by turnpup View Post
    We Ubered for the first time this weekend. With all three rides the drivers showed up within literally a minute of making the pickup request. Our experience may be skewed, however, as we were downtown where maybe more drivers were likely to be stationed.

    Question for those of you more familiar with the system--are we *really* not supposed to be tipping the drivers? Or do we need to bring cash and tip them off the books?
    I definitely wouldn't say you're 'not supposed to.' It's just that Uber doesn't encourage it as part of their business model.

    Uber driver's don't nearly make what they used to in our market - so, tips are certainly appreciated.

    I Uber some and if the car is clean, I can't smell the driver and the service is pleasant, then I tip in cash.

  2. #652

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    I figure if I'n gonna tip the lass who makes/brings my beverage, I'm gonna tip the driver who gets me from point A to point B.

  3. #653

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Great, thanks for the feedback guys. We're very good tippers elsewhere, but these guys who drove us Friday night seemed like they were adamantly not wanting to be tipped. That's why we wanted to find out, so as to not short someone. Appreciate it!

  4. Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by turnpup View Post
    Great, thanks for the feedback guys. We're very good tippers elsewhere, but these guys who drove us Friday night seemed like they were adamantly not wanting to be tipped. That's why we wanted to find out, so as to not short someone. Appreciate it!
    Every driver is different, but I've found it very common to see driver made signs hanging in the cars reminding passengers to tip. Even saw a headrest cover that had been customized with a message about tipping.

    Uber has gone from a side job where someone could make a pretty decent amount of money to a minimum wage side gig with the ever present 'carrot' that maybe you'll make more 'tomorrow.'

  5. #655

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Very interesting! None of our drivers had anything posted at all. In fact, when the first driver let us out, I asked him how to tip and he told us that we couldn't, that it was against company policy. Now I feel really guilty. At least they were all three very nearby, and we only rode short distances, never even breaking past the minimum charge. It was one of those situations where we'd have walked or ridden bicycles, save for the fact that it was a dress-up event and I had on uncomfortable shoes. Next time we'll make sure we tip.

  6. Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    On a recent trip to Houston I had to Uber everywhere. Not only were there handwritten signs in most cars, but one driver literally asked for a tip. He said, "I've got change if you want to tip."

    I find newer drivers tend to not reference tips because of the 'corporate policy' - but it's definitely not a situation where the drivers are paid so well you don't need to at least consider it.

  7. #657

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Is it now possible to tip through the Uber app?

  8. #658

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    I would report any driver that asks for a tip.

    Uber and Lyft have the advantage over cab companies because of that. You know exactly what you're going to pay before you even step into the car. No awkwardness over tips and tips adding onto what you were already quoted.

    Find a different profession if you work for a company that advertises that tipping is not only not necessary but is not allowed.

    Want to throw a $20 on your luggage, I want a tip next time I deliver your bag to its connecting flight?

  9. #659

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Uber recently changed their policy where drivers can ask for tips and even have signs in their cars about tipping.

    However, if you feel pressured to tip you can always rate the driver unfavorably.

  10. #660

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Uber recently changed their policy where drivers can ask for tips and even have signs in their cars about tipping.

    However, if you feel pressured to tip you can always rate the driver unfavorably.
    Interesting. That really cheapens the experience.

  11. #661

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Interesting. That really cheapens the experience.
    And takes away a large advantage over taxis.

  12. Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Uber recently changed their policy where drivers can ask for tips and even have signs in their cars about tipping.

    However, if you feel pressured to tip you can always rate the driver unfavorably.
    That's good to hear. I'd imagine that's the only way they could continue to lower rates and keep drivers. Last I checked I didn't see a way to tip via the app. So, while they may 'allow' it, they most likely don't encourage it.

    I drove for Uber when they first came to town - as part of an attempt to utilize 'volunteer driving' as a way for non-profits to raise money. Seemed like a lot of people tipped, but it really didn't matter because the pay was so good. You could volunteer to drive for 4-5 hours on a Friday night and have a few hundred dollars to donate for your efforts. The drivers I know that drive now say it's terrible except for the obvious rare times when you'd expect to make some money. Tipping now probably helps alot.

  13. Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    And takes away a large advantage over taxis.
    Any idea what the difference in fares is now? I remember at one time Uber was like less than half of a taxi (going off memory only). Even if the fare was equal, I'd take a Uber over a taxi.

  14. #664

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    I don't know how the fares compare now and of course with Uber, it depends if you fall into 'surge' pricing or not.

    Also, I'm pretty sure you cannot tip directly through the Uber app, so if tips are now the norm, having to deal with that is yet another advantage over taxis that has been removed.

    I drove very briefly for Uber when I was in L.A. I did it one New Year's Eve and made about $600. But at that time you were not allowed to take tips. I tried it a couple of other times just for fun but it wasn't worth the hassle.

  15. #665

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    In San Fran last year our Uber driver told us that he pays his mortgage (Sacramento) by driving into San Fran two Friday's a month. He said he leaves his house about 2pm and gets into the Bay Area around 4 and drives until 2-3am and then heads back home to Sac. His real job (I believe he was a carpenter) goes to his car, groceries and the rest is literally money saved or play money. He said Uber changed his way of life since he can pay his mortgage with two days of driving per month.

  16. Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    In San Fran last year our Uber driver told us that he pays his mortgage (Sacramento) by driving into San Fran two Friday's a month. He said he leaves his house about 2pm and gets into the Bay Area around 4 and drives until 2-3am and then heads back home to Sac. His real job (I believe he was a carpenter) goes to his car, groceries and the rest is literally money saved or play money. He said Uber changed his way of life since he can pay his mortgage with two days of driving per month.
    I have zero hesitation in saying that is not common at all in most markets - especially Oklahoma.

    As for your San Fran example... When Their Shifts End, Uber Drivers Set Up Camp in Parking Lots Across the U.S.

    All anyone really has to do is work the math and then factor in the over saturation of drivers in the popular areas of OKC to see if you consistently make more than say $13/hr then you're ahead of the norm. The drivers I know say it's a $10-$15/hr side gig that is really closer to minimum wage when you account for your total time, expenses and wear and tear on your vehicle.

    Like I said, when I first drove (years ago), you could make money even after expenses and drive at your leisure. Now, the pay is gone and you must drive certain days/time/locations if you want to make any money at all.

    *Uber drivers (like strippers) all lie about how much money they make.

  17. #667

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC


    That was very much the case in L.A. after the initial lack of drivers made driving lucrative then the glut that followed made it very difficult to make any worthwhile money.

  18. #668

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    I certainly don't doubt that, but if the pay isn't working out the number of drivers decreases and the remaining drivers get more money. By begging for tips they are artificially keeping wages high this resulting in drivers not dropping out.

  19. Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    I certainly don't doubt that, but if the pay isn't working out the number of drivers decreases and the remaining drivers get more money. By begging for tips they are artificially keeping wages high this resulting in drivers not dropping out.
    I don't agree.....

    Sure, drivers drop out, but Uber is extremely aggressive at recruiting new drivers. it also takes a new driver awhile before they realize "it's not me, this really doesn't pay well." When Uber used to let drivers see where other drivers are, it was ridiculous how many would be downtown and in similar areas.

    Making passengers aware that a tip is appreciated is a far cry from 'begging.' Regardless, when the fair is low, the tipped amount (usually based on a percentage of the fare) will be low too. Additionally, tipping is not even close to a guarantee when you drive.

    And, as most reporting on Uber seems to show, the reality is this is a very low paying job that's IMO best as a side gig to supplement one's income.

  20. #670

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    We sure didn't see anywhere on the app where a tip could be added, which is why I asked our driver about it. However, disclaimer in that it was hard to read the app in the car in the dark while in motion. So I could be wrong. I'm fighting having to use reading glasses.

  21. #671

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I don't agree.....

    Sure, drivers drop out, but Uber is extremely aggressive at recruiting new drivers. it also takes a new driver awhile before they realize "it's not me, this really doesn't pay well." When Uber used to let drivers see where other drivers are, it was ridiculous how many would be downtown and in similar areas.

    Making passengers aware that a tip is appreciated is a far cry from 'begging.' Regardless, when the fair is low, the tipped amount (usually based on a percentage of the fare) will be low too. Additionally, tipping is not even close to a guarantee when you drive.

    And, as most reporting on Uber seems to show, the reality is this is a very low paying job that's IMO best as a side gig to supplement one's income.
    BBates has the right of it. I drove for Uber/Lyft for most of 2016 to make some extra money for a down payment. I kept pretty detailed records of my trips and expenses, and it worked out to $15.61/hr gross and $11.31/hr net not including cash tips. I played around with doing it these last few months for some extra money, but a combination of fares being reduced again(I think?) and too many drivers made it unprofitable. The surge pricing is what makes money, and too many drivers reduces surges to basically just bar close.

    Uber discourages tipping because the CEO is against tipping in general. He's made several public statements about it. My experiences as a driver make me always tip unless they're genuinely bad. If you don't have cash and want to tip through the app, use Lyft. It's the same people driving for them, anyway.

  22. #672

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    One of the huge perks of Uber is that you are able to do everything through the app, as I rarely have cash on me. I also use Uber because I know what I am going to pay and there aren't any additional fees (or tip) on top. Until they allow you to tip through the app like Lyft I don't see the ability to accept cash tips as enough to supplement the change in rates and increase in drivers.

  23. #673

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Cash tips create a security issue to the driver. I take Uber and Lyft rides multiple times each weekend and do not tip. My rating on the app is 5 stars. I give nearly everyone 5 star rating unless there was an obvious issue or the driver "accidentally" makes mistakes for the route.

    This past weekend we ordered an Uber and there was already a guy in our car. The driver did not verify name on pickup and just assumed. We ended up dropping the guy off because he was clearly in need of a ride. But I rated the driver 1 star. She claimed she did ask the guy his name, and claims he responded with the correct name (which is impossible due to the uniqueness of the requester's name).

  24. #674

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    Cash tips create a security issue to the driver. I take Uber and Lyft rides multiple times each weekend and do not tip. My rating on the app is 5 stars. I give nearly everyone 5 star rating unless there was an obvious issue or the driver "accidentally" makes mistakes for the route.

    This past weekend we ordered an Uber and there was already a guy in our car. The driver did not verify name on pickup and just assumed. We ended up dropping the guy off because he was clearly in need of a ride. But I rated the driver 1 star. She claimed she did ask the guy his name, and claims he responded with the correct name (which is impossible due to the uniqueness of the requester's name).
    99% of the time the say "Are you _____?". I've had someone else get in my Uber and drive off before.

  25. #675

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Finally got a new phone that can run the Uber and Lyft apps (old one couldn't get upgraded past Android 4.0.3), so with all the fallout about Uber in the past year or so, and not hearing much of the same about Lyft, thinking I should use Lyft. Wondering which one is better here in OKC, though, as far as number of drivers, rates, etc.?

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