Who's Fault?
I'm playing devil's advocate here.. just a scenario to imagine.. and a 'what would you do' situation?
Young couple gets married... both take pride in their appearance, they work out, they are in shape, nice clothes, healthy habits, good hygiene.. you get the picture.. they love each other, they want to make each other happy.
The first few years, they both care about the relationship, they both try hard.. they both care about making one another happy, they stay in shape, they meet each other's needs..
Then something changes - it could be either one.. for any reason, one loses interest in the relationship... let's just say it's the wife.
She stops caring, stops doing the romantic things she used to, refuses to have sex, refuses to get out of her sweats all day.. doesn't make an effort, just doesn't care anymore.. she is definitely not the same person that the husband married.
Husband tries everything he knows to inspire her or to get her to work on the relationship.. nothing. She's lost the loving feeling.. it could be anything, the kids, life whatever, but she no longer cares about him.
Then the inevitable happens, he meets someone at work, someone who is cute and young and adores him .. she makes him feel like his wife used to ..
He has an affair.
He leaves his wife.
He is hated and despised by nearly everyone for leaving his marriage.
How do you feel about it?
(Disclaimer, purely to stir debate and discussion)
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "