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Thread: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

  1. #101
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Does this garage open the surface lots around the Plow up to development? There are 3 parking lots to the north, east, and west of the Plow that I'd like to see developed. Who owns those?

  2. #102

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by OkiePoke View Post
    I believe the lot to the east has a planned hotel, approximately 10-13 stories.
    So that only leaves three lots left on the West block and one on the East. I took a small snapshot on the second page that shows the area.
    See, look at that, it's already working out for the benefit.

  3. Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by TU 'cane View Post
    ...Plus, I don't think this is the most exciting project in BT, that probably goes to the Cummins Building, which deserves the praise it's receiving. I think most of us are simply seeing this project as a necessary complement to the existing "fabric" that will open up more potential.
    Agree. That's why instead of "exciting" I called it "important".

  4. Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Brasky View Post
    Does this garage open the surface lots around the Plow up to development? There are 3 parking lots to the north, east, and west of the Plow that I'd like to see developed. Who owns those?
    The lots to the north and to the west are still owned by the Brewer family. There have been some discussion in the past regarding partnerships in redeveloping them. Interested parties would include Harding & Shelton, who own the properties to the east fronting the canal, and Richard McKown, who is renovating The Plow. Not sure how much traction there might be there in the immediate future. I'm sure it would have to be the right deal, and that has yet to be struck.

    The lot to the east (across Oklahoma) has always been connected to the Kingman Building. Not 100% sure if that stayed with the building when Steve Hurst bought it. If it did, I would see a good chance of that lot eventually being developed, but I do know he would only do that if he could secure the right parking deal to go along with it. This garage MIGHT be able to serve as a part of that equation.

  5. Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by cafeboeuf View Post
    Park N' Ride? When you're already downtown? Yikes.
    Why do you question this concept?

  6. #106

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Any news on this garage? Any Bricktown regular knows how badly this is needed.

  7. #107

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    No building permits have been filed.

  8. #108

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    No building permits have been filed.
    Nearly a year later and still no sign of progress? I assume this no longer has a pulse.

  9. #109

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Nearly a year later and still no sign of progress? I assume this no longer has a pulse.
    The slow start on the new hotel may be slowing the start on this. That would be my guess. It will definitely be needed when/if the hotel opens.

  10. #110
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Nearly a year later and still no sign of progress? I assume this no longer has a pulse.
    I thought in last week's chat that Steve said Don Karchmer had switched his focus back to the garage he once had planned at Main and Walnut. Who knows though - it seems like Karchmer doesn't know what to do.

  11. #111

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    All I know is there has been no signs of life on either of Karchmer's proposed garages.

    And they would still have to submit plans to design review, etc.

    Seems like we are still pretty far removed from him doing anything.

  12. #112

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    His lots still make him a ton of cash, I'm sure.

  13. #113

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    All I know is there has been no signs of life on either of Karchmer's proposed garages.

    And they would still have to submit plans to design review, etc.

    Seems like we are still pretty far removed from him doing anything.
    You would think with the hotel across the street being a near sure thing, that it would make him more interested in fast tracking this. I'm sure an agreement with the hotel would go a long way toward adding to the profitability of a garage there.

  14. #114

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    You would think with the hotel across the street being a near sure thing, that it would make him more interested in fast tracking this. I'm sure an agreement with the hotel would go a long way toward adding to the profitability of a garage there.
    They can still have an agreement for some of his surface lots.

  15. #115

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    This garage is likely not happening.

  16. #116
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by LuccaBrasi View Post
    This garage is likely not happening.
    Any idea what will happen instead?

  17. #117

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Lucca knows.

  18. #118
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    What will the new Marriott do for parking?

  19. #119

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    What will the new Marriott do for parking?
    Use the existing Power Alley garage or one of the many surface lots.

    I'm sure they'll contract with someone.

  20. Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Probably contract with the Main Street lot - which is underutilized and barely over a block away - to provide space for their valet, and offer no self-park option. Right now AC is valet only ($25 if I recall) with no self-park. Not sure if that is their long term plan but wouldn't be surprised if so.

    By the way at yesterday's Downtown Developer's Luncheon one of the visiting industry experts on hand mentioned that in cities with Uber hotels are reporting a 30% decline in parking demand. The disruptive changes happening in transportation are fundamentally changing things like parking requirements, and we are just now at the precipice of these changes. As downtown continues to densify and other transportation options become available it is likely even fewer downtown hotel guests will require dedicated parking. I regularly even today speak with people who either didn't rent cars when visiting or regret renting once they find out how easy it is to get around downtown without them.

  21. #121
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    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Interesting, I was thinking Hyatt and AC were using Steelyard garage.

    I wish I had been able to attend the developer's lunch, but had to get back to work after the BID.

  22. #122

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    I can believe that for sure. Just imagine when the OKC Streetcar is operating. You could feasibly park your car for free as far away as the ghosttown CBD or Midtown on weekend days and still get to everything meaningful downtown for just the cost of a daypass.

  23. Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    Interesting, I was thinking Hyatt and AC were using Steelyard garage.

    I wish I had been able to attend the developer's lunch, but had to get back to work after the BID.
    That may be the case long term with the AC but at least right now it is valet only with no provided self park.

    Good to see you at the BID meeting.

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