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Thread: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

  1. #1

    Default New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    Was reviewing building permits recently and noticed three new entries listed for the address of 9001 S. May, which would be the SW corner of the intersection of S. May and 89th...

    Two of the permit applications appeared to be identical (or I simply overlooked the difference), but each is for a $700,000 new construction project. I'm thinking perhaps they were redundant applications or one was technically flawed and its replacement was already filed (?? speculation on my part). A third permit was for a ~$15,000 remodel of an existing retail structure.

    The applicant is listed as Chong Branson w/7-11, so that immediately led me to speculate perhaps one of the "new" 7-11 stores (like the one in Moore) is going in to replace the existing 7-11 on that corner? Seems to me a $700K for a new build would suggest they're going to ditch the existing structure, and a lot of those 7-11's are getting fairly old...

    Anyone have any other info?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
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    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    I am thinking you are correct. I have seen Chong Branson's name on other 7-11 paperwork. That 7-11 that is there now just has that older look to it. The other business expansions that are going on in that general area (including the car wash being built to the west), seem like this may be a good idea to upgrade, although they have one of those newer 7-11's about 1.5 miles to the south near SW 70th and May.

  3. #3

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    It looks like 7 Eleven will be adding about 7,000 SF to the existing 5,000 SF building and putting up a new canopy.

    Very likely a conversion to the new prototype.

  4. #4
    SouthsideSooner Guest

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    I was told by a very reliable source that they're building a new 7/11 directly behind the current building and then razing the current building once complete. This will allow them to continue to operate while the new building is under construction.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?


    That makes good sense.

    There is a bunch of vacant land directly behind.

  6. #6

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    Good deal, that 7-11 IIRC is pretty old and was needing major improvements or needed to be replaced.

  7. #7

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    It looks like 7 Eleven will be adding about 7,000 SF to the existing 5,000 SF building and putting up a new canopy.

    Very likely a conversion to the new prototype.
    Where did you see this, Pete? I looked all over those permit apps and never saw a drawing or anything. If I missed it, I'm going to get new glasses.

  8. #8

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    I just saw 3 separate permits: 1 for new construction, 1 to renovate and 1 to build a canopy.

    You can't see the specific plans until the permit is issued, which usually takes a few months.

  9. #9

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    Quote Originally Posted by SouthsideSooner View Post
    I was told by a very reliable source that they're building a new 7/11 directly behind the current building and then razing the current building once complete. This will allow them to continue to operate while the new building is under construction.
    They did this with the store at 23/Penn years ago

  10. #10

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I just saw 3 separate permits: 1 for new construction, 1 to renovate and 1 to build a canopy.

    You can't see the specific plans until the permit is issued, which usually takes a few months.
    That's what I saw - I just didn't 'see the specifics about the additional square footage and such, that's all. Assumed I just overlooked it

  11. #11

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    I drove by this the other day and it looks to me that there is currently a strip center being built. Is 7-11 building this or are they going to start on the lot behind their current building? The strip center looks to far away IMO to be new 7-11.

  12. #12

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    I drove by this the other day and it looks to me that there is currently a strip center being built. Is 7-11 building this or are they going to start on the lot behind their current building? The strip center looks to far away IMO to be new 7-11.
    You may be confusing the new construction that's really along 104th - that gray structure going up there is a carwash. They are going to build the new 7-11 immediately behind the existing 7-11 structure that runs parallel to S May.

  13. #13

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    You may be confusing the new construction that's really along 104th - that gray structure going up there is a carwash. They are going to build the new 7-11 immediately behind the existing 7-11 structure that runs parallel to S May.
    What I'm referencing is on sw89th just west of S May. It may be something else, just looked like strip center to me.

  14. #14

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    What I'm referencing is on sw89th just west of S May. It may be something else, just looked like strip center to me.
    Right. That's the carwash. The new 7-11 has not been started yet.

  15. #15

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    I'm surprised they haven't done more by the CVS and Sonic. Seems like a lot of land just sitting there in a highly trafficked area.

  16. #16

    Default Re: New construction at or near SW 89th and May? Possibly new 7-11?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    I'm surprised they haven't done more by the CVS and Sonic. Seems like a lot of land just sitting there in a highly trafficked area.
    Agree! I heard rumblings that Crest originally wanted to go in there a few years back, but unknown circumstances got them down at 104th and May. It may have been that WalMart was originally going in at 104th and May, and when that fell through, Crest got a good deal.

    Regardless of the circumstances, the fact that the land at 89th and May on that SE corner has gone unused is really curious. I used to live in the neighborhood immediately east of that land and was just sure I'd wake up someday to bulldozers and construction equipment behind the Sonic, but it's obviously never happened.

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