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Thread: Migrational Disorder

  1. #1

    Default Migrational Disorder

    Has anyone heard of this.. I am sure Patrick knows what I am talking about..

    It is sorta a birth defect that a part of your brain lobe does not develop and that part is filled with gray mass I think that is what it's called..

    DO you know anyone that has been really effected by this?
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  2. Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    Actually, it sounds like a great name for our immigration problem.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Migrational Disorder


  4. #4

    Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    Actually, it sounds like a great name for our immigration problem.
    Yeah well I dont think this is the immagration that you are talking about..

    Actually someone very dear to me has it and was involved in a horrible car crash with a cement truck. Since he has this they are considering it to be preexisting and refusing to pay for medical bills.

    The head of OU has it and we were told that you can live forever with it and it never effect you, but I guess since he now has TBI it has effected him more than we realized.
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  5. #5

    Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    Actually, it sounds like a great name for our immigration problem.
    Nothing like having someone always self-gratulating themselves...

  6. Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    Deni, he needs an attorney... I can't believe the lengths insurance companies will go to to get out of paying premiums. Call around and see if he can get some free consultations or an attorney that might look into it at no cost.. of course, they will get a big chunk of the settlement.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  7. Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    "Yeah well I dont think this is the immagration that you are talking about.. "

    1. I am aware of that.

    2. You missed my point. Most people do around here.

    3. I do not "talk" on a computer. I write.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    You missed my point. Most people do around here.
    What's the common denominator?

    When a communicator fails to communicate effectively on a regular basis, it seems the problem rests primarily with the communicator rather than the listener/reader.

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    I do not "talk" on a computer. I write.
    You knew what she meant and you're using a very narrow definition of "talk." The broader definition would include general discussion and expression using words (not restricted to verbal communication). I would have expected a wise, learned man like yourself to realize that.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    "Yeah well I dont think this is the immagration that you are talking about.. "

    1. I am aware of that.

    2. You missed my point. Most people do around here.

    3. I do not "talk" on a computer. I write.
    I'll have to admit, I did in fact miss your point on this one. So please enlighten me. What exactly is it you are aware of?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    He is finally on the dockets for court sometime this year.

    They are saying that with the migrational disorder it was preexisting .. Yeah it was ... His right lower lobe of his brain never fully developed. But that did not cause the cement truck to run a red light and cause permanent brain injury. He could have lived forever like he was. But now with the damage the wreck did he cant do the other things he used to do.

    I hate insurance companies and I hate the company that hired the stupid man that drove the cement truck. They have ruined his life in a certain way...

    Now we will have to pay the price for their ignorance
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  11. Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    3. I do not "talk" on a computer. I write.
    I don't 'write' on a computer. I type.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  12. #12
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    Sorry I didn't comment sooner. Deni, I think you have a case and will win. The company that owns the cement truck should be sued and sued big time. Even though it may have been a pre-existing condition, the TBI was not pre-existing, and that should be covered IMO. Disability for life should be covered, and money for pain and suffering from the TMI. Also, the cement company should be responsible for medical costs since they were at fault.

    And, BTW, I had actually never heard of migrational disorder, but then there are many disorders out there that are zebras and don't get studied much. But, you've obviously given me a topic to study for the day, so I'll probably educate myself an exactly what it is.

    Good luck on the case!

  13. Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    Just to echo Patrick as he's right on with my thoughts as well. What a terrible thing. Best of luck and I agree that pursuing this in court is the only thing the insurance companies understand. Damn, life can be so unfair.


  14. #14

    Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    I don't 'write' on a computer. I type.

  15. #15
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    For anyone that's interested, the disorder is known by the medical term schizencephaly, or cortical dysplasia. Here's a little info on it.

    eMedicine - Schizencephaly : Article by Ken R Close, MD

    Cortical dysplasia — also called migrational disorders — are congenital abnormalities in the architecture of the cerebral cortex. These islands of abnormal brain may promote seizures, and their removal may be curative.

  16. Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    For anyone that's interested, the disorder is known by the medical term schizencephaly, or cortical dysplasia. Here's a little info on it.

    eMedicine - Schizencephaly : Article by Ken R Close, MD

    Cortical dysplasia — also called migrational disorders — are congenital abnormalities in the architecture of the cerebral cortex. These islands of abnormal brain may promote seizures, and their removal may be curative.
    Thanks, Patrick. Fascinating. I had never heard of it. I just hate to have learned of it this way. I wish those people all the best and that justice is found in that case.


  17. #17

    Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    Thanks so much Patrick.

    I never knew all that.. All I know that 3 years ago He was very "normal" his concentration was good, stabiltity was awesome. After the wreck he now has constance dissiness, headaches, he cant focus for long periods of times, he also has a bad memory of present activities. He can remember things from before but his short term memory is gone.

    There is another man in Oklahoma that is the head of OU Medical Center I think that has the same thing. He has done just fine with this and so had my friend until the wreck

    We will continue to fight. The workers comp dr's gave him 20% long term disability. He has had to change postitions at his job so he could continue to work.

    Thanks for all the information. This has been very frustrating for him ..
    "You can't fix stupid it's foreverrrrrrrrr!!" Ron White

  18. #18
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Migrational Disorder

    He should be getting 100% long term disability for life, and money for pain and suffering from the concrete company responsible for the wreck.

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