I don't remember where, but I read where there was a recent case that ruled in favor of the consumer, in regards to having to lease the cable boxes. Cox is appealing. If the appeal gets turned down (which I hope and pray it does), there will be a major class action suit I am sure, and then perhaps we will have a better option.
One thing a friend of mine does is he has 3 Apple TV boxes that he sent off to jailbreak. He can pretty much watch anything, anytime. If its a primetime new showing, he said that he has to wait 15-30 minutes to find it somewhere. Based on the savings, he said that it is worth it. The one thing you don't want to do is perform the "update" on the Apple TV box, as that will cause it to not be jailbroken, and you will have to send it off once again. His little girl recently clicked "yes" to the update, and he had to send it off again.
I found the link to the article I read regarding the court ruling!!!