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This is the most bizarre and frustrating aspect of the whole thing. Parking garages are at best placeholders which sustain the urban fabric just well enough not to be a pain (Arts District Garage), and at worst create dead blocks (Sante Fe, Sheridan-Walker, Metro Parking, etc.), break up the street grid (Devon and Sante Fe), and are generally just massive eyesores (pick one).
Honestly, if we could just sacrifice one part of downtown and make it the parking garage district, that'd be fine. But since the norm - no, the expectation - here is that people always be able to park adjacent (or very close) to their destinations, we end up with a nice clump of garages in every reasonably dense part of downtown.
This doesn't mean these two garages in particular don't need to exist - they do, as long as +95% of the people who work here are commuting by car. The answer to the parking garage problem isn't to just slap a Dunkin Donuts at the bottom of all of them and pretend they aren't there, it's to (1) have more people living downtown (i.e. within walking and biking distance of their destinations) and (2) have a usable public transportation system so people can get to their destination without having to park a car anywhere.
Whatever, though. With self-driving cars just a few decades from ubiquity, the problem will solve itself at some point and we can get to tearing all the garages down.