From their Facebook page:
Grand opening is May 6th.
Soft opening is the 17th, or at least other comments have indicated that on their FB page. I'll keep you guys posted. I cancelled my gym membership on April and have been waiting for this...
They finally released prices. I am quite disappointed as the monthly membership is much higher than pretty much everywhere else I've seen in the research I've done.
aiming for those Crossfit and Lifetime Fitness rates I see
Although this list is older, it's a good comparison of different gyms across the country that are considered some of the best.
Except Life Time will likely be a little cheaper, and offer far more for everyone except hardcore climbers (including free gear rentals on the rock wall, and when you sign up they give you "LT bucks" you can use for free climbing lessons).
I just don't see how Threshold is going to attract anything but very serious climbers at these prices. I mean a family of four, with gear rental would be ~$135 for one day, and that is before a likely required belaying class for another $15/ea. It also doesn't help that they aren't really on the beaten path for most people either. I live in North Edmond, and they are only slightly closer than the silos, and I'd much rather hang out around the silos after I finish climbing than Deer Creek. With the price, I doubt that many people would go out of their way to go to Threshold than the Silos.
Unless they massively change their prices, I will be shocked if they are still in business in two years. My guess is they over spent what the market will bear. Probably why you don't see many climbing gyms building from scratch, at least around here.
Holy #(@*
I waited for this?! I hope it's at least 24 hours...They mentioned something for people who show up on the 17th. I'll try and keep you guys posted. I still may end up swallowing that cause I don't want to deal with the traffic/extra time it takes to get to Climb up.
Woof that's expensive.
This doesn't apply to Threshold, but if anyone has Blue Cross Blue Shield, they offer a fitness program with access to gyms all over the country for $25/month.
If anybody wants to try and get in on a family package with me, PM me.
2 people : $79.50 per person (high end of high end climbing gyms charge)
3 people : $59.67 per person (low end of high end climbinb gyms charge)
4 people : $49.75 per person (better deal than climb up)
5 people : I'll be surprised if 5 people trust each other to try and do this.
It looks like they are having their employees post positive comments about the prices on Facebook. That never looks good for a business.
I plan on stopping by regardless. Since I don't have FB if somebody wants to get some names, I'll be there Monday and confirm.
Yeah, I may have been being a bit too skeptical. There are a couple of comments that hit the BS meter though.
I do a lot of research of things in the Caribbean because I travel down there a decent amount, you learn to become very skeptical of reviews/comments that are written a certain way. A lot of times it isn't even the employer behind it, but a certain employee that is trying to drum up extra business for himself.
So I admit, it was based on a hunch and the fact one of the guy's profiles said he was a certified route setter.
I think they mentioned in an earlier post who their route setter is.
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