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Thread: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

  1. Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    I noticed this evening coming home from work (by the airport) into downtown, exiting at Shields Ave.
    I-40 is dark as heck, most lights are not lit (ODOT says the copper was stolen), even taking the Western Ave exit, it's dark the entire way in.
    Top of the Shields ramp, this little print blue sign shows "points of interest" but it's too small to see from the intersection.
    The street sign is doubled up showing (also in small print) Shields to the right & EK Gaylord to the left. Then all the construction once you get down to Reno, just a mess..
    Going through the CBD, not a street light on and it was already dusk, folks crossing the street, etc.
    Glad I wasn't a visitor to our city, just seems our directional signage is lacking, it's dark, etc. Not something I would be impressed with.
    Last edited by OKCbyTRANSFER; 01-04-2017 at 08:04 PM. Reason: Thanks auto correct

  2. Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    And please, I love what we're doing here, Project 180 & the like, maybe we just need to show it better?

  3. Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    has ALWAYS been my complaint about OKC (being too dark) and definitely noticed when we were in the city buying property in December (including during the cold--- snap). ...
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  4. #1879

    Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Keep in mind ODOT does not repair these. The lights are maintained by OG&E, and they will not proactively fix them. Only if they are reported.

  5. #1880

    Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Was gonna say, definitely call it in to whoever is in charge and explain to them that it might be a sorry sight for visitors and maybe they'll get it fixed quicker.

  6. #1881

    Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    It's been like this for pretty much close to a year. I figured they were doing it to cut down on electric costs.

    Its looks absolutely horrid, not to mention how dangerous it is.

  7. Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    I know it's been that like for months. I can't believe it's been months. Very sad if so. It needs to get fixed ASAP. It's ridiculous.

  8. Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    I do call OG&E on outages (I'm almost on a first name basis with them). The I-40 section, went back & forth between them & ODOT, even got the Mayor's office involved, when ODOT said the copper theft in that area was a big problem. I get that, just think there should be a better solution to resolve this. With state money tanking right now, lights are probably not the highest priority, but it's frustrating.

  9. Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    so.... why not increase security for the copper or better yet - why not get to installing it.

    copper is an issue everywhere but only in OKC would they use it as an excuse to do nothing and let downtown sit in-the-dark.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  10. Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Also, the big green directional signage along I-44 coming from the airport looks like they have lights on them and never lit. Just seems like if they did some routine maintenance or notice it themselves, it would get repaired.

  11. #1886

    Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCbyTRANSFER View Post
    Also, the big green directional signage along I-44 coming from the airport looks like they have lights on them and never lit. Just seems like if they did some routine maintenance or notice it themselves, it would get repaired.
    ODOT routinely doesn't replace those lights when they go out. Shame as IMO they improve sign visibility at night and in bad weather.

  12. Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Does anyone know when it's going to be lit up? This is our major thru way for travelers so one would think it would be brightly lighted nicely every night to help guide our guest safely through our city. This thing should be glowing like the Kilpatrick Turnpike does at night! I just don't get it. This has been going on since the dang thing was opened. I would think our city leaders would find this troubling if not embarrassing and would have had it lit end to end from the get go.

  13. #1888

    Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by Patchy Proot View Post
    Does anyone know when it's going to be lit up? This is our major thru way for travelers so one would think it would be brightly lighted nicely every night to help guide our guest safely through our city. This thing should be glowing like the Kilpatrick Turnpike does at night! I just don't get it. This has been going on since the dang thing was opened. I would think our city leaders would find this troubling if not embarrassing and would have had it lit end to end from the get go.
    This probably addresses your question:


    It costs a whole, whopping, amazing $5000 annually to keep the street lights on/fix them, and they're apparently just now figuring out how to install theft-proof features on the lights so copper won't be stolen.

  14. #1889

    Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Anybody else notice the huge dip that has developed on I40 just east of Shields & the railroad? It is more pronounced going East but you can feel it going both directions (west & east).

    As far as I can tell there aren't any cracks in the pavement but it is a very big dip that really jolts you around when you drive over it. Not sure how they could possible repair it, if they even need too.

  15. #1890

    Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Anybody else notice the huge dip that has developed on I40 just east of Shields & the railroad? It is more pronounced going East but you can feel it going both directions (west & east).

    As far as I can tell there aren't any cracks in the pavement but it is a very big dip that really jolts you around when you drive over it. Not sure how they could possible repair it, if they even need too.
    I think this is due to the OG&E substation relocation work. ODOT is doing soil testing today and tomorrow to begin working on correcting the problem.


  16. #1891

    Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Anybody else notice the huge dip that has developed on I40 just east of Shields & the railroad? It is more pronounced going East but you can feel it going both directions (west & east).

    As far as I can tell there aren't any cracks in the pavement but it is a very big dip that really jolts you around when you drive over it. Not sure how they could possible repair it, if they even need too.
    You're not talking about the double-bump, are you? That's the tunnel that goes from Lower Bricktown to the Boathouse District, and it's always been there. (And annoying, at that.)

  17. #1892

    Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Anybody else notice the huge dip that has developed on I40 just east of Shields & the railroad? It is more pronounced going East but you can feel it going both directions (west & east).
    i first noticed it going east last week and hit it once more this week... haven't ever felt it going west.

  18. #1893

    Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by jompster View Post
    You're not talking about the double-bump, are you? That's the tunnel that goes from Lower Bricktown to the Boathouse District, and it's always been there. (And annoying, at that.)
    No i take this route everyday, it’s for sure New and it’s a big time dip.

  19. #1894

    Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by riflesforwatie View Post
    I think this is due to the OG&E substation relocation work. ODOT is doing soil testing today and tomorrow to begin working on correcting the problem.

    TThat answers my question! Hope it’s a quick and cheap fix but i doubt it.

  20. #1895

    Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    TThat answers my question! Hope it’s a quick and cheap fix but i doubt it.
    OGE is paying for this and using their contractor I believe

    Also. Is this issue also on the shields to i40 west ramp? I swear there is a big dip that has formed there as well

  21. Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    have they turned on the freeway lights yet? OKC is the only major city I know of that has a major interstate pitch dark through it's central city area. ...
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  22. #1897

    Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    have they turned on the freeway lights yet? OKC is the only major city I know of that has a major interstate pitch dark through it's central city area. ...
    Nope, been out for years. Not gonna get fixed anytime soon I'd guess.

  23. Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Rumor is the copper theft replacement won't be completed until about March, until the thieves steal that (although it will be more aluminium to deter). Fingers crossed

  24. Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    in a way, this is more embarrassing to me than some of the towers not being lit up;

    at least there are aviation beacons on Chase/Liberty and floodlights attop SandRidge; all other major towers are at least somewhat lit at the top, logo, or outline. But driving into the center of a major city so dark on a major cross-national freeway, .... creepy, .... empty feeling. .... Ditto with the new park/convention area all tore up (I know this will get fixed up but still, aids the creepy feeling).

    I have noticed that they are not showing any current shots of OKC on TV (if they show anything at all); a total departure from years past where there were plenty. Hope they can install the aluminium wiring asap and turn on those freeway and street/sidewalk lights.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  25. Default Re: The New I-40 (Construction Updates)

    Yep, coming in from the new crosstown to downtown is not pretty. Take the Western Ave exit, its dark and creepy, and bumpy as heck. OKC Blvd, total darkness & dumps you into the unlit portion of Reno that is horrible to drive on. Take the Shields Ave exit, also dark & then thru the construction zone, tore up, dark, hard to read signs, etc. Not very welcoming. Ah, progress!

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