Before horizontal drilling took center stage a very large amount of our states oil production came from low production wells (striper wells)…. To remove the taxes on this type of well would most often mean well abandonment and plugging the well forever. This would be extremely short sighted!
Not only would we lose their oil & NG production, we would lose good jobs and corporations that both pay taxes. We would also lose the taxes collected on equipment, services and supplies.
But still worse is the opportunity that would be forever lost with new secondary recovery methods and new well simulation methods. With these new methods and the right economic conditions many of these wells can still produce increased amounts of hydrocarbons and pay very large amounts of taxes.
Most horizontal wells have a very high depletion rate. It won’t be long before many of these wells enter their striper well stage of life. This type of production is a strategic resource not to be wasted.
The oil and NG industry is generally the highest taxed industry in the USA. Taxing them more will eventually cause harm to the consumers and to the nation’s economy with the inflationary pressures of higher oil prices.