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Thread: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

  1. #1

    Default Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    Are there any locations left that still have the old-fashioned pumps out front, whether working or not? I enjoy old historical locations/buildings/artifacts. I have taken photos of my chopper parked in front of Lucille's in Hydro, the old stone station east of Arcadia, and Saeba Station in Warwick Ok. Are there any of the above described stations tucked away somewhere in Okc that I don't know about? Click image for larger version. 

Name:	saeba station warwick ok.jpg 
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ID:	10811Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	10812

  2. #2

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    Interesting filling station in Perry. Its located on the town square, its been in operation since the 30's and is original. Its a step back in time and you can still buy gas there.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    Thanks, oklip.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    There's the old Field's Bros in Paul's Valley, but no old gas pumps. There is a cool old Nash parked out front though.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	10822
    Click image for larger version. 

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  5. #5

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    When I got my first car in 1966, Gene Scott had a Phillips 66 station on NW 23rd street. It was cool how, when you drove over the hose, the bell rang and at least two guys came out to gas up your car, clean the windshield, check the oil, and sometimes even sweep out the floorboards with a little whisk broom.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    When I got my first car in 1966, Gene Scott had a Phillips 66 station on NW 23rd street. It was cool how, when you drove over the hose, the bell rang and at least two guys came out to gas up your car, clean the windshield, check the oil, and sometimes even sweep out the floorboards with a little whisk broom.
    In 1958, I washed all windows, not just the windshield, checked the fluids, offered to check the air in the tires and asked if you would like me to sweep out your floorboards, and yes, it was a little whisk broom. I worked for a private owner of a a Phillips 66 station located near 34th and South Robinson. We didn't do all of this out of the goodness of our heart, but Phillips 66 had what they called a mystery guest (customer) and if he stopped at your store and you did all of the above things, he gave you $25.00 and in 1958, that was a nice tip. Unfortunately, we never saw the mystery guest.
    C. T.

  7. Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    You can still get attentive full service at the Bolen service station in Nichols Hills

  8. #8

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    You can still get attentive full service at the Bolen service station in Nichols Hills
    I know there are a few left, but they are disappearing fast.
    C. T.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    There used to be a neat little service station on the south side of 39th somewhere around Drexel. Sadly, I believe it's gone now. I know that doesn't really help you but I like old gas stations like that too. Hollywood Corners used to be pretty neat too but it's totally changed now. Although it hadn't had the old pumps for quite a while.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    We miss the so called filling stations where the attendant cleaned your front view, pumped gas, checked oil & tires . . .

    First time I saw a women pumping gas it looked odd & unorthodox.

    You'll see less and less of these because most gasoline storage tanks require fiberglass tank replacement ($10,000+ per tank). Just not sure if any of the old pumps can be paired with the new digital technology.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    This place is out on Hwy 152 west of Minco at Hwy 37 in Cogar. The last time I was there was when we were on a ride down to Medicine Park and Mt. Scott and we stopped in to have a look. The old gas station was stuck in time. Haven't been by there in a while, so not sure if the old pumps are still there. But it was a pretty cool old place.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  12. #12

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    They used to be called Service Stations, now they are just gas stations.

    From Vanishing Splendor this is the Stella restaurant in Mid Town

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	13263

  13. #13

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    This place is out on Hwy 152 west of Minco at Hwy 37 in Cogar. The last time I was there was when we were on a ride down to Medicine Park and Mt. Scott and we stopped in to have a look. The old gas station was stuck in time. Haven't been by there in a while, so not sure if the old pumps are still there. But it was a pretty cool old place.
    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	13242
    We took the back roads down to Medicine Park in April, two years ago. It was still there then. Caught my eye, too.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    It was in the movie Rainman. The telephone booth was movie magic, brought in for the scene. Storefront appears about 2 minutes into this clip.


  15. #15

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    Anyone know what this location on north Eastern was originally? 1950's or 1960's vintage. I seem to think the awning was a design used at several stations, like maybe Chevron? The building is not original, or at least has had a major facelift.


  16. #16

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    Anyone know what this location on north Eastern was originally? 1950's or 1960's vintage. I seem to think the awning was a design used at several stations, like maybe Chevron? The building is not original, or at least has had a major facelift.

    That is an old Phillips 66 awning design.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    OKC Mod site says Champlin originally.


  18. #18

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    Anyone know what this location on north Eastern was originally? 1950's or 1960's vintage. I seem to think the awning was a design used at several stations, like maybe Chevron? The building is not original, or at least has had a major facelift.

    I could swear it was an old DX station.... Definately not Phillips 66 style as they had the single triangle shaped awnings that stretched from the main structure out over the pump islands. I can remember going by there as a kid, but honesly don't remember what it was.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    2 of my favorite ex-filling stations in OKC are on old US66 (23rd Street):


  20. #20

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    Champlin - A Great Name in the Great Plains

    Quote Originally Posted by mkjeeves View Post
    OKC Mod site says Champlin originally.


  21. #21

    Default Re: Old filling stations in Oklahoma City?

    Quote Originally Posted by boscorama View Post
    Champlin - A Great Name in the Great Plains
    That explains my DX memories .... Sunoco DX,... but couldn't say for sure.

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