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Thread: Nintendo Switch

  1. #1

    Default Nintendo Switch


  2. #2
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    Mar 2011
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    Default Re: Nintendo Switch

    I'm afraid I'd never leave the house.

  3. Default Re: Nintendo Switch

    It's all about 3rd party games. I know they announced partners but we all saw the same thing with the WiiU. People want to spend their 400 on a console that has some future proofing!

    Edit: Hope this is not true: http://www.theverge.com/2016/10/21/1...v-output-power

    The dock only giving tv output and no extra GPU power or disk tray for bluray watching. Going to be interesting when we get the tech specs soon hopefully.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Nintendo Switch

    Well yes, that's the point. The entire console is in the portable part. If the dock was the console or part of the console, it would defeat the purpose. I *could* see it improving performance similar to how notebooks have different operating modes depending on power source (battery vs plugged in).

    As for bluray... I think that's less and less of a big deal. It will also depend on pricing.

  5. Default Re: Nintendo Switch

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Well yes, that's the point. The entire console is in the portable part. If the dock was the console or part of the console, it would defeat the purpose. I *could* see it improving performance similar to how notebooks have different operating modes depending on power source (battery vs plugged in).

    As for bluray... I think that's less and less of a big deal. It will also depend on pricing.
    I think the portable is nice but it would be a really neat deal if it had a GPU built into the stand to get higher graphic fidelity to the TV. 720p could be great on the 10 inch display but on a 60 inch 4k television it won't look so nice.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Nintendo Switch

    The rumors from the same source that proved to be correct so far was 1080p at 60fps on TV and 900p at 30-60 fps on the mobile. So I'd guess it is using the extra power to ramp up a bit. If correct, will be comparable with the current XBOX One and PS4 models, but will fall behind the future ones (although I'd hope the price point to reflect that.)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Nintendo Switch

    With third party support I hope this means we get Red Dead Redemption 2 and Resident Evil 7 for the Switch.

  8. Default Re: Nintendo Switch

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    The rumors from the same source that proved to be correct so far was 1080p at 60fps on TV and 900p at 30-60 fps on the mobile. So I'd guess it is using the extra power to ramp up a bit. If correct, will be comparable with the current XBOX One and PS4 models, but will fall behind the future ones (although I'd hope the price point to reflect that.)
    The price will be the problem I feel. The WiiU is almost 4 years old and is still 299 with no price drops over it's lifetime. If it is indeed on par with ps4 and xbox one it has to start at 299. If it is more I feel people will be put off.

    Now if it was more powerful they could go the way of the other consoles and start at 400 and have a drop every year and half until the new one comes out.

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