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Thread: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

  1. #1

    Default Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    This is James Greiner's seat. Not sure if he will run for re-election.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    The good news is he is a member here and we can ask him all the questions we want, assuming he continues to actively participate through the election cycle.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Geez…it feels like last year when Greiner was elected…these 3 years have FLOWN by.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Sounds like a smart guy. I was thinking about running if no one challenged Greiner. Greiner has been an amazing lightweight on the shoe. Looks like I can just vote for Mr. Gordon and feel good about that vote.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Sounds like a smart guy. I was thinking about running if no one challenged Greiner. Greiner has been an amazing lightweight on the shoe. Looks like I can just vote for Mr. Gordon and feel good about that vote.
    Why don't you run too? More reasonable people need to run for office and offer voters a choice between multiple good candidates instead of one good and one terrible. It enhances the debate and helps expose the weak candidates. Lack of good challengers is a major reason Oklahoma is in the mess it is in right now with our unbelievably terrible legislature.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Sounds like a smart guy. I was thinking about running if no one challenged Greiner. Greiner has been an amazing lightweight on the shoe. Looks like I can just vote for Mr. Gordon and feel good about that vote.
    You should run!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    Geez…it feels like last year when Greiner was elected…these 3 years have FLOWN by.
    And the older you get the faster they go. Hold on for the ride.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Quote Originally Posted by king183 View Post
    Why don't you run too? More reasonable people need to run for office and offer voters a choice between multiple good candidates instead of one good and one terrible. It enhances the debate and helps expose the weak candidates. Lack of good challengers is a major reason Oklahoma is in the mess it is in right now with our unbelievably terrible legislature.
    I may switch to Democrat to run against David Holt in the legislature. He's a thoughtful, smart guy, but in the final analysis, only interested in political career advancement and not interested in solving any problems or speaking out against his own party when they are dead wrong. I know he feels threatened because he proposed all of those teacher pay hike bills (which never saw the light of day).

  9. #9

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I may switch to Democrat to run against David Holt in the legislature. He's a thoughtful, smart guy, but in the final analysis, only interested in political career advancement and not interested in solving any problems or speaking out against his own party when they are dead wrong. I know he feels threatened because he proposed all of those teacher pay hike bills (which never saw the light of day).
    In the limited time I've paid attention to Holt (so take this with a grain of salt), I've been disappointed that he often puts his ideology above pragmatic policy. For example, his rationale for introducing a bill to deregulate the immoral payday loan industry was that he promotes the free market now matter what. If you can't step back from your ideology and do what's right then that means you are an ideologue, not a representative of the people.

    However, I do appreciate that he engages people on Twitter and other online formats. That really allows people to connect with legislators.

    If he did propose teacher pay hikes then maybe I can get back in his corner... It's way overdue and in a teacher shortage, it's desperately needed.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    His voter reform laws were all top notch.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    If he did propose teacher pay hikes then maybe I can get back in his corner... It's way overdue and in a teacher shortage, it's desperately needed.
    He proposed 5. Not a single one made it out of committee. This was primarily because Cyndi Munson won a House district (a Dem) with significant overlap into Holt's Senate District on a primarily education and women's issues platform.

    If one of the most powerful individuals in the Senate can't get a teacher pay hike which self funds out of committee in a year when teacher pay hikes are ridiculously popular, he wasn't serious about it in the first place.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Hadn't had a chance to blog after the 4th. Gordon had a good turn out out the Bethany July 4th Parade. While Bethany and Warr Acres isn't part of Oklahoma City, essentially Ward 1 encompasses them. Looks like he had a great turn out of support!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Gordon 4th of July-2.jpg 
Views:	1191 
Size:	448.9 KB 
ID:	12765   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Gordon 2.jpg 
Views:	1180 
Size:	532.0 KB 
ID:	12764  

  13. #13

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

  14. #14

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    I didn't realize Greiner had decided to run again.

    Should be an interesting race.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Greiner just seems to lack any whiff of intellectual curiosity or willingness to actually be a leader as he was elected to be. Just from his resumé, Gordon seems particularly well educated.. and unlike many local candidates, his platform for a municipal office says not one word about social conservative issues--so less likely to embarrass the city on the national stage. I like it!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Chris is a good guy. If this was my ward, he'd get my vote.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    I thought we elected people so that they would represent us... Greiner sure has the interest of his citizens and the quality of their drinking water at heart (sarcasm). The potential impact of "Right to Farm" on municipalities is pretty undeniable. If State of Oklahoma had a good track record of protecting water in a timely manner, then perhaps this wouldn't be as important.


  18. #18

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    TBF all these resolutions cities are passing against SQ's? Possibly illegal and could very well get them sued, and anyone who voted for them vacated from office.


    The article is about a different state question but the issue is the same. Can cities spend public funds to try to influence a SQ election?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    TBF all these resolutions cities are passing against SQ's? Possibly illegal and could very well get them sued, and anyone who voted for them vacated from office.


    The article is about a different state question but the issue is the same. Can cities spend public funds to try to influence a SQ election?

    SQ 777 is not the result of an initiative petition. The legislature is responsible for it. Cities are not allowed to spend tax money to influence initiatives. Per the Journal Record:

    The Oklahoma City Council took a stronger stance against State Question 777 Tuesday after clarifying whether it was legal under state law to do so.

    However, council members maintained their hands-off position on State Question 779, even though most of them are still opposed to establishing a 1-percent sales tax for education.

    The difference is due to a fine detail in the origin of each ballot issue, Councilman Pete White said. The latter question is a result of an initiative petition, whereas SQ 777 comes out of the Legislature. State law disallows the expenditure of taxpayer funds on initiatives.


  20. #20

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Ah, I wasn't aware of that difference. Thanks.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    So basically James Greiner is abdicating responsibly representing his constituents in either scenerio, choosing not to protect drinking water and also unmotivated by the assertions of liability to the city as a whole.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Via Facebook "Chris will be on the Gwin Faulconer Lippert Show tonight at 7:35 PM via KTOK 1000 AM radio speaking about his candidacy and the issues facing our great city and Ward 1. Please tune in."

  23. #23

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    We are thrilled to announce that Chris has personally walked over 3,500 Ward 1 doors at this point. He has enjoyed speaking with many of you. Walking the doors is not only humbling but also gives real insight as to what many of the granular needs are in the Ward.

    Probably the most gratifying element of this campaign is the level of support he is receiving from a wide and diverse cross section of Oklahomacitians. It says a great deal about his ability to connect with people.

    Here is a link to the updated website- http://chrisgordonforward1.com

    Facebook as well- http://facebook.com/chrisgordonforward1

  24. #24

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Glad he's going with a strong ground game, allegedly that's how Greiner won last time.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Chris Gordon announces plans to run for Ward 1 seat

    Just a question, but why isn't this thread in politics? Seems like when threads start to head that direction even if that wasn't the intent they end up there, but then threads like this seem obvious political but is in the Civic Issues.

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