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Thread: PIstachio's

  1. #1

    Default PIstachio's

    A friend of mine just posted these on Facebook.

    PIstachio's was a disco in 50 Penn Place in the late 70's. Sometime in the early 80's it converted to a cowboy bar.

    If they could recreate this today it would be a huge smash!

  2. #2

    Default Re: PIstachio's

    YES!.. Love the carpets and wallpaper!. this is awesome!

  3. #3

    Default Re: PIstachio's

    And the backgammon room!

    So cool.

  4. #4

    Default Re: PIstachio's

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    And the backgammon room!

    So cool.
    Haha I was so focused on that wallpaper and carpeting I didn't even realize the table tops were Backgammon!..that is awesome!

  5. #5

    Default Re: PIstachio's

    that's really cool! i remember the name but always thought it was just a restaurant... was this where belle isle brewery is now? -M

  6. #6

    Default Re: PIstachio's

    It's been so long since I've been to 50 Penn, and I'm not sure if the entry doors are in the same location, but....there was an entrance on the north side of the shopping complex, about in the middle of the building. Pistachio's the restaurant was located on the right side of that entry hall, just as you entered. The dance club was further inside, still on the first floor, just to the west of the escalators (if they're still even there). I'm thinking Harolds (Orbach's ??) was located on the 2nd and 3rd floor, above the dance club.

    In the restaurant I remember the dark brown velour everywhere and the big wicker chair backs. They served a great Turtle Pie.

  7. #7

    Default Re: PIstachio's

    I remember Sed Kennedy owned Pistachio's, and also owned Michael's Plum, another Okc hot spot. He also owned "Across the Street" and "Kennedy's" resturants. I worked for him at Kennedy's back when I was in high school.l

  8. #8

    Default Re: PIstachio's

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    PIstachio's was a disco in 50 Penn Place in the late 70's. Sometime in the early 80's it converted to a cowboy bar.
    It was advertised at the time as "Pistachio's goes Cowboy". I only went there when it was a country disco.

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