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Thread: Land and Sea/Vito's

  1. #1

    Default Land and Sea/Vito's

    I heard Sean and Cathy Cummings on the radio this morning and although I only caught part of it, it sounds like Land and Sea is closing and Vito's is expanding into the available space. Sean indicated he has another venture that he is working on, but it didn't sound like it is a restaurant or pub. Anybody have better information?
    C. T.

  2. #2
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Land and Sea/Vito's

    Well that sucks. Land and Sea was awesome.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Land and Sea/Vito's

    While I hate to see Land and sea go.. I am happy if they expand Vito's!. the space was very cramped and I would probably go even more often if there was a bit more room to enjoy.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Land and Sea/Vito's

    I, too, would be glad to see Vito's expanding. I've kind of stayed away from both businesses due to the cramped space, shared restrooms, etc. even though I love the food at Vito's. It would be nice to have a bigger space, and I'm sure I'd go there more often. Probably my favorite Italian food in the metro.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Land and Sea/Vito's

    Drove by yesterday, and the Land and Sea sign is gone.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Land and Sea/Vito's

    never tried Land and Sea but Vito's is the bomb

  7. #7

    Default Re: Land and Sea/Vito's

    I often wonder why restaurants in OKC don't advertise. Do they think it is an admission of defeat to advertise? There are probably a lot of folks who would have given Land and Sea a try had they known it existed.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Land and Sea/Vito's

    I heard radio ads for land and sea all the time.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Land and Sea/Vito's

    Quote Originally Posted by emtefury View Post
    I heard radio ads for land and sea all the time.
    I don't know how many stations, but Sean (and Cathey) advertised regularly on KOKC. I heard an ad at least twice a week. I don't think Land and Sea failed, there is something else that we don't know. Sean did mention that he recently lost eight employees (not at the same time) and I think he wanted to do something different. His Boca Boca was successful and I think he wanted a change so he closed it and opened Sean's Irish Pub. Then after a few years, he closed it and opened another one where Land and Sea is now. The owner of the property didn't like a "Bar" type restaurant so he forced Sean to leave or change the format, that's when It became Land and Sea.
    C. T.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Land and Sea/Vito's

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    I don't know how many stations, but Sean (and Cathey) advertised regularly on KOKC. I heard an ad at least twice a week. I don't think Land and Sea failed, there is something else that we don't know. Sean did mention that he recently lost eight employees (not at the same time) and I think he wanted to do something different. His Boca Boca was successful and I think he wanted a change so he closed it and opened Sean's Irish Pub. Then after a few years, he closed it and opened another one where Land and Sea is now. The owner of the property didn't like a "Bar" type restaurant so he forced Sean to leave or change the format, that's when It became Land and Sea.
    C. T.
    Didn't he pretty much just move Sean's to the location next to Vito's? Seems like they were both the same concept. I think the Cummings do a great job as host/hostess in their restaurants, so I'm looking forward to whatever Sean has in store, if it's a bar/restaurant.

  11. #11
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Land and Sea/Vito's

    Sean could have left all of these restaurants open elsewhere and made a killing. They were all very good and I'd love for each of them to reappear somewhere in the core.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Land and Sea/Vito's

    Quote Originally Posted by emtefury View Post
    I heard radio ads for land and sea all the time.
    I don't listen to terrestrial radio. So, guess I missed them.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Land and Sea/Vito's

    I only ate at Land and Sea once(The wife doesn't care for seafood, typically), but really enjoyed it. Sean was our waiter that night, and I tried the potato crusted sea bass on his recommendation. I hope he continues his tradition of having the recipe at new restaurants, because it was incredible.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Land and Sea/Vito's

    According to Vito's Facebook page they are moving across the street to co-locate with Sean Cummings' Irish Pub. This was posted by Cathy Cummings...

    Hello Vito’s Friends and Family! We are moving just across the street on Wednesday, May 29th! Our new address is 7628 North May Ave Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116
    Same phone # 405-848-4867
    We will be side by side with Sean Cummings Irish Pub once again! ❤️
    Just so there’s no confusion, we will be at our original location through Saturday May 25th!
    Come by and see us!! ❤️

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