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Thread: AAA insurance vs... the world?

  1. #1

    Default AAA insurance vs... the world?

    As an AAA member, I'm considering at least asking one of their insurance agents to give me a quote on the whole ball of wax - house and auto. I'm curious what kinds of *claims* experience people can report with AAA - home OR auto.

    I am a long-time customer of a big agency, and their service has been adequate, but I fear I'm paying a "premium" for not tossing it out to some competition. That said, I've had one big claim a couple of years ago, and they handled it well, so I realize premiums are only part of the equation. Just looking for any real-world experience.

  2. #2

    Default Re: AAA insurance vs... the world?

    Read the policy carefully. They are notorious for sneaking stuff in there that you'll regret later. It's why they are always so cheap.

    Also their model is a little different than the big 3, you buy from the agent but all service after that is through a 1-800 number. Their agents sell, not service. If you don't care no big deal, just a matter of preference really.

  3. #3

    Default Re: AAA insurance vs... the world?

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    Read the policy carefully. They are notorious for sneaking stuff in there that you'll regret later. It's why they are always so cheap.

    Also their model is a little different than the big 3, you buy from the agent but all service after that is through a 1-800 number. Their agents sell, not service. If you don't care no big deal, just a matter of preference really.
    That's essentially how my current insurance works - I buy through the agent, but a claim goes through a 1-800 number, so in that vein it doesn't sound too different. Can you expand any on the "sneaky stuff" to which you allude?

    I guess my point or fear is that I've not had any major home insurance claims, but I'd hate to make a change if they were substantially worse on claims experience in some subtle way that everyone else seemingly already knew about

  4. #4

    Default Re: AAA insurance vs... the world?

    Wife used to work for a AAA agent in Norman selling insurance. With all the stuff she told me about this particular owner (racist, making fun of customers when they would leave, slight inappropriate behavior toward female employees), it has turned me off to AAA insurance, Roadside assistance is still great though.

    Although the owner was a jerk, my wife and the other employees were very nice to the local customers. A lot of customers, mainly the older ones, would come in to the office to file a claim and they would help them right then and there and get if filed. This was especially true and very helpful when the Moore tornado happened a few years ago. People came in with only the clothes on their back and thankfully my wife and her co-workers were able to secure hotels and all that for them so they didn't have to go through a call center.

    Also a few random things she has told me over the years: Their number one question is "Do I need to have the AAA sticker on my car for the insurance to be valid?" Answer is No. Also, you all may know this already, but insurance quotes are based off your credit score.

    For those interested in the particular agent she worked for, he sold it to someone else and he is no longer in the business.

  5. #5

    Default Re: AAA insurance vs... the world?

    I've always felt that the true measure of any insurance company is how they treat you when it come time to file a claim. The can smile at you, take your money and make you feel like family. Even send you and your family calendars, birthday and holiday cards, but when you file a claim, THEN you see how good a company they are. I think the agents take a hit on their commissions when claims are filed. File multiple claims, and they'll drop you.

    Most insurance agent don't deal directly with you when you file a claim. They turn it over turn their company claims processors and adjusters, and they move on, and you won't hear much from them during the process.

  6. #6

    Default Re: AAA insurance vs... the world?

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    I've always felt that the true measure of any insurance company is how they treat you when it come time to file a claim. The can smile at you, take your money and make you feel like family. Even send you and your family calendars, birthday and holiday cards, but when you file a claim, THEN you see how good a company they are. I think the agents take a hit on their commissions when claims are filed. File multiple claims, and they'll drop you.

    Most insurance agent don't deal directly with you when you file a claim. They turn it over turn their company claims processors and adjusters, and they move on, and you won't hear much from them during the process.
    To add to that, when I was an adjuster, most agents don't even understand the coverage themselves.

  7. #7

    Default Re: AAA insurance vs... the world?

    I'm not an insurance expert but I do like my current company (Farmer's) I've been with them since buying my first house back in 1981, the realtor recommended them. I've been through 3 agents only because they have retired. I have home and auto. I've had several small claims on both and have had auto claims due to my vehicle being hit by another drive. (both Farmers and other insurance) I must say that when I have had a claim, my agent was there answering questions and keeping up on the claim and taking care of any issues that came up. I put a lot of worth on the customer assistance during and after a claim. It is for this reason I refuse to price shop. I even pay my insurance payment in the agents office. He knows me and what I have. I've bought several high dollar unusuall items and brought them into his office. Because he will go to bat if I need something, I cannot put a few dollars savings on the price of that.

  8. Default Re: AAA insurance vs... the world?

    We are AAA customers. We have them for our home and all our cars. We switched from Liberty Mutual and couldn't be happier. Their rate beat everyone else's and the two claims we've made were handled smoothly.

    We also did the vehicle monitoring and got additional discounts.

    They were even able to tell us what next years rate was going to be (barely moved).

    Also, they have much better earthquake coverage than many big name insurers and the roof coverage is not prorated like many.

    We also have their roadside assistance and have used it several times.

    While I'll continue to compare rates, we are very happy so far.

  9. #9

    Default Re: AAA insurance vs... the world?

    I use USAA for my personal auto and life insurance. Been with them since I was 16. No one had ever matched their price on car insurance. They have always been great to work with on claims. They are expensive on homeowner's when I last shopped them. Everything else I have, which is extensive is with Farm Bureau. I have had numerous claims including a rental property fire, (didn't realize we had a duplicate policy so they paid me twice on it and 80k claim from tornado on house, three car accidents on company cars), they have been very fair and generous and very quick in settling my claims.

  10. Default Re: AAA insurance vs... the world?

    Odd how rates are calculated and apparently how different they can be. We called everyone and AAA was significantly cheaper on house coverage (when compared to everyone else) and offered far better coverage than our previous insurer (Liberty Mutual). But, I do know they said we were a very desirable customer - code word for over 40, great credit, great driving record, several vehicles we rarely drive, and no at fault claims, ever, and will basically just be handing over money with little risk of filing an at fault claim.

    One thing I did learn, question any rate changes. My renewal for our auto was about $200 higher than the previous year. I called two days before it was due and asked them to re-calculate. They did and the rate magically was now a bit lower than the previous year. Partly because they incorrectly showed I didn't have the road side service any longer.

  11. #11

    Default Re: AAA insurance vs... the world?

    Quote Originally Posted by oklip955 View Post
    I'm not an insurance expert but I do like my current company (Farmer's) I've been with them since buying my first house back in 1981, the realtor recommended them. I've been through 3 agents only because they have retired. I have home and auto. I've had several small claims on both and have had auto claims due to my vehicle being hit by another drive. (both Farmers and other insurance) I must say that when I have had a claim, my agent was there answering questions and keeping up on the claim and taking care of any issues that came up. I put a lot of worth on the customer assistance during and after a claim. It is for this reason I refuse to price shop. I even pay my insurance payment in the agents office. He knows me and what I have. I've bought several high dollar unusuall items and brought them into his office. Because he will go to bat if I need something, I cannot put a few dollars savings on the price of that.
    oklip955, one thing that always made me nervous about Farmers over the last few years was that the one recurring company I heard gave homeowners the worst time with their tornado claims was Farmers. Fought every claim. I just never heard the same problems at the same level with any other carriers. That's what scares me about changing at all - God forbid I'm ever in a tornado-destroyed situation, but I'd hate to give AAA or Farmers or whomever a call and they start giving me some obstructionist issues. My prior experience with my current carrier on my vehicles has been just the opposite - only minor issues that were resolved to my satisfaction. Obviously, that kind of headache wouldn't be worth a couple hundred dollars on a premium payment, so that's why I'm trying to get some sense of which vendors are OK, and which might be a hassle - especially with AAA which I've heard may be able to quote me considerably lower than my current company.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: AAA insurance vs... the world?

    I've been with Liberty Mutual for the last 20 years; before that it was Farmers. Heard some good things about AAA auto insurance.

    Make sure you take your current policy to compare it with whatever company you are considering. It takes time but it's beneficial if you can get a better rate that's comparable to what you have.

  13. Default Re: AAA insurance vs... the world?

    We switch to AAA when we got the new house. We were with ANPAC but the rates just increased way too much. AAA is fine. No claims yet so I can't comment on that.

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