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Thread: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

  1. #1

    Thunder Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17


    Oklahoma City Thunder Schedule/Results - 2016-17

    ESPN NBA Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17 format:


    Fox Sports NBA Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17 format:


  2. #2

    NBA Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    glad we still got a christmas day home game

  4. #4

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    The networks showed OKC a lot of respect with 21 televised games and Christmas/MLK day games.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    We only need one hero . . .

  6. #6
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    Mar 2011
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    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    Awesome video.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    Cameron Payne's status:

    Payne is expected to be ready for the start of training camp. That's important, as he is also expected to have much more responsibility in his second season. Payne appeared in 57 games as a rookie, but had to compete with D.J. Augustin for minutes before the trade deadline and Randy Foye after it. Looking at Oklahoma City's roster, it appears that the plan is to make Payne the primary backup for Russell Westbrook next year, and he should have the opportunity to play some minutes alongside Westbrook, too.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    This is a fun take on Thunder fans: https://twitter.com/scootermagruder/...52471954567168

  9. #9

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    My two positive take-aways from the Thunder's first two preseason games are (1) that Domantas Sabonis starting at the 4 is our best option... hopefully. He's the only 4 option that could play at least decent defense AND potentially stretch the floor. He's a rookie so it's hard to know how much he'll struggle, but if he can play average defense and hit 35% from three then it makes the Thunder starting lineup a lot better. And (2), Alex Abrines looks ready to contribute this season. I expect him to gradually take any minutes Anthony Morrow might get as long as he can shoot around at least 37% from three. But he's got a lot more potential defensively than Morrow. There are several areas of concern with this team, but those new guys could be some real positives this season.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    I believe were going to be a little better than I first thought. Sabonis and Abrines will be impact players before the end of the regular season. Sabonis looks like he's ready, was 2 of 2 from three yesterday and switches well on defense.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    Looks like they found a decent replacement for KD to present Westbrook into the Oklahoma HOF.


  12. #12

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    My two positive take-aways from the Thunder's first two preseason games are (1) that Domantas Sabonis starting at the 4 is our best option... hopefully. He's the only 4 option that could play at least decent defense AND potentially stretch the floor. He's a rookie so it's hard to know how much he'll struggle, but if he can play average defense and hit 35% from three then it makes the Thunder starting lineup a lot better. And (2), Alex Abrines looks ready to contribute this season. I expect him to gradually take any minutes Anthony Morrow might get as long as he can shoot around at least 37% from three. But he's got a lot more potential defensively than Morrow. There are several areas of concern with this team, but those new guys could be some real positives this season.
    I agree. Seeing this young talent coming in is really cool. It is almost scary to think how good this team could be if KD had just stayed. But alas, that is gone forever. So looking ahead I see the biggest issue is definitely the OKC bench.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

  14. #14

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    Great article!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    The quote about never leaving has absolutely nothing to do with OKC/Thunder, so that is super annoying that all the major media outlets are running with that quote in the article title.

    Otherwise, it is crazy how not 'buddy-buddy' KD/Russ actually were. KD even saying they each had their own "guys". I am glad Adams was one of Russ's guys because that combo alone is something our franchise can really hang its hat on.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    [QUOTE=Anonymous.;971197]The quote about never leaving has absolutely nothing to do with OKC/Thunder, so that is super annoying that all the major media outlets are running with that quote in the article title.


    I agree with that.. and let's just not start that BS anyways

  17. #17

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    I now see the folly in attacking the national media when they questioned the relationship between Russ and Kevin. The reality is that national media has a level of objectivity, and more importantly, a diverse history of stories covered that there's no doubt that many of them could see some of the same issues that they saw in other situations and come to the conclusion that it's not the rosy picture that the spin-machine on Broadway Extension is putting out, and surely not the responses from KD and Russ.

  18. Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    The quote about never leaving has absolutely nothing to do with OKC/Thunder, so that is super annoying that all the major media outlets are running with that quote in the article title.

    Otherwise, it is crazy how not 'buddy-buddy' KD/Russ actually were. KD even saying they each had their own "guys". I am glad Adams was one of Russ's guys because that combo alone is something our franchise can really hang its hat on.
    Agree with most everything you would say, but I'm not sure that was a reference to teammates but rather social circles. If so, it is important to note that KD was being (once again, and unsurprisingly) disingenuous. KD always had "guys;" Russell has his parents and his wife (longtime girlfriend). He doesn't have an entourage and KD assuredly did - always in his ear - and that is one significant reason why one guy is here today and the other is not.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    NBA season starts tonight; Thunder open tomorrow. Get hyped.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    You can score cheap tickets to the home opener on Friday from all the secondary sources. $19 are the cheapest I saw on stubhub.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    I tried to go to the box office when tickets first opened. Warriors were sold out in february =(

  22. #22

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    I enjoyed watching the Spurs dismantle the Warriors last night.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    LOL. Just going to leave this here.....

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Westbrook.jpg 
Views:	228 
Size:	156.0 KB 
ID:	13197

  24. #24

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    Warriors reserves outscored 54 - 16. gsw out rebounded by SAS 55 - 35.


  25. #25

    Default Re: Oklahoma City Thunder 2016-17

    NBA Twitter was pretty magical last night. Lots of this stuff making it's way around.

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