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Thread: State quarter design decided

  1. Default Re: State quarter will be put to vote

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    Are we the only state featuring a Bong?
    That's funny! Yes, probably.

    I voted for #1. At the office, I have heard more than a few crude jokes about the #3 design. I won't elaborate as you've probably heard them too.


  2. Default Re: State quarter will be put to vote

    'crude' lol... tee hee.. I had to go back and look at it .. but I think I get your drift. I'm sticking with Number 1 ..
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. Default Re: State quarter will be put to vote

    Anyone else voting? Which one did you pick if so?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #54
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: State quarter will be put to vote

    Number 1! Love the pioneer woman, peace pipe, and outline of our state. Unfortunately, I feel Texas is more the oil state anymore.

  5. Default Re: State quarter will be put to vote

    number four. it is the best looking.

  6. Default Re: State quarter will be put to vote

    The reason I didn't choose 4 was because it looks like the oil is ready to drop on the kid's head.. I much prefer the woman being skewered by the pipe look.. it's a hard call.. but I'm sticking with 1
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  7. Default Re: State quarter will be put to vote

    I don't like the spikey Oklahoma on #1.

  8. Default Re: State quarter will be put to vote

    I'm still reeling about the fact that Nevada's design wasn't a "Hookers and Blow" theme. I mean really....HORSES? Who thinks of horses when they think of Nevada? Mustang Ranch maybe.

    As for ours, I'm still feeling a bit...Meh...After seeing these. We should just tell the mint we want it left blank.

    Then say "naw, just kiddin', put Jim Thorpe and the Pioneer woman on it."

  9. #59
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: State Quarter Design Decided

    Looks like the final choice is the design with the scizzor tailed fly catcher. I'm not enthused.

    Scissor-tailed flycatcher chosen for state's commemorative quarter design

    By Michael McNutt
    Capitol Bureau

    The state's bird and wildflower will be on Oklahoma's commemorative quarter, the governor's office announced today.

    Voters preferred by about a 2-1 margin the scissor-tailed flycatcher flying over some Indian blanket, or Gaillardia pulchella, the governor's office said. Four other designs up for consideration each featured a representation of the Pioneer Woman statue in Ponca City. Some Oklahomans were upset that sketches from the U.S. Mint omitted a Bible in the woman's right hand.
    That now is a moot point.
    More than 148,000 votes were cast — mostly online — in selecting the design for the quarter, part of a special series launched by the U.S. Mint in 1999. More than half, or nearly 77,000, voted for the state bird design. "Oklahomans have spoken, and the results are clear,” Gov. Brad Henry said in a statement.

  10. Default Re: State Quarter Design Decided

    What is the matter with people?

  11. Default Re: State Quarter Design Decided

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    What is the matter with people?
    Lamest of the bunch, imo. Oh well.


  12. #62

    Default Re: State Quarter Design Decided

    Are they serious? They would rather have weeds represent our state because she lost her Bible? And yet it's okay to take the Bible out of classes, buildings, the workplace and everywhere in public in Oklahoma but forget a quarter if it doesn't have the Bible. I'm so confused to the thought process in this state.

  13. Default Re: State Quarter Design Decided

    That's original--a bird.


    Anyone remember the survey recently that showed that Oklahoma doesn't really have a bad image anymore--just no image?

    This will really help that, huh?

  14. Default Re: State Quarter Design Decided

    It's so tiny--how can you even tell if there's a Bible?

  15. #65
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: State Quarter Design Decided

    I would've liked to have seen how a 1 to 1 vote for pioneer women vs. scissor-tailed fly catcher would've turned out. I think all of the Pioneer woman votes were spread out across the other 4 designs.

  16. Default Re: State quarter will be put to vote

    Yeah probably all the pioneer woman choices cancelled each other out. It's like if it was

    Cate Blanchett, The Aviator
    Cate Blanchett, Notes on a Scandal
    Cate Blanchett, Elizabeth
    Courtney Love, Straight-To-DVD-Crap
    Cate Blanchett, The Lord of the Rings

    Courtney Love would probably win, especially if the Academy had a bias against Blanchett because she was seen on the French Riviera carrying a Bible.

  17. Default Re: State quarter design decided

    This has officially ruined my day.

    I'm moving to a state that has a better quarter..

    and a better vegetable.

    Heavy, heavy sigh...

    I can't even believe that we have a bird. A flycatching bird at that.. I can hear the jokes already.

    I'm in shock and denial.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  18. #68

    Default Re: State quarter design decided

    What's the official state beer? I need one of those.

  19. Default Re: State quarter design decided

    Veto it Henry!!

    You seem to be good at that.

  20. #70

    Default Re: State quarter design decided

    wow. weeds and a bird. The Grapes of Wrath must have been right about us...

  21. #71

    Default Re: State quarter design decided

    How can so many of us here have not voted for this design and it won 2-1? I don't understand. The people on OKCTALK must have much better taste than everyone else in the state.

  22. Default Re: State quarter design decided

    I talked to some people about it and they agreed that the bird flying over the fields was lame and NOT Oklahoma.

  23. #73

    Default Re: State quarter will be put to vote

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Yeah probably all the pioneer woman choices cancelled each other out. It's like if it was

    Cate Blanchett, The Aviator
    Cate Blanchett, Notes on a Scandal
    Cate Blanchett, Elizabeth
    Courtney Love, Straight-To-DVD-Crap
    Cate Blanchett, The Lord of the Rings

    Courtney Love would probably win, especially if the Academy had a bias against Blanchett because she was seen on the French Riviera carrying a Bible.
    Post of the day, JBrown! Thanks :clappinghands:

  24. Default Re: State quarter design decided

    Why, thank you.

  25. #75

    Default Re: State quarter design decided

    Good! That was the best design of the lot.

    The others were all too 'Ponca-centric'.

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