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Thread: Kwerstion for fellow Moore-on's

  1. #1

    Default Kwerstion for fellow Moore-on's

    Anyone know what is going in at the strip center facing I-35 just south of 12th street (West side)...Was the old Phillips 66 out in front of Harry Bears and Subway

    Monumental question I know, but it's been annoying me since I drive by every single day

  2. Default Re: Kwerstion for fellow Moore-on's

    I hear one of the things is an At The Beach. I'll ask my bro in law who works at Ace, he knows all about it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Kwerstion for fellow Moore-on's

    That has been driving me crazy too...You would think there would be a sign or something...

  4. Default Re: Kwerstion for fellow Moore-on's

    I drove all around it yesterday and there's not one sign.

    Looks like they're setting it up for more than one business in there though. 3 doors, widely spaced across the back side of it.

    Slightly off-topic, but that parking lot needs some serious help. You guys know how hard it is to do donuts around that many potholes?

  5. Default Re: Kwerstion for fellow Moore-on's

    There's a tanning joint going in the northern end of that little place. The other "stalls" are signless as of Thursday morn.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Kwerstion for fellow Moore-on's


    Finally a tanning salon in Moore

    Thanks for nothing Oh Gawd!

  7. Default Re: Kwerstion for fellow Moore-on's

    I plan on opening 17 more by the end of the year.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Kwerstion for fellow Moore-on's

    There is a tanning salon on the corner of Eastern and Main right behind Rusty's frozen custard.

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