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Thread: OKSea

  1. #376

    Default Re: OKSea

    There space at OKSea will be quite small; a lot of the cooking / baking will be done at their larger facility that is soon to open at May & Grand.

  2. #377

    Default Re: OKSea

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    I'll have to admit her donuts are very good, I have usually one bought one or two at a time so i didn't give the price much thought. However for valentines I pre ordered a few dozen and it was $40 bucks. Is the rent in OkSea reasonably priced? I worry about people reaching a plateau with pricing a donut at $2 each, lets face it donut shops would go broke if everyone was only buying 1 or 2 donuts and not a dozen or 2 for the office or church or whatever. I wish her the best and hope she has huge success, but Im a bit worried.
    Is a "few" = 3? If so, your math is off - that's $1.11 per donut, which is entirely reasonable, especially if they're not the Sunlight/Daylight crap donuts that are pervasive...

  3. #378

    Default Re: OKSea

    I was in their May & Grand location today and was surprised it was so big. They will have a big work area / kitchen but there will be lots of seating as well.

    They are still a few weeks out but I have the feeling this is going to be very popular. They've been selling at the OSU Farmer's Market for a while as well as other pop-up locales and have a decent following. Their pastry chef, Shelby, is very highly regarded.

    I can tell you their donuts are different in texture but I really liked the ones I tried. This will be a pretty decent step up from other donut places and of course they will have a large variety of pastries, ice cream, sandwiches, bread and all types of other great things.

    I would post pictures but the place is a mess and I know they want to put their best foot forward as they've invested a lot of time and money in their branding and look. And it shows.

  4. #379

    Default Re: OKSea

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Is a "few" = 3? If so, your math is off - that's $1.11 per donut, which is entirely reasonable, especially if they're not the Sunlight/Daylight crap donuts that are pervasive...
    Woah woah woah.

    Nothing wrong with Daylight Donuts. It's probably a different style of donut.

  5. #380

    Default Re: OKSea

    ^^^ Daylight/Sunlight's completely average in my mind (along with 99% of the "DONUT" places in every 3rd or 4th strip mall you see), just sugar bombs without much depth or intricacy of taste, nothing like the Busy Bee Bakery in Downers Grove, or the Donut Stop in Amarillo, or what Spudnuts used to be here, et al...

  6. #381

    Default Re: OKSea


    I'll be very curious to see how you react to Belle Kitchen

    It's quite different

  7. #382

    Default Re: OKSea

    Off topic as for the main thread but dead on as of recently...Miller Donuts in Yukon is quite delicious!

  8. #383

    Default Re: OKSea

    Are they the "cake" donuts? Never been a fan of those. I no longer eat donuts, but if I would, I would go to Polar Donuts on Meridian.

  9. #384

    Default Re: OKSea

    Donut shop on 39th and rockwell were the best I've had in OKC so far.

  10. #385

    Default Re: OKSea

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Are they the "cake" donuts? Never been a fan of those. I no longer eat donuts, but if I would, I would go to Polar Donuts on Meridian.
    They are yeast raised donuts, they are very good.... But it's going to cost you.

  11. #386

    Default Re: OKSea

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Are they the "cake" donuts? Never been a fan of those. I no longer eat donuts, but if I would, I would go to Polar Donuts on Meridian.
    Is that the place with the "strong pimp hand" and "camel toe" shaped donuts?

  12. #387

    Default Re: OKSea

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    I'll be very curious to see how you react to Belle Kitchen

    It's quite different
    Just from the pictures, I know I'm going to be making regular trips there, much to the detriment of my body, lol...

    Oh, and on topic - was at OKSea Fri night, pretty cool, but the dog park was smaller than I thought it'd be (for some reason, I think of the one in Edmond on 33rd/Rankin St. as what a dog park should be - that thing's huge, so it's probably out of the norm for dog parks because of the circumstances of the land it's on).

  13. #388

    Default Re: OKSea

    Very few people living in Deep Deuce who would be walking over have large dogs.

    Many apartment and condo dwellers with smaller breeds.

  14. #389

    Default Re: OKSea

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    ^^^ Daylight/Sunlight's completely average in my mind (along with 99% of the "DONUT" places in every 3rd or 4th strip mall you see), just sugar bombs without much depth or intricacy of taste, nothing like the Busy Bee Bakery in Downers Grove, or the Donut Stop in Amarillo, or what Spudnuts used to be here, et al...
    I like those places the best honestly. I absolutely hate the craft/specialty donut stores. There are quite a few in Portland and they all suck, the worst of which is VooDoo donuts. They just taste like they try too hard to be special, missing out on just making a soft, chewy donut.

    In fact, I made it a point on Friday to stop at a mom/pop "DONUT" store in OKC in a strip mall on the southside. They are damn near impossible to find in Portland, and it was great to have one again.

  15. #390

    Default Re: OKSea

  16. #391

    Default Re: OKSea

    Belle Kitchen DD opens Monday 08/29/2016.

  17. #392

    Default Re: OKSea

    Where did you see/hear that?

    Talked to the owner last night and she said they open tomorrow (Saturday) and will be open every day from 8AM to 6PM.

  18. #393

    Default Re: OKSea

    I know they did a "practice run" today and were giving away donuts this morning. Wish I could have gone by.

  19. #394

    Default Re: OKSea

    I saw on Instagram the official opening is Monday, but maybe they are lowkey/soft opening this weekend?

  20. #395

    Default Re: OKSea

    Lots of little details here, such as the sign for the dog park that mimics the containers:

  21. #396

    Default Re: OKSea

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1376.JPG 
Views:	129 
Size:	299.2 KB 
ID:	13367
    Saw that this popped up on the space next to Belle Kitchen.

  22. #397

    Default Re: OKSea

    What does that even say? Wheez the juice?

  23. Default Re: OKSea

    I took a photo of the door a few days ago and forgot about it. This one is during daylight and easier to read. Before they covered the windows a few weeks ago I saw them installing a bar on on the north side of the space.

  24. #399

    Default Re: OKSea

    Encino Man reference?

  25. Default Re: OKSea

    Vape shop?

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