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Thread: Where Can We Donate Bedding?

  1. #1

    Default Where Can We Donate Bedding?

    We bought a new queen size mattress and box spring set two years ago when we moved to our new house.. The only time they were used was a few days while we were waiting for our master bedroom furniture to be delivered. This week we bought a new platform bed that doesn't need the box springs. We'd like to donate it but we understand why most places (Goodwill, Habitat, etc) won't take it. Is there some place in the area where we might donate it? Thanks.

  2. Default Re: Where Can We Donate Bedding?

    Quote Originally Posted by cindycat View Post
    We bought a new queen size mattress and box spring set two years ago when we moved to our new house.. The only time they were used was a few days while we were waiting for our master bedroom furniture to be delivered. This week we bought a new platform bed that doesn't need the box springs. We'd like to donate it but we understand why most places (Goodwill, Habitat, etc) won't take it. Is there some place in the area where we might donate it? Thanks.
    We listed ours on Craigslist in the free section, met the "takers" at a nearby grocery store parking lot with the items and that was that. There are some folks who will gladly take or even buy used mattresses. It is worth a shot. Ours were spoken for in less than an hour after posting the ad on Craigslist.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Where Can We Donate Bedding?

    I've sent several aged but quite serviceable pieces of furniture and electronics on down the road via craigslist free section. Most was purchased used to begin with, and haggle over ever more used items just seems silly to me.
    Rare was any item still here even 8 hours later.

    Once put a christmas tree, still in stand out on curb with a free sign. Guy walking by said really? before I was anywhere close back to the door. Smiled as he walked down the street carrying his new to him christmas tree and stand. he was smiling even bigger.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Where Can We Donate Bedding?

    If you want to do a good deed, go to any of the senior housing apartments. Put up a sign in the office and know that there are lots of seniors on small fixed incomes that would love to have a decent set of bedding. I've helped out several. That is one items they cannot usually justify purchasing.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Where Can We Donate Bedding?

    Quote Originally Posted by cindycat View Post
    We bought a new queen size mattress and box spring set two years ago when we moved to our new house.. The only time they were used was a few days while we were waiting for our master bedroom furniture to be delivered. This week we bought a new platform bed that doesn't need the box springs. We'd like to donate it but we understand why most places (Goodwill, Habitat, etc) won't take it. Is there some place in the area where we might donate it? Thanks.
    Hope Chest is a non-profit organization that deals specifically in providing beds and mattresses to families in need. They take gently used ones. Give them a call at 204-9108 (Dena) or 623-7336 (April)


  6. #6

    Default Re: Where Can We Donate Bedding?

    I recommend going with a charity. But, I didn't see that when I listed mine on craigslist. It took less than 20 minutes before someone said they would come pick it up.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Where Can We Donate Bedding?

    I would try to give it to a single working mom or elderly person. They are the least likely to come in 20 min but most likely to really need it. Rather then giving it to someone who just wants good stuff for nothing. It may take a bit more effort but you have the satifsfaction of knowing you helped someone who really needs its and needs help getting it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Where Can We Donate Bedding?

    Quote Originally Posted by seaofchange View Post
    Hope Chest is a non-profit organization that deals specifically in providing beds and mattresses to families in need. They take gently used ones. Give them a call at 204-9108 (Dena) or 623-7336 (April)

    They came out and picked up the things today. Thank you for telling us about them.

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