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Thread: FlashBack RetroPub

  1. #401

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    If you want to play, you can join our team.

    There are only 3 of us and you can have up to 6.

    I'll post on this thread when they setup their next round.
    Is it not on a regular basis?

    Between Challenge Entertainment and Lost Ogle there are trivia options on almost a nightly basis. They both have different styles, but both are fun. I look forward to trying FlashBack.

  2. Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Not sure about the trivia at Flashback, but the Lost Ogle Trivia at Speakeasy hands out sheets. Each round you fill the sheets out with your answer and turn them in to be scored. No yelling the answers out, or you'll get dirty looks.

  3. #403

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    They do 8 week series followed by the championship round where all the previous winners compete.

    Just ended the last series and will be starting a new one soon.

  4. #404

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    They are opening their back patio Wednesday.

    Will be completely smoke/vape free.

  5. #405

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Totally Trivia - OKC Trivia Series kicks off Wednesday, August 24th at 7:30pm. Hosted by okctalk's own Pete... This will be a 6 week series with a Tournament of Champions after Week 6. Hope to see you loyal okctalk followers there.

  6. #406

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by JRod1980 View Post
    Totally Trivia - Oklahoma History Series kicks off Wednesday, August 24th at 7:30pm. Hosted by okctalk's own Pete... This will be a 6 week series with a Tournament of Champions after Week 6. Hope to see you loyal okctalk followers there.
    Im intrigued.. but wondering how well I'd do at Oklahoma Trivia..lol

  7. #407

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    Im intrigued.. but wondering how well I'd do at Oklahoma Trivia..lol
    Get studying! As a former Oklahoma History teacher, I'm rooting for this to be a huge success.

  8. #408

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    Im intrigued.. but wondering how well I'd do at Oklahoma Trivia..lol
    Come and find out!

    I'll be running this and OKCTalk is the sponsor!

    It will be more OKC focused but we'll include some state-wide questions as well. More details to follow.


    Potpourri (a bit of everything)
    Geography and Geo-sciences
    Nostalgia / History

    It's also (hopefully) an opportunity to learn more about your city and state.

  9. Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    I'll be there!

  10. #410

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Just so you know:

    5 rounds of 15 questions each
    Up to 6 people per team, but 2-person teams have done quite well in previous FlashBack trivia contests, do don't worry if you don't have a full team
    Hopefully, we'll be including a bunch of multi-media questions with images, video clips and sound.

    The idea is to make it challenging but not *too* hard. The goal is for every question that not every team gets it by not every team misses it either. Jose did a great job of finding that balance in the previous FB contests.

    OKCTalk readers will have an advantage simply because by your participation here, you learn a lot.

    But this will be for everyone and it will be fun and laid-back. I hope people will learn something as well.

  11. #411

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Awesome! Sounds fun.

  12. #412

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Also, hoping to integrate a lot of multi-media questions with photos, video and sound.

  13. #413

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    I will try and make it, although Wednesdays will be tough.

  14. #414

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    I am going to see if my Group can handle a Wed gig.. if so we will be there!

  15. Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    This is tonight, correct?

  16. #416

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub


    Was just about to post an update.

    We start at 7:30 tonight. Please come out even if you don't have a team. You can either play as a team of 1 or join others.

    Our categories (mostly OKC but some general OK stuff as well):

    Potpurri (misc. stuff)
    Nostalgia / History

    It will be challenging but hopefully not too much so. And hopefully you'll learn something, as I certainly did in researching a bunch of the questions.

    This is all very laid back and fun and you can even come and hang at the bar and/or play video games and just listen without having to formally play.

    Please come out!

  17. #417

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    I can't make it tonight but hope to make it another week

  18. #418

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by bradh View Post
    I can't make it tonight but hope to make it another week

    Always an excuse!

  19. #419

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

  20. #420

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    Always an excuse!
    better half has a commitment, but we are trying to make next week

  21. #421

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Last night was a lot of fun!

    We had 6 teams, which is a very good start. Usually, the number of teams build over the weeks...

    We have 5 more weeks -- every Wed at 7:30 -- and then the championship round.

    In writing the questions, I really struggled to find the right level of difficulty and after the results last night, I now know the questions were just too hard.

    The winning team only got 39 out of 75 questions correct and that number really should be in the 50's.

    Everyone really struggled with the History/Nostalgia category in particular.

    Hope to see more of you out there in the coming weeks!

  22. Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    Had planned on being there last night, but had to make a last minute trip to Stillwater. I have next week on the schedule!

  23. #423

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    If you're an expert on a topic, like Pete is on OKC, it can be really hard to write good questions. The questions you think are too obvious are not obvious at all. I often talk about this phenomenon with teacher candidates. The longer they teach, the further they are intellectually from their students. They have to be keen about students know and don't know. It's a skill...

  24. #424

    Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    I ran a bunch of the questions by different people to gauge the difficultly.

    Every team but one from last night was brand new to this and I know there are at least 3 teams that generally play -- and usually win -- at FlashBack that have yet to make an appearance.

    Playing 80's and 90's trivia the questions were *hard*. They are supposed to be challenging... If everyone gets the answer there is no point in asking it. Same way with everyone missing one, which rarely happens.

    Here is one the crowd whiffed on last night that really surprised me:

    Where did NFL Hall of Fame receiver Steve Largent go to high school?

  25. Default Re: FlashBack RetroPub

    PCO...that's a no-brainier. NOBODY go that?!

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