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Thread: Pump Bar

  1. #476

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    JR just reported that ABLE approved the bacon-infused vodka.

    Good grief, does OCPD have nothing better to worry about?

  2. #477

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    JR just reported that ABLE approved the bacon-infused vodka.

    Good grief, does OCPD have nothing better to worry about?
    Didnt they spend most of the maps 3 campaign complaining about being understaffed and under funded??? Maybe frivolous ventures like this are contributing to those problems.

  3. Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    JR just reported that ABLE approved the bacon-infused vodka.

    Good grief, does OCPD have nothing better to worry about?
    An interesting line in the police report reads.... "I received a complaint through the Chief's office concerning a business identified as The Pump..."

    Why exactly is the Chief's office taking this as a priority.... Was Chief Citty rebuffed while trying to score there one night?

  4. Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    That doesn't change the fact you can't pour the liquor out of a bottle and pour it back in. The breaks the letter of the law, and it breaks a very good law that protects consumers. Even if they didn't break the spirit of the law it's still a huge no no, those bottles are one way. I'm sure this will all get sorted out eventually but they should have known better.
    Where are you getting that The Pump poured liquor out of the bottle and poured it back in?

    Additionally, the consumers were in no danger as the law is there to protect them against fraud. No fraud is being alleged.

    You keep referring to the bottles being one way only. Again, where are you getting that there was a back and forth? Maybe I missed it.

  5. #480

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Where are you getting that The Pump poured liquor out of the bottle and poured it back in?

    Additionally, the consumers were in no danger as the law is there to protect them against fraud. No fraud is being alleged.

    You keep referring to the bottles being one way only. Again, where are you getting that there was a back and forth? Maybe I missed it.
    That was my question... If they were infusing bacon with the vodka in the vodka bottle without removing it, that technically wouldn't be breaking the law. How do we know they were actually refilling the bottles?

  6. #481

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    I was there last night for a few hours and that place is just a money-making machine.

    Every table inside and out was full, lots of people standing up...

    Had to have been a couple hundred people there, all drinking heavily.

  7. #482

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by PhiAlpha View Post
    That was my question... If they were infusing bacon with the vodka in the vodka bottle without removing it, that technically wouldn't be breaking the law. How do we know they were actually refilling the bottles?
    According to this article in the Oklahoman, you can't do that even if you never take the liquor out of the original bottle. It can only be done in a separate container.


    ABLE determined that infused drinks fall under the category of mixed drinks, allowing those with mixed beverage licenses to create them.

    Licensees are only allowed to
    prepare and sell these drinks when they pour alcoholic drinks from their original bottles into separate containers to infuse with other food products. The drinks also must be served from those separate containers after infusion, not from their original tax-paid alcoholic beverage containers.

  8. #483

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Do they have any night that, for them, would be a slow(er) night.
    I've yet to go in because it's always seemed rather full when I have been in the area.

    My hermit qualities are not absolute, but my aversion to crowds remains fairly strong.

  9. Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    According to this article in the Oklahoman, you can't do that even if you never take the liquor out of the original bottle. It can only be done in a separate container.

    That appears to be the new and 'improved' interpretation/clarification of the law. At the time of the arrest that language was not in the law - at least not according to the law as detailed/quoted in the original police report - I haven't research any further than the arresting documents.

    I do think most establishments understand that was how the law should be interpreted.

    None of which explains why Chief Citty's office had a specific interest in nailing this business and why a Vice Lt. was there undercover simply looking for anything to ticket or make an arrest on.

    This quote in the Oklahoman's article does not match the original police report... "The bar had been infusing drinks with other foods and pouring them back into the original containers to dispense to customers, according to Oklahoma City police Master Sgt. Gary Knight."

    The original report reads... "...The liquor, in this case vodka, was NEVER REMOVED from the original manufacturers bottle. The infused items, in this case various food items, were placed in the original bottles."

  10. #485

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Doesn't infusing flavors take a while for the flavors to marry, blend, etc.?

    And if so, is the next tussle going to be over what time frame constitutes infusing alcohol for immediate consumption?

  11. Default Re: Pump Bar

    This has become a bit of a silly argument; BOTH ways would be "illegal" under a strict interpretation of the law, which ALSO says that liquor must remain in its original container until poured into a drink.

    The Pump was NOT pouring out and then pouring back in. They were just jamming the infusion ingredients into original, clearly-marked liquor bottles. They were doing this because they believed that this was closer to the intent of the law; that liquor remain in its original bottle until poured into a drink.

    Based on photos that they posted online, they are now doing it the way that other places such as S&B are doing, that is pouring into an unmarked large container. It appears that this is the method ABLE prefers, which is fine. But that method certainly also goes against certain antiquated laws itself, and technically would be much more likely to facilitate "label switching," dilution, etc.. Whatever. The intent of ABLE on this matter is now clear, and that's a good thing which provides a way forward.

    But suggesting the way The Pump was doing it was somehow more illegal than other methods is silly if you take a strict interpretation of the law being invoked. They were actually TRYING to be MORE conscientious and law-abiding than other places on this topic, and the fact that they were singled out in this matter is troubling, especially when tied to comments made suggesting it was connected to the noise complaints. And the fact that a manager SPENT TIME IN JAIL over it is CRAZY.

  12. Default Re: Pump Bar

    ^^^^^^^ This.

    I agree completely.

    I also think Lt. Kimberly crossed the line when he arrested the bar manager on a complaint that is obviously open to interpretation. IMO he should have ticketed them and allowed them to address this in court - and not be subjected to 3 days in jail. Or, simply made a report and then let the city or state decide if they want to pursue it.

    Like I've said before, this is typical behavior of 'super cop' Lt. Kimberlin.

  13. Default Re: Pump Bar

    Here is my question, considering the noise complaints have apparently been proven time and again to be without merit after metering has been done: isn't there a point when a citizen can be cited for frivolous complaints?

    On the surface - including based on comments reportedly made by the officer - it seems like since they couldn't ever confirm that the bar was indeed violating noise ordinance that they decided to look for other ways to coerce the bar into doing what neighbors wanted. In other words, "until we stop getting complaints from neighbors we're going to ring you up aggressively for any ticky-tack stuff we can find..." (imagined quote, not real)

    I understand that the police must be frustrated over being called time and again over the same complaint about the same bar. I get that. But isn't there a point where they should tell the complaining party "look, they aren't violating the law. Just because you don't LIKE an activity doesn't mean that it is illegal. And tying up 911 and police resources by making us respond to frivolous complaints has to stop, or we are going to start citing YOU for turning in false reports to the police."

    The big problem for me is how this all seems to center around noise complaints, which themselves - according to investigation - seem to have no merit.

  14. #489

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    ^^^^^^^ This.

    I agree completely.

    I also think Lt. Kimberly crossed the line when he arrested the bar manager on a complaint that is obviously open to interpretation. IMO he should have ticketed them and allowed them to address this in court - and not be subjected to 3 days in jail. Or, simply made a report and then let the city or state decide if they want to pursue it.

    Like I've said before, this is typical behavior of 'super cop' Lt. Kimberlin.
    Jail for 3 days?! I think the perv that has been following women in the area recently and been arrested twice for various violations spent less time in jail than this. How is this possible?

  15. #490

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    The perv probably wasn't being reported by the 'right' sort of people.

  16. #491

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    It all wreaks of conspiracy. I live near the pump and if I want to the hear the karaoke I can, if I don't I can't. I agree with Brian, Lt. Super Cop is doing something strange here, possibly at the bidding of Chief Citty. The real question is how far they're willing to take it. This is an embarrassment for the OCPD. is the city attorney going to take it any further? The Pump is obviously taking the case to the end of the road. How much more time/tax dollars are they going to spend? The law, which is a state law, not a municipal, surely doesn't exist for people putting bacon strips in, or even the original product back in. This is not the "big no no." The big no no is to pull a switch on the product and swindle the consumer to buy $3 vodka out of a belvadere bottle. In my time bartending we re-used bottles for all kind of things, lime juice, olive juice, etc.

    Also I agree with above poster and wonder who's supposed to be in charge of consumer protection with regards to health and safety. The "big ole bucket of crap mixed with vodka" is bunk. What exactly am I buying?

  17. #492

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Awesome art in progress at Pump... I wonder if this will lead to people starting to call 23rd Uptown. I know that's been around, but I hardly ever hear anyone use that term. RE https://twitter.com/astoldbyokc/stat...79228106481664

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Pump.jpg 
Views:	202 
Size:	277.3 KB 
ID:	12858

  18. #493

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    Awesome art in progress at Pump... I wonder if this will lead to people starting to call 23rd Uptown. I know that's been around, but I hardly ever hear anyone use that term. RE https://twitter.com/astoldbyokc/stat...79228106481664

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Pump.jpg 
Views:	202 
Size:	277.3 KB 
ID:	12858
    My friend sent me that pic and said "we have an Uptown now?". Certainly won't hurt.

  19. Default Re: Pump Bar

    I love the current trend of public art/murals everywhere.

  20. #495

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Ian posted that they unknowingly did the mural without a permit. Hopefully they're able to work things out.

  21. #496

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Was just by there and it looks super cool.

  22. Default Re: Pump Bar

    Yeah, saw it last night and agree. It is a pretty profound difference for already-cool space.

  23. #498

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by sooner88 View Post
    Ian posted that they unknowingly did the mural without a permit. Hopefully they're able to work things out.
    We considered a mural on the side of our building and the process for permission looks to be very subjective and burdensome that we decided against it.

  24. #499

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by sooner88 View Post
    Ian posted that they unknowingly did the mural without a permit. Hopefully they're able to work things out.
    "It’s better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission."

  25. #500

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by Andon View Post
    "It’s better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission."
    Unfortunately plenty of owners and developers stick to that rule of thumb in this city. It really needs to come to an end.

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